Stretching the conversation about sustainable natural rubber

In the last 30 years, Asia has doubled the area of land dedicated to rubber plantations, where environmental abuses run rampant in its complex supply chain. Now, the biggest stakeholders in rubber are setting new standards with the launch of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber.

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By 2050, the number of cars in the world is expected to more than double as urban population growth and rising incomes lead to increased demand for mobility. This has led to louder calls for a more environmentally friendly, energy efficient transport sector.

But what’s been missing from the conversation on sustainable transport so far is a key material that cars and other vehicles literally run on: rubber.

Around 70 per cent of the world’s supply of natural rubber is used to manufacture the wheels that move cars and enable airplanes to take off and land. In the last two decades, the consumption of natural rubber, which is primarily produced in the world’s tropical regions, has been increasing at a steady rate of 5 per cent every year.

Ideal climate and soil conditions in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam have made Southeast Asia the epicentre of global rubber production. Ninety per cent of the 13.960 million tonnes of rubber tapped last year came from this part of the world. The last 10 years have also witnessed the expansion of industrial rubber practices in Cambodia and Laos, after land in China and Vietnam began to deteriorate as a result of large-scale rubber production.

On a recent trip to Bintan, an Indonesian island located an hour from Singapore’s shores, Eco-Business got a first-hand look at the reality of smallholder rubber farming in Asia and the challenges of charting a sustainable path for rubber.

Although natural rubber has not received as much attention as fellow tropical commodity palm oil, it creates a similar set of social and environmental problems, from contributing to rapid deforestation to a history of land grabs and human rights violations in the Mekong.

However, unlike palm oil, which is mainly produced in large estates owned by big, family-owned corporations, close to 85 per cent of global rubber is produced by smallholders in Asia, making traceability a major issue in the industry’s quest for sustainability.

“Natural rubber is a crucial element of tyre production, driving the importance of its sustainability,” William Dusseau, manager of technical relations at Cooper tyre and rubber company, told Eco-Business. “A coordinated, universal and standard industry approach is the way to drive solutions in establishing and promoting sustainable natural rubber practices.”

He added that the launch of the Global Platform on Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), which took place last Thursday at the World Rubber Summit in Singapore, was a significant step in developing and maintaining sustainable rubber standards.

Members of the new platform include major brand tyre companies such as Cooper, Michelin, Pirelli, and Bridgestone and global car manufacturers including BMW Group, Ford Motor Company and General Motors.

GPSNR also includes international non-profit and civil society organisations such as Mighty Earth, Birdlife International and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

According to Jean Bakouma, head of the Forest Program at WWF-France, since the rubber value chain is primarily driven by buyers, tyre manufacturers hold the greatest leverage for improving both the socioeconomic and environmental performance of natural rubber production.

“A robust sustainability policy that is thoroughly implemented by tyre manufacturers must consider sustainable natural rubber as a natural and responsible way to protect forests with high conservation value and high carbon stock, as well as foster other environmental services,” he said.

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A First Look at GPSNR’s second Executive Committee

GPSNR’s Executive Committee comprises Ordinary Member representatives of each membership category, according to the newly approved allocation proposed in the resolution for a standalone category for natural rubber smallholder producers. Each membership category is allocated a total of three seats in the Executive Committee, with representatives chosen by elections within the category.

The Executive Committee serves as a center for overarching ideas of the Platform, and Executive Committee members bear the responsibility of raising awareness of emerging issues to their respective categories, initiating consultation sessions, and encouraging active participation in GPSNR’s Working Groups and activities.

The members of the second GPSNR Executive Committee, according to category, are as follows:

Producers, Processors & Traders

SIPH – represented by Marc Genot (Managing Director, Societe Africaine des  Plantations  d’Heveas SA)

Socfin – represented by Philippe De Groote (Head of Agronomy – Rubber)

Southland Global – represented by Tim Leong (Associate Director)

Tire Makers and Other Natural Rubber Product Makers

Bridgestone Corporation – represented by Andy Thompson (Global Director, Sustainability Strategy, Policy & Integration) 

Continental AG – represented by Claus Petschick (Head of Sustainability)

Michelin – represented by Segsarn Trai-Ukos (Managing Director, Société des Matières Premières Tropicales Pte Ltd)

Car Makers, Other Downstream Users, and Financial Institutions

BMW Group – represented by Vanessa Buchberger (Purchasing and Supplier Network, Sustainability, Innovation Management, Cooperations)

Civil Society

HCV Resource Network – represented by Arie Soetjiadi (SEA Representative)

Mighty Earth – represented by Margaret Kran-Annexstein (Campaign Director)

WWF – represented by Amy Smith (Deputy Director, Forest Sector Transformation)

Smallholder Producers

Baroan Roland – Côte d’Ivoire

Dang Quoc Thong – Vietnam 

Soontorn Rakrong – Thailand

The Executive Committee holds a monthly conference call to discuss proposals put forth by the Working Groups, and other issues pertinent to the Platform.

