Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – September 2019

The recruitment of team members for Strategy 1 “Policy Toolbox” and Strategy 3 “Enhancing Transparency and Traceability” has started with the expectation to get all the team members ready by the end of September 2019.

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Strategy 1 “Policy Toolbox” working group will work on:

Establishing a Policy Toolbox that defines the environmental, social and economic criteria that members should be required to include in their policies along with a Policy Implementation Template, and Policy Checklist for those with existing policies to ensure they incorporate all appropriate aspects of a natural rubber sustainability policy;

Making a recommendation on the required timeline for members of GPSNR to establish their sustainability policies, the implementation plan for their policies, and what the reporting requirements should be for policy implementation;

Identifying the appropriate Assurance Model for GPSNR to implement to monitor progress of members and the industry to achieving the mission of GPSNR.

Strategy 3 “Enhancing Transparency and Traceability” working group will work on recommending tools to trace, assess the risk, and achieve transparency of any given natural rubber product buyer’s supply chain.

Strategy 1 and Strategy 3 working group members recruitment is open now until end of September.  Ideally we expect to have a combination of at least 1 car maker, 2 tyre makers, 2 producers and 2 CSOs per working group.  The participation of the core working group is limited to the ordinary members only but the experts and/or affiliate members will be invited upon the topic.  

Please feel free to drop us an e-mail on the topic you would like to contribute, the expertise you would like to share with the working group members. For more information, please contact

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Embracing our Shared Responsibility: GPSNR’s newest Working Group (Members Version)

Before the second General Assembly on 23 September 2020, the GPSNR Executive Committee had approved the creation of a Shared Responsibility Working Group that would be tasked to define the principles of shared responsibility for GPSNR.

The term ‘shared responsibility’ is relatively new to the sustainability scene, and as such, there is currently no commonly accepted definition for it. In general, shared responsibility is a value-driven concept which recognizes that supply chains are structurally imbalanced in terms of value and benefit, risk, burden of compliance, climate change impacts, power of negotiation, and access to information and resources. A shared responsibility approach strives for value, benefits, risks and improvement investments to be equitably distributed across all actors within the supply chain.​

In order to establish the foundational work that would enable the creation of the Shared Responsibility Working Group, the Executive Committee formed a Task Force comprising several of its members. Over a series of weekly calls, the Task Force has developed a Terms of Reference (ToR) and a set of Guiding Principles to inform the work of the new Shared Responsibility Working Group.

It is envisioned that the Shared Responsibility Working Group will draw from the Guiding Principles for Shared Responsibility (currently being developed by the Executive Committee’s Shared Responsibility Task Force), as well as the GPSNR Equity Definition and the studies launched by the Equity Working Group, to develop an implementation framework for the platform with respect to shared responsibility.

GPSNR is now looking for members interested in joining the Shared Responsibility Working Group, to register with the Secretariat. If you are interested to join the SR WG, please email Aidan ( to indicate your interest. The deadline for expressing interest is Wednesday 24th February, after which the WG will nominate co-chairs and kickoff as soon as possible.

The Shared Responsibility Working Group Terms of Reference can be found here.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: August 2024

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: Hubert has completed his updates to the Assurance Model documents, which are now being consulted with the membership through the Assurance Model Task Force. Members should provide written feedback through the feedback form, and those who wish to be more actively involved in finalising these documents are encouraged to write to the Secretariat to join the Task Force. Additionally, a webinar will be conducted to share these updates and initiate further feedback from the membership. To register for the webinar, click here.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The following projects have been endorsed by SCB WG members: the Indonesia GAP Coaching (Phase 1) by Koltiva, and the Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry Project by Dr. Eric (CIRAD) and Dr. Maria. Continued oversight of ongoing projects, including the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project (Phase 2), is being maintained. Koltiva has submitted a mid-term report, with SCB WG members requested to review and provide feedback by 26 August 2024.

Goodyear has expressed interest in extending the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project into Phase 3, with Koltiva’s proposal currently under review by the funder and the Secretariat planning to circulate it to SCB WG members for review once finalised. The Knowledge Sharing Platform is on track, with Koltiva scheduled to deliver the outcomes by 20 August 2024 and a presentation to the SCB WG on 22 August 2024. The Thailand Agroforestry Project is proceeding smoothly, with the contract for an additional project to develop a local marketing system being finalised with RAFS. Additionally, the resolution on the Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) was approved during the EGA in July 2024, and the Secretariat is facilitating the creation of a Project Management Sub-group within the SCB WG, which will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring projects under the SIM. The Terms of Reference (TORs) for this sub-group have been drafted and are pending approval from the GPSNR Executive Committee.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Mechanism has been approved by the General Assembly following the July Extraordinary General Assembly vote. The Secretariat will work on establishing the Shared Investment Mechanism and operationalising all aspects of the Shared Investment Framework. Additionally, the Secretariat will continue to develop the value transfer initiative through discussions with members.

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