Secretariat Update – December 2019

GPSNR shares vision of Sustainable Natural Rubber future at 15th Global Rubber Conference in Hainan, China

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What does it take to revive the Natural Rubber economy? Could the Natural Rubber 2.0 be the ultimate game changer for the new NR economy? These were some of the difficult questions discussed at the 15th Global Rubber Conference.

Hosted in Hainan, China from 12-14 December, with a theme on ‘Natural Rubber 2.0: The Game Changer’, the conference represented a very exciting event and opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing for Natural Rubber professionals in Asia, and in the rubber industry globally.

GPSNR Director Stefano Savi participated in the conference as a speaker and panel discussion member, to share updates with the industry participants about the progress of the Platform and its working groups. “Sustainability should not be seen as a threat by producers, but an opportunity to place natural Rubber as a leader in the global commodities landscape, best placed to deliver on the UN SDGs and the 2030 agenda.” said Stefano during his remarks, adding that “GPSNR is here to support smallholders in this journey, and ensure that the cost of this sustainable shift will not be borne by farmers, but supported by the industry through the Global Platform.”

Amidst the current backdrop of the fourth industrial revolution, the conference was a good opportunity to discuss the convergence of artificial intelligence and data technology as new solutions to address innovation gaps and current low demand for NR across the globe. It is obvious that from drones to satellite images and sensor technology, the natural rubber industry is poised for a radical change. So, what role will sustainability play in this desired and required industry shift? Will the natural rubber industry take advantage of this opportunity to improve its practices, maximise its positive impact, and reposition itself as a leader in innova

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Implementation Guidance/Reporting Requirements Stakeholder Category Focus Groups

Through a process led by the Policy Toolbox and Implementation Guidance Working Group (WG1), the General Assembly approved a Policy Framework in September 2020. The Framework outlines specific commitments to sustainable natural rubber that GPSNR company members must include in their public policies or other relevant documents.

The next step is for GPSNR to develop the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements as they pertain to the specific commitments laid out in the GPSNR Policy Framework.  WG1 is engaging consultant(s) to develop the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements. As the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements will vary depending on where a member company sits within the natural rubber supply chain, input will be needed to develop these documents for the following stakeholder categories:  natural rubber producers/processors and traders, tire makers and other natural rubber product manufacturers, and auto makers and other end users.

GPSNR is creating focus groups for each of the three stakeholder categories to enable broader participation of members from each stakeholder group.  Members from other stakeholder groups are also encouraged to join the focus groups to help ensure a balanced dialogue.

Focus groups will work closely with the consultant(s) to ensure that the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements are relevant to the respective stakeholder categories. Once these documents are finalized, they will be voted on at the next General Assembly.

GPSNR is now looking for volunteers to join the stakeholder category focus groups that will be consulted during the development of GPSNR’s Implementation Guidance. There are no limits to how many category members can join the focus groups. Members are encouraged to join at least one focus group.

The entire process is expected to conclude by June 2021.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: April 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The working group includes both the Risk subgroup and the Assurance Model task force and is currently working on some exciting stuff!

The Risk subgroup has been busy, with consortiums Agridence and Koltiva having kick started their pilot field trials on the traceability tools. They are actively pursuing the next steps for the deliverable from ASI on the Risk Assessment Framework. This includes conducting internal piloting and cross-walking the tool with GPSNR commissioned studies to identify gaps. Lastly, second in an ongoing series, the Traceability Tools Webinar will be occurring on 26th April and you may register for it here

The Assurance Model taskforce will be meeting to discuss updates on KPI alignments, due diligence system and the members progress model. 

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group

The SCB Working Group has proposed a new structure with three co-chairs and this has been officially endorsed. The next Working Group meeting will take place on 27th April, where they plan to formally endorse the Terms of Reference. 

Updates on the Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry taskforce, the strategy for 2023-2024 has been endorsed, and the taskforce will continue their work on planning the schedule and sequence of workshops and finalising the contractual plan. 

On the Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform front, Koltiva will work together with the taskforce to start developing the app and its features. In upcoming news, the Thailand Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) subgroup will publish the tender soon. 

 Policy Toolbox Working Group

Input has been collected on the reporting process from members through the Year 1 Reporting Review Survey. As part of this review, stakeholder- specific meetings will be conducted to collect more feedback on the reporting process. Based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results, any changes will be assessed to the reporting framework and its details (i.e., Process, Extensions, Questions), and disclosure requirements will need to be agreed on for reporting Years 2 and 3 (Transporting Reporting Roadmap- TRR). Future actions will require the reporting guidance for Year 2 to be improved according to changes proposed to the reporting matrix.

An RFP for consultants has recently been published to look into proposing a quantitative orientation for the reporting matrix and do a crosswalk with other reporting frameworks (CDP Forest, GRI and ZSL-SPOTT). On news of the Assurance Model front, what follows would be to finalise Compliance Panel Terms of Reference and operational guidance based on the Assurance Model.  

Shared Responsibility Working Group

During the physical meeting in January- February, the Governance and Guiding Principles were presented, Manufacturers will provide a revised document of said principles by April. 

Next phases for the Working Group are pending the outcomes of discussions on shared investment principles, which are currently happening on the Manufacturers category level. The Working Group will revamp data sharing and value transfer discussions once the proposal from the Manufacturers is available.

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