GPSNR supports the inclusion of smallholder farmers in EU natural rubber supply chains, and affirms their customary and native land use rights

Smallholder farmers are key stakeholders in natural rubber supply chains accounting for 85% of global supply, and enabling the resilience and sustainability of the value chain. However, smallholder farmers are the most vulnerable to major changes in the economic and regulatory landscape. Their vulnerability is heightened by the fact that many smallholders lack formal land documentation. Fortunately, many rubber producing countries are progressively implementing land tenure formalization programmes for smallholders but they undoubtedly will take significant amounts of time to fully implement.

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) supports the intent and implementation of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), and considers it a bold and necessary step to addressing deforestation, human rights violations, and illegality in commodity production, including natural rubber. However, it is key that its implementation ensures the continued inclusion and support of smallholders in EU supply chains.

GPSNR includes more than 200 smallholder farmers from 12 countries in its membership and has heard their concerns regarding the potential unintended consequences of the law.

As reflected in its Policy Framework, GPSNR is committed to recognise and protect the customary, traditional and communal land tenure and use rights of Indigenous People and local communities (IPLC), including smallholder farmers who have such rights, even in cases where they are not formalised yet in the legal system of the country in which they reside.

In view of supporting the inclusion of smallholders in EU supply chains, while ensuring due diligence against illegality, the GPSNR requests the European Commission provide additional EUDR guidance to competent national authorities regarding how to effectively check that operators and traders have conducted sufficient due diligence to determine the legality of commodities falling within the scope of the Regulation considering the mosaic of native and customary land rights arrangements found on smallholder farms around the world. Examples of how this could be achieved might include: 

  •  The creation of a shared information system amongst competent national authorities to assess the practical state of producing countries’ efforts to document and formalize recognition of customary land tenure arrangements for smallholder farmers;


  • Work with producer country governments to identify prevalence of customary tenure.


  • Providing practical guidance to EU competent authorities and regulated companies on:


    o How to robustly assess and map the customary land title claims in each country to ensure smallholders are not cut out of supply chains before formal land registries are created and protect the right to self-determination of IPLCs who do not wish to engage in land title formalisation even if it becomes available. 

    o In countries where formalization of land tenure is still under development, prioritize assessment of legality to establish that commodities placed on the market do not originate from land that has been occupied or acquired in violation of national land laws or customary tenure arrangements (i.e., through a “land grab”); through dispossession or abuse of the rights of vulnerable members of a population by elites; or which is located within prohibited areas such as national parks, wildlife reserves, or other protected areas, or from other restricted use areas.

    o Specifics on the types of documentation to collect to substantiate the rights (formal or customary) of smallholder farmers to use land parcels for the production of the relevant commodity. This could include documentation recognized by local authorities, or other evidence of locally recognized land tenure, and evidence that key regulatory bodies in producing countries have indicated general acceptance that smallholder farmers cultivating land under customary and/or communal land tenure arrangements may legally produce and sell rubber (this may be explicit – e.g., through a license – or implicit, e.g. through the provision of official extension support, credit schemes, or marketing assistance to registered smallholders);

We call the Commission and other EU and national institutions for a joint effort to enable smallholder farmer organizations to meet EUDR compliance; and proactively work with the producing countries to address potentially conflicting national laws, issues of inadequate law enforcement and corruption, and provide support to producing countries to tackle these issues and empower smallholders to maintain access to EU markets. GPSNR commits to support just transitions to secure forms of land tenure. We will collaborate with members to enhance capacity in land tenure and support programs facilitating smallholders’ access to formal land documentation where applicable.

Finally, we wish to clarify that the above proposals are in no way intended to avoid compliance by GPSNR operators and traders purchasing and selling natural rubber products covered under the scope of the Regulation. Rather, they are designed to support and enhance the position of the six million smallholders in global rubber supply chains to help realize the potential of the law, whilst themselves benefiting from it. These proposals are supported by GPSNR’s smallholder and civil society representatives, alongside industry members.

The GPSNR Executive Committee has sent this letter to the European Commission for further deliberation. 

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