GPSNR unveils first ever collective grievance mechanism in the natural rubber industry

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Singapore, 15 June 2021: The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) has unveiled the natural rubber industry’s first ever grievance mechanism. The process provides a platform to address complaints against its members. It also creates a space for collaboration, improved relations and amicable and meaningful solutions amongst stakeholders in the natural rubber value chain. In situations where this is not possible, the Grievance Mechanism offers recourse and seeks to ensure remedy is provided to impacted parties.  

Members and non-members can now use this process to address existing concerns regarding a member’s violation of membership requirements or other guiding principles of the Platform. The mechanism seeks to provide transparency and predictability in the process and requires resolutions to be reached in a timely manner. It asserts particular emphasis on finding expedient and impartial resolution for high risk cases involving impact on communities or the environment, through the creation of a Complaints Panel. This panel will be made up of volunteer members, an external expert, and will judge whether and what kind of corrective actions need to be taken. 

The process is comprehensive and risk-based, and is designed with the aim  to bring parties to viable solutions and concrete remedy through a transparent process. ‘’The mechanism makes it possible for third parties to address issues with GPSNR members through an unbiased yet amicable process. The focus of the process will always be on finding solutions that work for everyone and provide both Complainants and Respondents with a transparent platform for resolution and accountability’’ said GPSNR Platform Director Stefano Savi.  

In slightly over two years, GPSNR has established itself as a platform working towards systemic change in the natural rubber supply chain. The existence of a strong redressal process like this grievance mechanism showcases its commitment to a culture of fairness and transparency.  


About GPSNR:  

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. GPSNR member companies account for almost 50% of the global natural rubber volume.  

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For more information, please contact: 

Bani Bains 

Communications Manager 


Ph: +65 97268165 

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Smallholders Representation Working Group Update – March 2020

The appointed Country Champions have been in contact with the smallholders to ensure a good understanding of GPSNR through familiarization with the Statutes and Code of Conduct. These socialization efforts were carried out by means of teleconferencing, some taking place with the aid of interpreters. To complement these preliminary engagement sessions, the Working Group is creating a customised programme for the smallholders prior to this year’s General Assembly. It is important for the smallholders to meet face-to-face and have the chance to get to know each other, considering that some of them have never stepped foot outside their own country. As they will have to decide who will represent them in the Executive Committee if the new ‘Smallholder Producers’ membership category is approved, interaction with each other is imperative for them to make informed decisions.  

The sub-Group specially formed to focus on this issue has proposed a first draft of the programme, which was discussed at the recent Working Group meeting. At the moment, the programme includes sessions for the smallholders to learn more about each other, about GPSNR and the impact of their votes. They will also guide the smallholders in identifying their priorities and needs, and include sharing from GPSNR members in the other categories, so that smallholders can better understand how they can be effective members and work with others at both Working Group and Executive Committee levels. Aside from these proposed sessions, a half-day field trip is also being considered as a socio-cultural component. 

Looking towards the future, the Working Group is having ongoing discussions on how best to integrate smallholders into the various Working Groups. The language barrier has been identified as a key issue to address in order to achieve full inclusivity of smallholders. .

GPSNR supports the inclusion of smallholder farmers in EU natural rubber supply chains, and affirms their customary and native land use rights

Smallholder farmers are key stakeholders in natural rubber supply chains accounting for 85% of global supply, and enabling the resilience and sustainability of the value chain. However, smallholder farmers are the most vulnerable to major changes in the economic and regulatory landscape. Their vulnerability is heightened by the fact that many smallholders lack formal land documentation. Fortunately, many rubber producing countries are progressively implementing land tenure formalization programmes for smallholders but they undoubtedly will take significant amounts of time to fully implement.

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) supports the intent and implementation of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), and considers it a bold and necessary step to addressing deforestation, human rights violations, and illegality in commodity production, including natural rubber. However, it is key that its implementation ensures the continued inclusion and support of smallholders in EU supply chains.

GPSNR includes more than 200 smallholder farmers from 12 countries in its membership and has heard their concerns regarding the potential unintended consequences of the law.

As reflected in its Policy Framework, GPSNR is committed to recognise and protect the customary, traditional and communal land tenure and use rights of Indigenous People and local communities (IPLC), including smallholder farmers who have such rights, even in cases where they are not formalised yet in the legal system of the country in which they reside.

In view of supporting the inclusion of smallholders in EU supply chains, while ensuring due diligence against illegality, the GPSNR requests the European Commission provide additional EUDR guidance to competent national authorities regarding how to effectively check that operators and traders have conducted sufficient due diligence to determine the legality of commodities falling within the scope of the Regulation considering the mosaic of native and customary land rights arrangements found on smallholder farms around the world. Examples of how this could be achieved might include: 

  •  The creation of a shared information system amongst competent national authorities to assess the practical state of producing countries’ efforts to document and formalize recognition of customary land tenure arrangements for smallholder farmers;


  • Work with producer country governments to identify prevalence of customary tenure.


  • Providing practical guidance to EU competent authorities and regulated companies on:


    o How to robustly assess and map the customary land title claims in each country to ensure smallholders are not cut out of supply chains before formal land registries are created and protect the right to self-determination of IPLCs who do not wish to engage in land title formalisation even if it becomes available. 

    o In countries where formalization of land tenure is still under development, prioritize assessment of legality to establish that commodities placed on the market do not originate from land that has been occupied or acquired in violation of national land laws or customary tenure arrangements (i.e., through a “land grab”); through dispossession or abuse of the rights of vulnerable members of a population by elites; or which is located within prohibited areas such as national parks, wildlife reserves, or other protected areas, or from other restricted use areas.

    o Specifics on the types of documentation to collect to substantiate the rights (formal or customary) of smallholder farmers to use land parcels for the production of the relevant commodity. This could include documentation recognized by local authorities, or other evidence of locally recognized land tenure, and evidence that key regulatory bodies in producing countries have indicated general acceptance that smallholder farmers cultivating land under customary and/or communal land tenure arrangements may legally produce and sell rubber (this may be explicit – e.g., through a license – or implicit, e.g. through the provision of official extension support, credit schemes, or marketing assistance to registered smallholders);

We call the Commission and other EU and national institutions for a joint effort to enable smallholder farmer organizations to meet EUDR compliance; and proactively work with the producing countries to address potentially conflicting national laws, issues of inadequate law enforcement and corruption, and provide support to producing countries to tackle these issues and empower smallholders to maintain access to EU markets. GPSNR commits to support just transitions to secure forms of land tenure. We will collaborate with members to enhance capacity in land tenure and support programs facilitating smallholders’ access to formal land documentation where applicable.

Finally, we wish to clarify that the above proposals are in no way intended to avoid compliance by GPSNR operators and traders purchasing and selling natural rubber products covered under the scope of the Regulation. Rather, they are designed to support and enhance the position of the six million smallholders in global rubber supply chains to help realize the potential of the law, whilst themselves benefiting from it. These proposals are supported by GPSNR’s smallholder and civil society representatives, alongside industry members.

The GPSNR Executive Committee has sent this letter to the European Commission for further deliberation. 

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