Secretariat Update – February 2020

The 2nd GPSNR General Assembly, which was originally scheduled for 31 March 2020, has been postponed due to the ongoing global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

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On Friday 7 February, Singapore announced that it was stepping up its risk assessment level. Previously at ‘Yellow’ on the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) scale, the country is now at ‘Orange’. This change triggered additional precautionary measures such as an advice to cancel or defer all non-essential large-scale events. More countries are also putting in place such measures, from enforced quarantine for certain travelers to outright travel restrictions.

The safety and comfort of all members remains our utmost priority. The Secretariat will continue to monitor the situation closely, with the intention to hold the General Assembly once it becomes more stable. The new date for the General Assembly will be in 2020, and will be communicated with due notice to all members. 

During this time, all Working Groups will continue to advance their work in establishing a policy toolbox, shaping capacity building initiatives, achieving transparency and traceability, and solidifying smallholder inclusivity in GPSNR. 

The GPSNR Executive Committee has agreed to extend the deadline for submission of General Assembly resolutions and Executive Committee nominations to Tuesday, 31 March 2020.

For the latest updates on the progress of our Working Groups, please refer to the News and Publications section of our website.

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: July 2021

As every month seems to be busier than the last, these monthly updates encapsulate all the details that are important for members to know. Here is the snapshot for the month of July 2021:

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

After a busy few months of putting together the Environmental Risk Study and the Theory of Change, this group is preparing to present these two important pieces of work to the rest of the membership before publishing them on public domains.

While the Environmental Risk Study webinar is scheduled for 29 July, the Theory of Change is still being finalised and will be worked on through a workshop planned for September or October.

The group is also continuing to work on refining the platform external partnerships approval process. 

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After an onboarding workshop for Indonesian smallholders this month, the group is planning its next onboarding for Sri Lankan smallholders in September. While COVID-19 has caused a delay in similar workshops for Cambodia and India, the group has begun planning outreach for Liberia and Malaysia and Colombia. 

They are also developing participants lists from workshops to onboard more smallholders from Vietnam, Thailand, Ivory Coast, and Ghana, which already have some amount of representation at GPSNR.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

This working group has completed the initial reviews of two significant aspects of the GPSNR assurance model: the Implementation Guidance and the Reporting Requirements. The WG will also embark on a review of the Compliance Panel Guidance in August. As they take each of these bodies of work forward in the next few months, please reach out to the secretariat for any questions around these documents and how they impact your work. 

Capacity Building Working Group

The group rolled out a call for funding from all rubber industry players (both GPSNR members and non-members) for capacity building work in Indonesia, Thailand and Ivory Coast, while also finalising BMZ funding for projects in Indonesia and Ivory Coast in 2021-22. 

In the next month or so, the group is working on identifying suitable locations for capacity building programmes in Indonesia across five key rubber-producing regions, and advancing implementation plans for Ivory Coast.

They are also finalising Good Agricultural Practices, developing systems for monitoring and evaluating capacity building activities and putting mechanisms in place to ensure national implementation subgroups remain aligned with GPSNR.

Traceability and Transparency Working Group

This working group is currently finalising the definition and acceptable levels of traceability for GPSNR and developing data collection and reporting standards together with the Policy Toolbox working group.

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The group is drafting activities and framework for Shared Responsibility for integration into other processes such as the Implementation Guidance. 


GPSNR Working Groups Update: January 2024

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: ASI finished the initial draft of the Assurance Model proposal and presented it to Working Group (WG) members in December for their feedback. To gather more specific insights, feedback calls were arranged with various categories. Based on the feedback received, ASI plans to revise the draft and present it for further discussion at the February in-person meetings.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: Smallholder representatives attended the 5th Sustainable Rubber Plantation and International Conference in Buriram, Thailand, from December 13-15, 2023, to discuss sustainable practices. A consultation on the assurance model was held on January 25, 2024. Both SNV-Proforest’s Indonesia GAP and SNV-IRRI’s Disease Fighting project concluded in December 2023, with final reports submitted. Koltiva’s Indonesia GAP project, extended until September 2024, received additional funding from Goodyear. 

The Thailand agroforestry project signed a supplemental agreement for more projects. Southland and Sri Trang joined the Thailand GAP project as processors, with training material under review. 

The Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) task force completed its user acceptance test, releasing the Rubber Wiki app on the Google Play Store. Koltiva was awarded the third phase of KSP for content development with the task force’s content development phase kicking off on January 25, 2024.

Continental pledged funds for capacity-building in Cote d’Ivoire. The Cote d’Ivoire subgroup will discuss new Continental-funded projects.

Two SCB WG meetings were scheduled on December 26 and 31 for final presentations and updates on various projects, including endorsements. The Thailand Agroforestry project plans training for late January 2024, and the Thailand GAP project aims to start training in late January or February 2024. The Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry task force is planning its third agroforestry workshop in Liberia from May 22-24, 2024.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Working Group is initiating initial steps to explore ways to develop a value transfer mechanism in GPSNR. The Secretariat has discussed possible paths with the co-chair, who will present these plans to the EC in the near future.

Executive Committee: The EC convened for an in-person strategy planning session in Paris, where they identified and outlined key strategic priorities in a Gantt chart. he Secretariat, along with members and WGs, will collaborate to implement these strategic priorities set forth by the EC.

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