Shared Investment Mechanism: Call for Project Proposals 2026

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As we prepare for the next cycle of the GPSNR Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM), we are pleased to announce that the call for project proposals and in-kind contributions for 2026 is now open.

Submission Period: 20 March – 31 May 2025

Deadline: Proposals and applications must be submitted by 23:59 SGT on 31 May 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.


The GPSNR Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) is a joint-funding framework where GPSNR Manufacturer Members contribute to capacity-building or sustainability projects through direct funding or in-kind contributions.

Call for Project Proposals

This is for organizations that want to submit project proposals to be considered for funding through SIM’s direct funding route. Approved projects will be shared with Manufacturer Members for review and potential funding.

How to Submit:

 -Download the required documents:

o GPSNR SIM Project Proposal Template_V3.docx

o  GPSNR SIM Project Budget_V1.xlsx

-Complete the Project Proposal Template and Project Budget Template.

-Send your completed documents to with the subject line: [SIM 2026 Proposal Submission] – [Project Name]

Please read the FAQ for call for project proposals here: FAQ – Call for Project Proposals_V3.pdf

For any questions or clarifications, please contact

More To Explore


Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – September 2019

Strategy 1 “Policy Toolbox” working group will work on:

Establishing a Policy Toolbox that defines the environmental, social and economic criteria that members should be required to include in their policies along with a Policy Implementation Template, and Policy Checklist for those with existing policies to ensure they incorporate all appropriate aspects of a natural rubber sustainability policy;

Making a recommendation on the required timeline for members of GPSNR to establish their sustainability policies, the implementation plan for their policies, and what the reporting requirements should be for policy implementation;

Identifying the appropriate Assurance Model for GPSNR to implement to monitor progress of members and the industry to achieving the mission of GPSNR.

Strategy 3 “Enhancing Transparency and Traceability” working group will work on recommending tools to trace, assess the risk, and achieve transparency of any given natural rubber product buyer’s supply chain.

Strategy 1 and Strategy 3 working group members recruitment is open now until end of September.  Ideally we expect to have a combination of at least 1 car maker, 2 tyre makers, 2 producers and 2 CSOs per working group.  The participation of the core working group is limited to the ordinary members only but the experts and/or affiliate members will be invited upon the topic.  

Please feel free to drop us an e-mail on the topic you would like to contribute, the expertise you would like to share with the working group members. For more information, please contact


GPSNR Working Groups Update: October 2022

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The assurance model taskforce, which sits under the umbrella of this working group, worked on establishing KPIs, GPSNR and Company targets, and tasking the KPIs to other working groups, categories and members. Its other subgroup on risk is currently working on a proposal for the definition of polygons in the EU Deforestation Regulation based on a request from GPSNR member ETRMA. Th subgroup also has two new co-chairs – Maggie Fitzherbert from ZSL and Ayako Itoh from Bridgestone.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After completing its first round of pilot agroforestry workshops in Indonesia, the working group has its next round planned in Cambodia starting this month. Subsequently, they are preparing for country-based focus group discussions on the Smallholders Policy Equivalent and for the GPSNR-HCSA Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials. They are also working on processing smallholder applications from Liberia and Cambodia.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

The group is working on finalizing the TORs for the Year 1 Reporting Review to be conducted in the first quarter of next year. They are also assessing if any changes to reporting framework and its details (i.e. process, extensions, questions) are needed based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results.

Capacity Building Working Group

The group is currently evaluating proposals to appoint a software developer for the second phase of the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform. They have kicked off the Disease Fighting Project with SNV-IRRI in Indonesia, after having recently completed the first milestone of the SNV-Proforest GAP coaching in the country. They continue to seek members’ funding for capacity building projects in Indonesia (second stream of disease fighting) and Cote d’Ivoire (training centres). To know more, you can find the project details here.


Shared Responsibility Working Group

The group is working on the deliverables discussed for each of its sub working groups during the in-person meetings, and will present findings to the membership on 15th November 2022.

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