In this section, you will find GPSNR documents related to governance, policy and membership requirements.

Document number: GPSNR-POL-B01-003
Endorsed by the 2nd GPSNR General Assembly (23.09.2020)

The Desired State is a living document and the Platform will update the Desired State as appropriate given the expectation that the natural rubber industry and the world around it will continue to change.

Endorsed by the 4th GPSNR General Assembly (13.07.2022)
This implementation guidance is designed for industrial producers and processors, manufacturers (including tiremakers), and end users. It is structured in line with the Policy Framework. Implementation guidance for smallholder producers will be developed in the future. As the GPSNR membership currently does not have any members that are dealers, at present no specific guidance has been developed for these supply chain actors.

Document number: GPSNR-FR-B01-005