Implementation Guidance/Reporting Requirements Stakeholder Category Focus Groups

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Through a process led by the Policy Toolbox and Implementation Guidance Working Group (WG1), the General Assembly approved a Policy Framework in September 2020. The Framework outlines specific commitments to sustainable natural rubber that GPSNR company members must include in their public policies or other relevant documents.

The next step is for GPSNR to develop the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements as they pertain to the specific commitments laid out in the GPSNR Policy Framework.  WG1 is engaging consultant(s) to develop the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements. As the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements will vary depending on where a member company sits within the natural rubber supply chain, input will be needed to develop these documents for the following stakeholder categories:  natural rubber producers/processors and traders, tire makers and other natural rubber product manufacturers, and auto makers and other end users.

GPSNR is creating focus groups for each of the three stakeholder categories to enable broader participation of members from each stakeholder group.  Members from other stakeholder groups are also encouraged to join the focus groups to help ensure a balanced dialogue.

Focus groups will work closely with the consultant(s) to ensure that the Implementation Guidance and Reporting Requirements are relevant to the respective stakeholder categories. Once these documents are finalized, they will be voted on at the next General Assembly.

GPSNR is now looking for volunteers to join the stakeholder category focus groups that will be consulted during the development of GPSNR’s Implementation Guidance. There are no limits to how many category members can join the focus groups. Members are encouraged to join at least one focus group.

The entire process is expected to conclude by June 2021.

More To Explore


Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – January 2020

Using the Theory of Change model, the Working Group identified root causes that prevent the natural rubber supply chain from achieving the desired state. Once these root causes were agreed upon, effective strategies could be designed to mitigate them.

Considering that the natural rubber industry and the world around it is not static but changes with time, the Working Group has planned for the Theory of Change to be a living document that GPSNR members will continually update and maintain. This will ensure its relevance and role in realizing the vision of GPSNR.

In addition to the above, the Working Group is drafting the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Equity sub-Working Group. The sub-Working Group’s focus will be on how we can ensure equity along the supply chain.

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

Working Group members’ comments on the first draft of the top line policy components were consolidated and incorporated into an updated draft. For ease of understanding, it was agreed that the policy components and implementation components would be displayed in separate tables. This would allow members to more easily distinguish the policy commitments they should adopt, and the corresponding actions they should implement.

The Working Group aims to have the top line policy components finalized by the end of January for the Executive Committee’s approval.  

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

The Working Group has designed the questionnaire on which it will base the interviews of stakeholders conducting capacity building activities in rubber-producing countries. Volunteers from the Working Group as well as the GPSNR Secretariat will contact the previously identified stakeholders and seek their input on past and existing capacity building initiatives, evaluating the success of the activities and exploring the role that GPSNR can play in ensuring that the initiatives fulfill their objectives.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

Using the Theory of Change document as an anchor to their discussions, the Working Group was able to analyze how the lack of traceability and transparency in the natural rubber supply chain would constitute a threat to sustainability, and how to tackle the associating challenges. Next, the Working Group will start on the design of pilot studies for tools currently employed to assess supply chain risks and/or achieve supply chain traceability or transparency.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: August 2022

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

An important milestone of the month has been the recruitment of the Assurance Model taskforce, which will be working through the September 2022 hybrid meetings to finalise the design of the GPSNR Assurance Model. Additionally, the risk subgroup is looking for a consultant to review and revise the current Risk Analysis document. Should you know anyone fit for the job, the RFP is available here.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

In August 2022, the smallholder representation working group organised an onboarding workshop for 24 smallholders in Malaysia.. They are now preparing for the first round of focus group discussions on the smallholder policy equivalent, and will continue preparing for GPSNR-HCSA Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials as well as the Pilot Agroforestry Workshops in Indonesia and Cambodia.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

This working group has developed and finalise the template for upstream questionnaires to support the reporting of Manufacturers and End Users. They are working to finalise language for 7.1 and 7.2 of the Implementation Guidance, and to finalise the Compliance Panel Guidance. On the Reporting, the WG is preparing the ground for Year 1 Reporting Review and developing the Transparent Reporting Roadmap for Years 2 and 3. They will also liaise with the smallholder representation working group on the smallholder policy equivalent as it continues to develop.

Capacity Building Working Group

This working group has released an RFP for the development of the Knowledge Sharing Platform digital  application, while also completing a report by the Knowledge Sharing Platform Task Force on digital needs assessment for smallholders. . They are also busy in continuing to advance Capacity Building plans for Indonesia, Thailand, Ivory Coast, having advanced substantially on disease fighting and GAP coaching in Indonesia.

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The working group has completed call for volunteers for different pillars: Shared Investment; Value Transfer and Target Setting; Knowledge and Data Sharing. They will be creating subgroups for each pillar, and are calling for volunteers to co-chair each subgroup so do share your interest! 

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Step 1: Commitment and Reporting