Seeing Through to a Solution: Traceability and Transparency Tools and Technology Studies

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Deforestation, land grabbing, and human and labour rights violations have been associated with the production of natural rubber. In order to transform the global natural rubber supply chain into a fair, equitable and environmentally sound one, it is crucial that we work to reduce such social and environmental risks. This is by no means an easy feat with about 6 million smallholder farmers producing around 85% of the world’s natural rubber; the complexities of the supply chain make it difficult for buyers to ensure that sustainable practices are employed for rubber cultivation and processing. Recognizing the importance of enhancing traceability and transparency in the natural rubber supply chain to support the identification and mitigation of social and environmental risks, GPSNR established the Traceability and Transparency Working Group.

Over the past few months, the Working Group has commissioned two studies around traceability and transparency tools and technology. The reports were submitted by the consultants at the end of October 2020. The findings from each report are summarized below.

Spatial Data & Mapping Tools for Detecting Deforestation and Threats to HCVS Areas in Rubber Production Landscapes

Report developed by Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

This report reviews a variety of spatial mapping tools and approaches which may be employed by GPSNR and its members to address deforestation and degradation risk in rubber supply chains.

The key recommendations from this study are that GPSNR members should pool resources to collectively commission landscape-level HCV and HCS screening for key rubber-producing countries and these should be updated periodically. Spatial data maps from this process should be made publicly available to encourage cross-sectoral collaboration on tackling deforestation.

HCV/S datasets may then be integrated into satellite monitoring platforms and combined with near-real time monitoring of deforestation and forest degradation. This will allow accurate spatial analysis of the impacts of rubber production in key forested landscapes. GPSNR members may select different satellite monitoring tools or service providers, based on their own needs and budget. For upstream actors closer to the source, satellite monitoring may allow for preventative measures to be taken at the early stages of deforestation.

The full Executive Summary can be viewed here.

Review of Transparency & Traceability Tools and Solutions

Report prepared by e-Audit Hong-Kong Ltd

This report presents options on supply chain transparency and/ or product traceability solutions that GPSNR may consider as well as recommendations to select the most suitable transparency/traceability solutions for the GPSNR initiative.

A range of solutions currently implemented in commodity industries similar to the natural rubber industry were reviewed and evaluated, resulting in the identification of several key elements that will need to be considered to select the most suitable and cost-efficient solution.

The report also considers three potential infrastructure options (centralized, hybrid and decentralized) that should be considered as they have profound implications on the range of supply chain transparency and product/batch traceability solution(s) that GPSNR may consider to adopt.

This report concludes that the technology currently available makes it possible for all GPSNR key requirements to be integrated into one single solution. However, such a centralized solution may be costly and cumbersome to implement. At this stage of development of the GPSNR initiative it is recommended that GPSNR starts implementing a more flexible hybrid solution, with a centralized infrastructure/ data hub focused on reporting and monitoring of clearly defined performance KPIs, that can be connected through APIs to existing field level risk assessment, risk mapping and traceability solutions currently implemented by GPSNR members.

The full Executive Summary can be viewed here.

More To Explore


Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – February 2020

The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Equity sub-Working Group are now finalized. The group is currently recruiting members to start work on developing a shared definition of equity and  assessing the current level of equity (or lack thereof) across the natural rubber supply chain, with the help of studies on Living Wage and Living Income, which will then inform recommendations on what can be done to promote equity along the supply chain. Members should ideally belong to the Strategy & Objectives Working Group. Any other GPSNR members who are keen to participate and possess relevant expertise may indicate, for consideration, their interest by sending an email to GPSNR Impact and Assurance Manager, Kobrat Sawasdivorn ( for consideration by the Chairs of the group, James Laimos and Martin Hollands.

