PRESS RELEASE: Natural Rubber players adopt policies committed to healthy ecosystems and human rights

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Singapore, 24 September 2021: Apollo Tyres, Bridgestone, Continental Tires, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Hankook Tire & Technology, Kumho Tires, Michelin, Nokian Tyres, Pirelli, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, the Toyo Tire Group and the Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd. are the first companies to have adopted natural rubber policies that are fully aligned with the policy framework of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR). 

As members of GPSNR, their policies include eight major components: commitment to legal compliance, healthy functioning ecosystems, respecting human rights, community livelihoods, increased production efficiency, supply chain assessment and traceability, monitoring & reporting and driving effective implementation of all these components. According to Sooil Lee, President and CEO of Hankook Tire & Technology, ‘’Together with our supply chain partners, these commitments will help improve the quality of life of the natural rubber cultivators, upgrade quality of natural rubber and minimize environmental impact.’’ 

For Michelin’s Natural Rubber Sustainability Manager Edouard De-Rostolan, ‘’the alignment of commitments among GPSNR members, particularly with regard to the risk-based approach and the continuous improvement model, is a key driver for the platform to fulfill its primary mission, which is to create impacts on the ground in order to enhance the sustainability of the industry as a whole.’’ Pirelli’s Natural Rubber Procurement and Sustainability Manager Ulrich Antoni shared the sentiment, ‘’It’s great to see that more and more GPSNR members have aligned their policies to the GPSNR Policy framework. With the coordinated and concerted effort of GPSNR and all members, the natural rubber industry is directing individual and joint actions towards our shared goals for a sustainable natural rubber future. Pirelli will continue to take a proactive role in the platform and cascade good practices throughout the supply chain, with the ultimate goal of having an impact at the farming level too.’’

The commitment from these tire makers and their active participation within GPSNR reflects on their intent towards implementation.  ‘’In cooperation with the GPSNR Secretariat and stakeholders, we will sincerely implement these policies through our business activities,’’ says Toyo Tires’ Mitch Tamaki. 

To make sure that companies have adequate support to implement these commitments, GPSNR is working on an implementation guidance document and baseline reporting requirements. These will help translate this commitment into implementation. 

‘’All GPSNR members are required to align with the policy framework, and it is heartening to see companies follow through with the process. We are expecting many others to follow suit in the next few weeks.’’ says GPSNR Platform Director Stefano Savi. ‘’The policies serve as a foundation for a structural transformation not just for one company or rubber plantation, but the industry as a whole.’’

The GPSNR policy framework and published policies of  Continental Tires, Hankook Tire & Technology, Michelin, Nokian Tyres, Pirelli, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, the Toyo Tire Group and Yokohama Rubber can be found here. The rest of the policies will be published shortly. 


About GPSNR:  

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. GPSNR member companies account for almost 50 per cent of the global natural rubber volume.  

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For more information, please contact: 

Bani Bains 

Communications Manager 


Ph: +65 97268165

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: November 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: Following the approval of the Assurance Model resolution (5b), the Assurance Model Task Force is working with ASI in developing the Assurance Model including aligning with current normative documents, engaging members for consultation, and pilot testing.

In parallel, the Risk Subgroup hosted a webinar focused on traceability and shared findings from their traceability pilot projects. 

The Risk subgroup has decided to temporarily pause its activities until December, allowing time for ASI to complete the Assurance Model alignment. ASI has commenced its task of aligning key GPSNR documents. These documents aim to lay a solid foundation for the complete Assurance Model. Upon the completion of this alignment process, the fully drafted Assurance Model will be presented to the members for consideration and approval.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The Indonesian subgroup presented their quarterly reports for two GAP Coaching projects and one Disease Fighting project on October 27, 2023. In addition, GPSNR secured a joint collaboration letter with RAOT and invited all member companies to participate in the Thailand GAP coaching project in Bueng Kan and Chiang Rai provinces. The Thailand agroforestry project also received additional funding for further sub-projects.

The Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) task force conducted a pilot user acceptance test and initiated socialisation sessions and training for smallholder farmers in Indonesia. They also announced a Request for Proposal (RFP) for KSP’s third phase, focusing on content development, with submissions due by November 24, 2023.

Rubber agroforestry workshops were held in Côte d’Ivoire from October 25-27, 2023, and information on capacity-building projects open for funding was shared with all members. The SCB WG will continue to oversee all ongoing projects, with efforts to plan logistics for smallholder representatives attending events in Thailand and France. The Thailand agroforestry subgroup is working on a supplemental agreement for additional projects.

Members interested in the Thailand GAP project in Chiang Rai and Bueng Kan are encouraged to contact for more information. The KSP task force plans to continue socialisation sessions and training in Indonesia and Thailand, aiming for the final user acceptance test by the end of November 2023. By the end of November, the task force will begin evaluating proposals for KSP’s third phase.

The Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry task force is preparing for its second Indonesian agroforestry workshop of 2023, scheduled for November 22-24. Additionally, a webinar is planned for November 30, 2023, to present findings from the HCSA-HCVN field trial.

