A global collaboration making natural rubber sustainable

How It Works

Commitment and Reporting

Implementation and Progress Sharing

Third Party Assessment

Closing Remedial Gaps

Making Verifiable Claims


Companies contribute annually to a fund based on their NR consumption

Companies also make in-kind contributions

Industry-wide fund benefitting an entire supply chain

Leading to

  • Building farmer capacity and resilience
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of projects on the ground
  • Further research and scaling successful projects for continuous improvement

Equity and sustainability and interwoven in GPSNR’s mission, and the impact of our capacity building is a testament to this. 

Key Milestones

  • All
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024


GPSNR members finalised an assurance model that gives them a stage based process to commit to, implement and verify sustainability practices in their operations. You can read more about this here.


Members approved a Shared Investment Framework which includes details on how companies will make annual financial and in-kind contributions to long term capacity building for natural rubber smallholders.


The GPSNR General Assembly approves the Shared Responsibility framework for the platform. This approach brings the entire industry closer to addressing inequity in a systemic, long-term approach, with well-defined goals and milestones.


GPSNR launched its quarterly podcast series ‘The Rubber Road’, with each episode focussing on a timely issue that the industry is grappling with.


The platform welcomed VF Corporation in its fold as GPSNR’s first member outside the automobile industry.


By the end of the year, five capacity building projects in Indonesia, Thailand and Cote d Ivoire coached almost 7500 smallholders on disease fighting, agroforestry and good agricultural practices.


In the 2023 General Assembly voted on a timeline to finalise the much awaited GPSNR Assurance Model along with pilot testing.


The assurance model task force and shared responsibility working group came together in Singapore to further the work of the structure of the GPSNR assurance model and the three pillars of the shared responsibility framework.


GPSNR Platform Director Stefano Savi presented the Shared Responsibility Framework on behalf of the entire industry at COP 27 at the UK Pavilion.


Natural rubber is included in the EU Deforestation regulation, and GPSNR continues to engage with relevant stakeholders within the EU and the industry to support the implementation of the regulation in a way that does not adversely affect smallholders and other downstream actors.


A review of Transparency & Traceability Tools and Solutions is published here & a study on Spatial Data & Mapping Tools for Detecting Deforestation and Threats to HCVS Areas in Rubber Production Landscapes is published here. These were commissioned by the T&T working group.


GPSNR welcomed 22 smallholders as members from Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Côte d’Ivoire.


The GPSNR model of work was finalised. This included a revolving executive committee voted in every year and working groups that reported progress to the executive committee.


GPSNR is launched after many multi stakeholder workshops as an industry wide platform with membership from civil society, tire makers, producers, processors and traders and other end users.


The Policy Toolbox Working Group has selected a combined consultant team of Proforest and Are We There Yet to lead the development of the Implementation Guidance for GPSNR.


The Strategy and Objectives Working Group finalised the TOR for an Equity Sub Working group to work on developing a shared definition of equity and  assessing the current level of equity (or lack thereof) across the natural rubber supply chain, with the help of studies on Living Wage and Living Income, which will then inform recommendations on what can be done to promote equity along the supply chain.


The first GPSNR General Assembly is held, finalising the Code of Conduct and Membership Statutes. Everyone who joined before GA 2019 was then considered a founding member.


The Strategy and Objectives Working Group finalises the Desired State document which defines the ideal outcomes and conditions that we aim to create in the natural rubber value chain.


The Capacity Building working group established several regional sub-Working Groups, each of which will be responsible for developing country-specific capacity building objectives.


The Smallholders Representation Working Group (SWG) was created and assigned to coordinate actions to identify and secure adequate smallholder representation within GPSNR.

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Step 2: Implementation and Progress Sharing

Step 3: Third Party Assessment

Step 4: Closing Remedial Gaps

Step 1: Commitment and Reporting