Following a review of the proposals received, consultancy group James Griffiths & Associates Sàrl has been selected to commence the study on Human Rights and Labour Rights’ risk mapping in the global natural rubber value chain. The study aims to improve GPSNR’s understanding of the social risks across key natural rubber production and processing countries, to propose risk mitigation strategies for each region, and to identify relevant social sector stakeholder groups that can contribute through active membership in GPSNR. A survey has been designed for Strategy & Objectives Working Group members to set the scope of the study by defining geographic coverage, identifying current perceived social risks, and contributing key perspectives and reference materials.

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

The drafters held a two-day physical meeting in Singapore over 13 and 14 February to finetune the policy components and baseline reporting requirements, with input from GPSNR members representing the processing and tire-making segments of the industry. The productive session saw open sharing from all participants, which provided insights into the processes and considerations of each sector and informed the discussion on the details of the policy components. The meeting participants also examined the assurance model and how it interfaces with policy development, as well as the support systems necessary to collect and share data securely. The meeting also saw the creation of a roadmap which lays out revised timelines and a work plan for the Working Group in its second year. Moving forward, these documents will be shared with the rest of the Policy Toolbox Working Group before being presented to the larger Strategy & Objectives Group.

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

Members have started approaching the previously identified stakeholders in various rubber-producing countries to better understand the different challenges faced in promoting sustainability in natural rubber production, capacity building activities that have been conducted, and the degree of success (or lack thereof) of such activities, as well as how they can be improved upon. The Working Group has already received some responses from stakeholders in Brazil, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. Aggregated data from these interviews will then be presented to the Executive Committee. The insights gleaned from these interviews will go towards the development of a capacity building action plan, which will undergo several rounds of consultation with members, smallholders, donors and potential local partners.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

The Working Group has developed Request for Proposals for two pilots. One pilot for a project that employs satellite mapping tools and a second pilot for a comparison study of three traceability tools.

The project aims to enhance and improve current High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) mapping in areas where rubber is predominantly produced. The focus will be on a combination of tools that use remote sensing, satellite imagery and machine learning to map areas of potential deforestation and other identified risks. The Working Group will liaise with the Policy Toolbox Working Group to ensure alignment with GPSNR’s member requirements, which are currently being developed.

The three traceability tools that the comparison study will focus on are: supply chain tracking, supply chain mapping and artificial intelligence (satellite and remote sensing). The study will assess each tool’s methodology for identifying origin and collecting information, with the aim to make a suitable recommendation based on the Working Group’s specified criteria.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: November 2022

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The risk subgroup, which sits under the umbrella of this working group, has studied the various definitions of polygons in the EU Deforestation Regulation through an extensive survey conducted for GPSNR PPT members.

The assurance model subgroup continues to work on the KPIs set during the last in-person meeting as they are to be finalised at the end of the year and presented during the next in-person and hybrid meetings in January 2023.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After completing two rounds of pilot agroforestry workshops for smallholder members in Indonesia, and Cambodia, the working group is working on concluding how GPSNR should approach agroforestry capacity building in the long term. This work stream aims to integrate priorities of smallholders with developing long-term income diversification strategies through the Capacity Building Working Group.

They are also busy holding focus group discussions towards the smallholder policy equivalent and evaluating proposals received for the GPSNR-HCSA Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

The group is working on finalizing the TORs for the Year 1 Reporting Review to be conducted in the first quarter of next year. They are also assessing if any changes to the reporting framework and its details (i.e. process, extensions, questions) are needed based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results.

Capacity Building Working Group

The group is currently evaluating proposals to appoint a software developer for the second phase of the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform. They have kicked off the Disease Fighting Project with SNV-IRRI in Indonesia, after having recently completed the first milestone of the SNV-Proforest GAP coaching in the country. They continue to seek members’ funding for capacity building projects in Indonesia (second stream of disease fighting) and Cote d’Ivoire (training centres). To know more, you can find the project details here.


Shared Responsibility Working Group

  The group has completed 40% progress on the agreed deliverable for each pillar, and is continuing to work towards completion ahead of the meetings in January. The WG is also working to align with the Assurance Model Task Force to advance the Shared Responsibility agenda. 

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