Secretariat Update – October 2019

On September 24-26th, stakeholders from around the world and across the rubber value chain came together in the city of Hat Yai - the rubber hub in South of Thailand – to attend a three-day workshop organized by the Rainforest Alliance, Mighty Earth, Einhorn Products, Earth Net Foundation and supported by the Prince of Songkhla University. 

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In attendance were farmers, processors, tire companies, apparel and footwear brands, NGOs and governmental representatives, all together over 100 participants. 

 The event offered a space for the diverse set of attendees to discuss the challenges and opportunities experienced by the rubber sector in the adoption and implementation of individual and global commitments to sustainable and ethical rubber with a focus on solutions. What set the workshop apart from the regular workshop we all know, was the addition of a field-excursion to two rubber-plantations operating under differing production models: a farm applying agro-forestry with a mix of native hardwoods and rubber trees and one fully developed diversified community agro-forestry farm. Additionally, instead of solely focusing on NGOs, companies and governmental representation (as the regular workshop often does), delegations from a number of farmer associations representing various countries also attended and provided key input to inform discussions from the farmer’s perspective.

Days 2 and 3 of the workshop were focused on forming partnerships and generating solutions to begin working towards a transformed natural rubber supply chain which delivers value to all actors from the farm to the end user.  Break out groups comprised of farmers, processors, brands, NGOs, tire companies and government representatives discussed topics such as traceability, policy implementation and capacity building for smallholders. Each break out group then categorized their discussions into short term actions, long term actions, barriers and learning curves which will be summarized into a collective call to action by the organizing team.  One of the most powerful outcomes was an overall agreement amongst all stakeholders in attendance that to truly bring about positive transformation we must all work together towards a shared vision.

A public summary of the event will be shared in the coming days, please contact Samantha Morrissey ( or Margaret Kran-Annexstein ( with any questions.

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Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – August 2019

We have already had the chance to discuss some updates on the work of the GPSNR Strategy and Objectives working group in our first newsletter in July 2019, available here.

Since then, the Strategy and Objectives Working Group has continued to build out the scope and desired deliverables for the first 3 strategies that GPSNR should implement, namely: 1) Natural Rubber Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance; 2) Capacity Building for Smallholders and Rubber Plantations supplying Natural Rubber; 3) Improving Transparency and Traceability within the Natural Rubber Supply Chain.

Strategy 1, “Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance”, has now been finalized within the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. The estimated timeline for the completion of this work has been laid out to ensure that the final approval by the Executive Committee is granted in time, and the deliverables of this strategy can be put forward for consideration by the General Assembly in March 2020. In order to achieve this, the first step will be for the strategy document to be submitted to the GPSNR Executive Committee for approval in August, so that the recruitment to form the sub-working group for Strategy 1 can start as soon as possible.

While the Working Group is still in the initial stages of clarifying the scope for Strategy 2, “Capacity Building”, Strategy 3, “Improving Transparency and Traceability” is under the final revision process by the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. Once this document is agreed internally, it will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. The work on Strategy 3 will also be informed by a study GPSNR plans to commission in the next weeks, to better compare and understand transparency and assurance tools that are currently available, that can be applied to the Natural Rubber supply chain.

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group members are holding bi-weekly catch-up calls to progress the work on these strategies, and ensure that GPSNR has a system that benefits smallholders and and all stakeholders in the natural rubber value chain, adding a credible assurance model which enhances transparency. Every voice is crucial to accomplish this mission, so we welcome you to hop on board and help GPSNR being a better, more inclusive platform. For more information on how to join GPSNR or the Working Groups, contact


GPSNR Working Groups Update: January 2021

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

In our December update, we reported that the Working Group would be conducting interviews with the shortlisted candidates who had responded to the Request for Proposal for a study on environmental impacts, and risks, in the natural rubber value chain. The Working Group has since completed their interviews and will soon be making a decision on who to award the contract to.

The refinement of GPSNR’s Theory of Change is also underway, with a planning call having taken place on Monday this week. The call involved nominated representatives  from across all GPSNR’s Working Groups, working to chart the plan for a collaborative effort to refine the Platform’s Theory of Change.

In other news, several Thai smallholders have been onboarded into the Working Group and, after an introductory call with the Co-Chairs,  are now participating in the Working Group calls.

As the Equity Sub-Group prepares to present the living income studies to GPSNR members, more details will be conveyed to members nearer the date.

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

Following the approval of the GPSNR Policy Framework, the Policy Toolbox Working Group will develop Implementation Guidance and future Reporting Requirements as they pertain to the specific policy components in the framework.  

In order to achieve this, a Request for Proposal (RFP) has been posted for a fixed term consultancy to facilitate the development of the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements for each of the three stakeholder categories: natural rubber producers/processors and traders, tire makers and other natural rubber product manufacturers, and auto makers and other end users.  GPSNR members are invited to circulate the RFP to any relevant contacts who might be interested in submitting proposals for this work. The deadline for submission is 5 February 2021.

The Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements will vary depending on where a member company sits within the natural rubber supply chain. As such, GPSNR will invite the creation of category focus groups to enable broader participation of members from the three stakeholder categories (although focus groups can also include members from other stakeholder categories). The details on recruitment for these focus groups will be announced sometime next month.

Apart from facilitating the development of category-specific Implementation Guidance by reviewing guidance and requirements from other initiatives, the consultant will also facilitate discussion sessions with the focus groups to finalize the implementation guidance for each stakeholder category.

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

In 2020, the Working Group proposed national capacity building strategies for four countries as a starting point. Following the Executive Committee’s endorsement of the strategies, the Working Group is embarking on the next step of putting these plans into action on-the-ground. The Working Group is looking for interested members to form National Sub-Groups mandated to oversee, guide and implement the strategies. The Working Group will conduct a webinar in mid February to share the strategies with GPSNR members. Check out our article, ‘From Strategy to Implementation: Next Steps for Capacity Building’ for more on this story.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

The two studies around traceability and transparency tools and technology commissioned in 2020 by the Working Group are ready to be shared with GPSNR members. Read our article, ‘Seeing Through to a Solution: Traceability and Transparency Tools and Technology Studies’ for more on this topic.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

The Working Group’s revised Terms of Reference (ToR) was approved by the Executive Committee during its monthly call in January. Under the revised ToR, the Smallholder Representation Working Group has identified two main objectives for its work moving forward: the first, to support the creation of an active smallholder community within GPSNR and the second, to extend the on-boarding of smallholders from rubber producing countries. The Working Group will be planning its activities for the year head, ensuring that they support and contribute towards achieving these new objectives. 

As a start, the Working Group will be looking to onboard smallholder members into the group, as well as facilitate the organization of the next Smallholder Category Call.

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