Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – August 2019

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group continues to build out the scope and desired deliverables for the first 3 strategies that GPSNR should implement.

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We have already had the chance to discuss some updates on the work of the GPSNR Strategy and Objectives working group in our first newsletter in July 2019, available here.

Since then, the Strategy and Objectives Working Group has continued to build out the scope and desired deliverables for the first 3 strategies that GPSNR should implement, namely: 1) Natural Rubber Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance; 2) Capacity Building for Smallholders and Rubber Plantations supplying Natural Rubber; 3) Improving Transparency and Traceability within the Natural Rubber Supply Chain.

Strategy 1, “Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance”, has now been finalized within the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. The estimated timeline for the completion of this work has been laid out to ensure that the final approval by the Executive Committee is granted in time, and the deliverables of this strategy can be put forward for consideration by the General Assembly in March 2020. In order to achieve this, the first step will be for the strategy document to be submitted to the GPSNR Executive Committee for approval in August, so that the recruitment to form the sub-working group for Strategy 1 can start as soon as possible.

While the Working Group is still in the initial stages of clarifying the scope for Strategy 2, “Capacity Building”, Strategy 3, “Improving Transparency and Traceability” is under the final revision process by the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. Once this document is agreed internally, it will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. The work on Strategy 3 will also be informed by a study GPSNR plans to commission in the next weeks, to better compare and understand transparency and assurance tools that are currently available, that can be applied to the Natural Rubber supply chain.

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group members are holding bi-weekly catch-up calls to progress the work on these strategies, and ensure that GPSNR has a system that benefits smallholders and and all stakeholders in the natural rubber value chain, adding a credible assurance model which enhances transparency. Every voice is crucial to accomplish this mission, so we welcome you to hop on board and help GPSNR being a better, more inclusive platform. For more information on how to join GPSNR or the Working Groups, contact

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: May 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: The consortium of Agridence and Koltiva have initiated field trials for the Risk Subgroup Traceability Pilot. The Risk Subgroup is also planning the next steps for the deliverable from ASI regarding the Risk Assessment Framework, including internal piloting and cross-walking with GPSNR commissioned studies to identify any gaps. 

Additionally, the Risk Subgroup and Basel Institution are in preliminary discussions for a potential collaboration to investigate corruption risk in the supply chain. The Assurance Model Task force will convene to receive updates on KPI alignments, the due diligence system, and the progress model of its members.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The SCB WG has formally endorsed the Terms of Reference (TORs) on April 27, and the Smallholders Policy-Equivalent (SPE) Taskforce is currently working towards securing the SCB WG’s endorsement for the final recommendations presented in their report.

The Thailand National Subgroup recently announced a tender for GAP Coaching on May 4, with a proposal submission deadline of June 30, 2023. Meanwhile, the Agroforestry-Income Diversification Taskforce is working on finalising the workshop schedule for the years 2023-2024. Lastly, the SCB WG will continue to oversee all projects taking place in Indonesia and Thailand.

 Policy Toolbox Working Group: The working group has chosen consultant Petra Westerlaan to propose a quantitative approach for the reporting matrix, including a crosswalk with other reporting frameworks (CDP Forest, GRI, and ZSL-SPOTT), aiming to facilitate data aggregation and simplify the evaluation of annual progress. They will evaluate and decide on the consultant’s proposed revisions to the reporting framework, and make recommendations to improve the reporting process and timelines.

The Policy Toolbox WG has to agree on the TRR, update Reporting Guidance to reflect the proposed changes, and finalize the Compliance Panel TOR and operational guidance based on the Assurance Model. The WG is currently conducting meetings that will continue during the in-person meetings. 

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The face-to-face meeting included a presentation on governance and guiding principles, and manufacturers to submit a revised document. The WG is currently awaiting the outcomes of discussions on shared investment principles at the manufacturers’ category level before proceeding with their work. Once the proposal from the manufacturers is available, the WG will revamp the discussions on data sharing and value transfer.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: June 2022

Here are all their updates from the last month:

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

For the strategy and objectives working group, the development of the assurance model will be on priority for the next few months. To this end, they have finalised the draft terms of reference for an Assurance Model taskforce, which will be presented to the Executive Committee in their next meeting. Once approved, recruitment will begin extensively. The risk subgroup is also finalizing a document to be shared with the Executive Committee for their feedback.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

The group has submitted a resolution ahead of the July 22 General Assembly to restructure smallholder membership within GPSNR to enhance active participation. You can take a look at it in the GA Booklet here. In the next few months, they will begin planning smallholder workshops in Malaysia while also working on the smallholder policy equivalent. In case you missed it, they have also published an RFP recently to pilot agroforestry workshops for smallholders. Find it here. Preparations for a workshop for smallholders in Malaysia have also begun, which would be held in Q3 of 2022.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

In the last month, the group has finalised two major resolutions presented to the July General Assembly – one on the implementation guidance and the other on the disclosure requirements for year one reporting. Take a look here. Additionally, they have also finalised the guidance and templates for reporting for manufacturers and end users. If you are an end user or manufacturer who has not yet received the guidance and/or the templates, please write to the secretariat at

For the next couple of months, the working group will be busy with finalising the operational guidance for the compliance panel and will continue conversations on the transparent reporting roadmap for years 2 and 3.

Capacity Building Working Group

After the kick-off of the GAPs coaching project in Indonesia with SNV and Koltiva, the group is  busy in the development of GPSNR’s knowledge sharing platform, which includes smallholder interviews, compiling and assessing responses of member surveys and holding focus group discussions. At the same time, they are working on advancing Capacity Building plans for Indonesia, Thailand and Côte d’Ivoire. 

They have also published two key RFPs for capacity building projects in Indonesia: one on disease fighting and the other on the provision of certified planting materials.

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The Shared Responsibility working group has prepared the Shared Responsibility framework resolution ahead of the GA, which you can read here

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