GPSNR is conducting a 30 day public consultation from 4 March 2025 to 4 April 2025 on the following mandatory aspects of its assurance system:

Resolution Document


Feedback file 

Assurance System Documents 

Resolution EGA3.a Assurance System Documents.docx

Public Consultation on GPSNR Assurance System Documents Resolution.xlsx

Assurance System Disclosure Schedule 

Resolution EGA3.b Assurance System Disclosure Schedule.docx

Public Consultation on GPSNR Assurance System Disclosure Schedule Resolution.xlsx

Input from GPSNR’s February 2025 meetings, intra-category discussions, and the Assurance System Task Force has been incorporated into the documents.

After 4 April 2025, the GPSNR Secretariat will review and incorporate the comments from this public consultation. Once agreed upon, the Assurance System Task Force (ASTF) and GPSNR Executive Committee will then call an Extraordinary General Assembly to put the documents forward for a vote. 

Any feedback on the documents should be added to this file and this file by 4 April 2025.

View the Assurance System Documents here (Key documents in Resolution Annexes)

View the Assurance System Disclosure schedule here (Key documents in Resolution Annexes) 

Add your feedback here by 4th April 2025 (Assurance System Documents)

Add your feedback here by 4th April 2025 (Assurance System Disclosure Schedule)

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GPSNR Statement of Support for Gender Equality

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) recognizes the valuable contributions women make to the natural rubber industry and affirms its commitment to fostering an inclusive and sustainable sector. We believe that all individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from the sector.

As part of this commitment, GPSNR has prioritized gender inclusivity in its capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that women benefit from our projects. To date, 43.49% of the 14,000 smallholders who benefitted through GPSNR’s initiatives are women. We will continue to integrate and prioritize gender inclusivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in relevant sustainability initiatives, ensuring that women have equal representation and access to opportunities. These efforts will help create an environment where all participants can contribute to and benefit from the growth of the sector.

GPSNR is committed to advancing social sustainability alongside environmental goals, recognizing that the well-being of all stakeholders is essential for long-term success in the rubber industry. By supporting gender inclusivity, GPSNR seeks to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future for the entire natural rubber value chain.

View the statement in other languages here

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From Scrubs to Sustainability


As I stood in the rubber processing factory of Halcyon Agri, the burnt smell of rubber and the deafening thumping of the machines assuaging my senses, I couldn’t help but reflect on the remarkable turn my life had taken in the past two years. 


In 2023, I traded my scrubs, the fast-paced emergency cases and the quintessential chaos of veterinary clinics to join the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) as a Communications and Membership Outreach Associate. As the smell, heat, and sheer scale of operations of Halcyon’s processing plant continued to burn an imprint on my mind, it made me realise the transition to GPSNR has been grounding me in a reality far removed from any veterinary clinic.


A worker performs quality control, carefully removing foreign pieces from compacted rubber before it gets packaged

In the veterinary field, where precision and care are everything, from diagnosing a complex case or suturing a wound, every action demands meticulousness. At the plant, while the scale and context were vastly different, the underlying principle remained unchanged. Every stage of rubber processing, from chopping the raw material into finer pieces to washing, drying, and packaging, played a critical role in meeting the exacting standards of tyre manufacturers. 


As I observed the Halcyon team navigating the plant with practised ease, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between my two worlds. Just as a misstep in surgery could mean life or death, inefficiencies in the supply chain could have far-reaching consequences for sustainability and livelihoods.


The factory floor reminded me that the path to sustainability is not linear. It’s a series of interconnected actions, each requiring deliberate effort and foresight. From supporting smallholder farmers to refining processing methods, every step in the rubber supply chain offers an opportunity to make an impact.


Water treatment facility located in Halcyon Agri


This interconnectedness is also reflected in how Halcyon manages its most essential resource: water. Any water used to wash the rubber is filtered, treated, and reused, creating a closed-loop system that minimises waste. This approach exemplifies the idea that sustainability is not about isolated actions but about fostering a system where resources flow and regenerate, much like nature itself. It’s a reminder that every step, no matter how small, contributes to a larger ecosystem of care and responsibility.


Chopped rubber before drying

This experience reinforced an essential truth for me: no matter the industry, meaningful change requires collaboration, innovation, and a willingness to learn. It also reminded me that stepping out of my comfort zone was not just a career move but a personal growth journey.


The journey from scrubs to sustainability has been anything but straightforward, yet it’s filled with lessons that resonate deeply. Whether it’s the precision of factory operations or the broader mission of creating a sustainable future, the experience at Halcyon’s processing plant reminded me why I chose this path.


The smell of processed rubber may fade from my memory, but the lessons learned here will stay with me. Sustainability, much like veterinary care, is about ensuring a thriving future, one step at a time.