Policy Toolbox Working Group: On November 22nd, WG1 met to discuss the  quantification of the RR, data aggregation methodologies, and updates relating to the RR in the context of the Assurance Model. During the meeting, operational timelines and survey to gather information were set up.

Currently, Agridence is developing the digital platform, and the Secretariat plans to provide updates on the RR to ensure the platform is operational before the 2024 reporting cycle.

WG1 is also working on revising the Code of Conduct to include non-conformance measures for failing to update the Reporting Requirements, in line with the non-conformance measures approved by the Executive Committee in 2022.

Lastly, following the approval of the revised reporting requirements, the WG will proceed to develop the disclosure requirements for the Year 3 reporting cycle.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Assurance Model will be meeting with ASI to provide feedback on the proposed Assurance Model under development. Additionally, the Working Group has an open co-chair seat and is calling for volunteers to fill this position.

GPSNR Working Groups Update: September 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group:
The Traceability Pilot Field Trials consortiums Agridence and Koltiva have presented the final reports, which have been distributed within the Risk Subgroup. 

The Risk Subgroup has extended an invitation to ASI to share the formula behind the Risk Assessment Framework. This ensures that the framework is malleable to fit the dynamics of the Natural Rubber Industry. 

Furthermore, the Risk Subgroup has solidified plans for an initial pilot trial in collaboration with ASI, focusing on the establishment of Indonesia’s national risk assessment.

The resolution for the Assurance Model has been finalised and is currently in circulation among the wider membership for voting. The Member’s Journey Model and Assurance Model Timeline are slated for voting at GA 2023. The following items have been included in the Resolution as a strong basis for future consultations and discussions following GA 2023: Shared Investment Mechanism, Assurance Model Framework, and KPIs.

The Risk Subgroup is awaiting proposals from the Basel Institute in addressing corruption within Rubber Supply Chains from the ASI Risk Tool, Reporting Requirements and doing a qualitative corruption data analysis. 

Furthermore, the Risk Subgroup anticipates developments in the Assurance Model in December 2023, before proceeding with the expansion of the Risk Tool and the pre-setting of national risk levels. This ensures that the Risk Tool is not developed in silo and is in alignment with the other components of the Assurance Model.

Lastly, the Risk Subgroup intends to conduct an analysis of the Risk Tool with the Policy Framework to further understand how granular should Risk Assessment reach. For example, is Risk Assessment sufficient on a theme level or would it be necessary to deep dive into the Policy Component level.  

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group:
The Thailand Agroforestry subgroup conducted a KPI workshop before the Agroforestry training in October 2023. The subgroup is gearing up to conduct the inaugural set of Agroforestry training sessions, benefiting 100 farmers in Songkhla in October 2023.

Additionally, a productive knowledge exchange session took place involving the Agroforestry-Income Diversification task force, Pak Febrius, and the Thailand Agroforestry Subgroups.

Meanwhile, the Thailand GAP subgroup successfully finalised a contractual agreement with Koltiva and will hold its kick-off meeting, marking the first meeting since the start of the project.

The HCSA-HCVN Field Trials task force presented its final report to the SCB WG for endorsement.

The Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) task force has conducted two pre-pilot development meetings and the Rubber Wiki app was officially launched on the Google Play Store. The task force is planning a training session tailored for task force and secretariat members, focusing on the effective management of Rubber Wiki. Following the app’s official launch, the KSP contractor will organise group socialising events in Indonesia and Thailand, aimed at introducing the app and gathering valuable user feedback.

Lastly, the SCB WG is gearing up for both national and international calls with smallholder members, an essential part of the preparations leading up to GA2023.

Policy Toolbox Working Group:
During the Year 1 Reporting Review process, input on the reporting process was gathered from members through a survey and stakeholder-specific meetings. This feedback will be used to inform revisions to the Reporting Matrix and disclosure requirements for reporting Years 2 and 3, aligning with the Transparent Reporting Roadmap (TRR).

The WG selected consultant Petra Westerlaan to propose a quantitative orientation for the reporting matrix and conducting a crosswalk with other established reporting frameworks such as CDP Forest, GRI, and ZSL-SPOTT. This quantification approach is expected to facilitate data aggregation and will make evaluating annual progress easier.

The Resolution for the Disclosure Requirements for Reporting Requirements has been finalised and is will be presented to the membership for voting. 

Lastly, quantification from Petra Westerlaan has been completed and the Working Group will embark on further consultations with the Working Group to prepare the updated Reporting Requirements to be approved at an extraordinary GA.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) Resolution has been subsumed under the Assurance Model Resolution for approval in the 2023 GA, as a strong basis for further consultation and discussion after the GA. This is due to the integral role of the KPIs, which has not been finalised, in the implementation of the SIM. 

Value and benefits per category to be defined.

The Secretariat is looking into the development of guidance for the operation of the SIM.

Additionally, there is a co-chair seat open, and we are calling for interested volunteers.

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