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GPSNR Working Groups Update: October 2024

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group:

The Project Management Subgroup has officially commenced its activities with a kick-off meeting and two preparatory sessions, setting the groundwork for project evaluations. The GPSNR Capacity Building website has been updated with data from projects up to Quarter 3 of 2024, providing members with the latest insights. This month, 10 Cambodian members were approved, with an onboarding call scheduled to welcome them, and the Smallholder pre-GA webinar took place on 18 November 2024 to support engagement ahead of the General Assembly.

The Secretariat continues to support registered smallholders in the lead-up to the General Assembly, with 9 Ivorian, 5 Thai, and 2 Indonesian smallholders currently awaiting membership approval. Ongoing capacity-building projects are being actively monitored and managed, including Phase 3 of the Indonesia GAP Project, where Koltiva is revising its training materials for smallholders based on valuable feedback received.


Shared Responsibility Working Group:

To further the work on the Shared Investment Mechanism, the Project Management subgroup has approved the Project Evaluation Criteria document and will start to evaluate projects to ensure conformance with GPSNR’s requirements for capacity building projects. The subgroup will continue to review project proposals and aims to have all proposals reviewed by mid-February.

On Value Transfer related tasks, the Executive Committee’s value transfer task force met for a first meeting to discuss the next steps, agreeing that the mechanism should reward smallholders who have already put sustainable practices in place. Value transfer task force is developing a series of simple indicators that can showcase improved smallholder performance, and ways that smallholders can support this with evidence. Further discussions will continue in December. 

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Natural Rubber Supply Chain urges European Parliament not to amend essence of EUDR


Natural Rubber Supply Chain urges European Parliament not to amend essence of EUDR 


Singapore, 13 November 2024: As Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) convene to vote on 14th November on the proposed amendments to the EUDR, the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) urges them to provide legal certainty around the implementation timeline and not re-open the regulatory text.

Along with the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers Association, GPSNR has written to the European Parliament earlier this month to ask MEPs to use the proposal for amendments solely to create certainty about the timeline and not change the substance of the regulation. 

GPSNR members represent almost 60% of the global NR demand and include OEMs, manufacturers of rubber products, producers and traders of natural rubber, smallholder farmers, and civil society. All these stakeholders have worked tirelessly and swiftly to comply with the regulation, whose original date of implementation is weeks away. 

Notwithstanding this, GPSNR believes MEPs have a key role in ensuring the European Commission uses the proposed additional 12 months for implementation to resolve the remaining issues, particularly the functioning of the information system and the necessary secondary legislation, including on the benchmarking system as well as completing the planned review of the relevant products in Annex I by June 2025. 

The natural rubber industry strongly supports the vision of the EUDR and GPSNR members have been working on committing to and implementing strong environmental and human rights related principles in their operations for a long time. These efforts need the support of a fair and transparent regulatory environment that can help the industry move further ahead on their efforts on deforestation and human rights. 



About GPSNR: 

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. More on


For more information, please contact:

Bani Bains

Communications Director


Ph: +65 97268165



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GPSNR Working Groups Update: October 2024

Assurance Model Task Force: The Executive Committee (EC) has reviewed the Assurance Model documents and approved them to be submitted to the General Assembly for a vote. The EC has also identified several topics that will require further discussion and finalisation next year. These include minimum requirements, the mechanism for third-party oversight of assessor accreditation, the format and content of assessment result disclosures, the process for assigning third-party assessors, claims, refinements to the classification system for major non-conformities, and a risk-based approach to assessment scheduling. These topics will be presented for a vote at the 2025 General Assembly. For further context, here is the link to the compilation of feedback on the Assurance Model documents received since June, along with responses and changes made based on these comments:

Additionally, the EC has agreed that the first three years of assessments (2027-2029) will be conducted annually, with mandatory public disclosure of a category-level summary of the assessments, while company-level disclosure will be optional for those being assessed.


Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: 18 members from Ghana were approved this month, with an onboarding call held on 10 October 2024. Additionally, the EC Election Campaign call for smallholders took place on 29 October 2024.

Koltiva submitted the final report for the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project (Phase 2) and delivered a final presentation on 17 October 2024. The third phase of the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project is now underway and is currently in the preparation stage. For the Thailand GAP Coaching Project, Koltiva presented the first full-year project results on 22 October 2024. Meanwhile, RAFs completed training for 1,000 farmers ahead of schedule in the Thailand Agroforestry Project. Furthermore, a curated content list and promotional poster for Rubber Wiki have been created to engage smallholders through the Knowledge Sharing Platform.

Looking ahead, a Pre-GA Webinar for smallholders is scheduled for 18 November 2024, and 10 new Cambodian smallholders have applied for membership and are awaiting approval.

For Capacity Building Projects, SCB WG members are requested to review and provide feedback on the final report for the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project (Phase 2) by 28 October 2024. Koltiva will also submit agricultural calendars and training materials for the third phase of this project for SCB WG review by the same date. For the Thailand GAP Coaching Project, Koltiva is revising the full-year review report based on feedback from SCB WG members. Additionally, the Project Management Subgroup will hold its kick-off meeting on 23 October 2024.


Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Panel (SIP) has officially been established following approval from the GPSNR Executive Committee.

The Secretariat is continuing to support the implementation of the Shared Investment Mechanism, with the Project Management Subgroup currently reviewing the proposals received. The SIP will select its co-chairs and plans to hold its kick-off meeting early next month.

Regarding the Value Transfer mechanism, the Executive Committee will form a task force with one representative from each ordinary member category. This task force will work on the next steps to finalise a revised proposal, with the aim to present it at the in-person meeting in February 2025.

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: September 2024

Assurance Model Task Force: As we approach the General Assembly in 2024 where the Assurance Model will be put up for voting, the taskforce is meeting regularly to discuss comments and incorporate comments from the second public consultation which is currently ongoing. This consultation focusses on feedback on Assessment Checklist, Assurance Protocol and Remediation Protocol, and will be accepting comments till 27 September 2024.  You can access the documents here and provide feedback here


Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: To operationalise projects with the funds collected from the Shared Investment Mechanism, the working group is setting up a project management subgroup to help in reviewing and monitoring projects under the SIM. The TOR is available here, and interested members should email by 11 October 2024. 

Additionally, Smallholders from all GPSNR member countries have nominated representatives for two positions following internal discussions within their countries: the Shared Investment Panel and the Project Management Subgroup. The final international voting is anticipated to conclude by the end of September 2024.


Shared Responsibility Working Group: The nominations for voting seats for the Shared Investment Panel are now open. Five voting seats will be allocated to manufacturers, while four voting seats will be reserved for non-manufacturers. To ensure equitable representation, each eligible member category will nominate one member to take up a voting seat.  All GPSNR member categories are currenting discussing this internally and will choose a nominee by October 2024. Please reach out to your EC representative for more details if you are not already in the discussions. 

Please note that nominees should ideally not submit capacity-building proposals this year, as they would need to recuse themselves from voting. If a category is unable to reach an agreement on a nominee, all seats will be opened for self-nominations from any member, regardless of category. In this case, the Executive Committee will vote to decide the final allocation of seats, which may result in multiple seats being held by members of the same category. 

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Legality Studies for Thailand and Indonesia

GPSNR has completed a pair of legality studies that describe the relevant laws and regulations of Thailand and Indonesia that are relevant to smallholder rubber farmers. This work was produced by the European Forest Institute (EFI) with the financial support of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR). These documents were produced in close collaboration with local legal and rubber industry experts contracted by EFI. 

The legality matrix in these studies considers the applicable legislation for smallholders and also outlines typical compliance issues related to land and land-use rights, environmental protection, third parties’ rights, labor rights, human rights, and child labor. In addition, the documents also highlight the key obligations that farmers need to fulfill to ensure compliance with all relevant laws.

If you are a GPSNR member, you can access these by logging on the Members Portal here

If you are not a member and would like to access the studies, please write to us at


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GPSNR Working Groups Update: August 2024

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: Hubert has completed his updates to the Assurance Model documents, which are now being consulted with the membership through the Assurance Model Task Force. Members should provide written feedback through the feedback form, and those who wish to be more actively involved in finalising these documents are encouraged to write to the Secretariat to join the Task Force. Additionally, a webinar will be conducted to share these updates and initiate further feedback from the membership. To register for the webinar, click here.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The following projects have been endorsed by SCB WG members: the Indonesia GAP Coaching (Phase 1) by Koltiva, and the Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry Project by Dr. Eric (CIRAD) and Dr. Maria. Continued oversight of ongoing projects, including the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project (Phase 2), is being maintained. Koltiva has submitted a mid-term report, with SCB WG members requested to review and provide feedback by 26 August 2024.

Goodyear has expressed interest in extending the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project into Phase 3, with Koltiva’s proposal currently under review by the funder and the Secretariat planning to circulate it to SCB WG members for review once finalised. The Knowledge Sharing Platform is on track, with Koltiva scheduled to deliver the outcomes by 20 August 2024 and a presentation to the SCB WG on 22 August 2024. The Thailand Agroforestry Project is proceeding smoothly, with the contract for an additional project to develop a local marketing system being finalised with RAFS. Additionally, the resolution on the Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) was approved during the EGA in July 2024, and the Secretariat is facilitating the creation of a Project Management Sub-group within the SCB WG, which will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring projects under the SIM. The Terms of Reference (TORs) for this sub-group have been drafted and are pending approval from the GPSNR Executive Committee.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Mechanism has been approved by the General Assembly following the July Extraordinary General Assembly vote. The Secretariat will work on establishing the Shared Investment Mechanism and operationalising all aspects of the Shared Investment Framework. Additionally, the Secretariat will continue to develop the value transfer initiative through discussions with members.

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