(Closed) Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-A02-027-GPSNR Annual Report
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Introduction & Background
At GPSNR, we bring together companies, smallholders, academia and civil society to transform the natural rubber supply chain into a sustainable, equitable and fair one.
Even though it was launched just in 2018, more than 50% of the world’s natural rubber demand already finds membership in GPSNR. This is only a small reflection of the amount of work that has taken place over the last three years.
We are seeking a web design consultancy to design, code and publish a webpage style annual report for 2022, which can be easily downloaded as a PDF version. The content for the webpage will be provided by the GPSNR secretariat.
Key Requirements
Working closely with the GPSNR secretariat, the consultant will:
Create and finalise three web-page mockup (wireframes, prototypes, and corresponding user interface components like templates, stylesheets, scripts, images, etc) for the team to choose from.
Once the mock up has been chosen by the team, the consultant will include four rounds of feedback from the GPSNR secretariat and key stakeholders in the development of the final page.
Integrate components in the CMS to allow review and testing, and make corresponding adjustments based on feedback received. Liaise with GPSNR’s Communications Manager to ensure that the mockups are feasible for the GPSNR website.
The engagement will take place for a period of four weeks from 4 November to 9 November. Interim dates for wireframes and approvals will be mutually agreed upon after confirmation.
Necessary Competencies:
Solid understanding of the concepts of user experience, user interface design principles and conceptual design.
Expert knowledge in WordPress CMS and Elementor Knowledge of Bootstrap, jQuery and AngularJS, HTML, and Elementor Shortcodes Knowledge of industry-standard design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver.
Knowledge of WordPress Content Management System, particularly with respect to page template design, will be considered an asset.
Eye for design and attention to detail are essential.
Submission Guidelines & Requirements
The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:
Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
Submissions must include 1) a portfolio of previous work 2) a paragraph describing how the consultant would approach such a project 3) a financial proposal with a breakdown of how much each competent of the work would cost.
Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit to the bidder’s company.
Proposals must be received by 31 October 2022 to be considered.
Proposals should be submitted to bani.bains@gpsnr.org for consideration.
Project Timelines
Request for Proposal Issuance
20 October 2022
Proposal submitted by consultant to bani.bains@gpsnr.org
31 October 2022
Selection of consultant / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders
2 November 2022
Completion of Phase 1: Preparatory Recommendations
4 November 2022
The Platform is anticipating a total budget of up to 4000 SGD for this project.
Payment terms shall be:
20% at the signing of the contract
30% upon midpoint as mutually agreed
50% at the completion of the project
Evaluation Factors
GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors:
Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals
Relevant past performance / experience and / or any samples of past work
Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership
Technical expertise/experience of bidder and the bidder’s staff
GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.
The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative committed to improving the socioeconomics and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Development of the GPSNR was initiated by the CEOs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in 2018. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define strategy and objectives.
The GPSNR Statutes mandate the creation of an independent Compliance Panel to review and ensure that Members meet GPSNR membership requirements in conformance with Statutes, Code of Conduct, decisions, standards and processes, and make recommendations to GPSNR Executive Committee. The Compliance Panel will administer decisions in line with relevant GPSNR procedures. The panel shall be composed of three external experts and will operate independently from the membership and Secretariat.
GPSNR is seeking a consultant to help define procedures and guidelines required for the transparent and impartial operations and activities of GPSNR Compliance Panel.
Objectives: To review GPSNR Statutes and relevant procedures, and develop recommendations and propose options available for the structure, operations and verification protocols of the Compliance Panel.
The current GPSNR membership statutes document stipulates the following:
10. Compliance System and Compliance Panel. The Executive Committee shall establish a Compliance System to ensure that Members meet Platform membership requirements in conformance with the Platform’s Statutes, Code of Conduct, decisions, standards and processes. The operating procedures of the Compliance System shall be defined in terms of reference to be adopted by the Executive Committee, consistent with the following core provisions:
a. The Compliance System shall be administered by the Secretariat.
b. Recommendations and decisions under the Compliance System shall be made by a Compliance Panel.
c. The Compliance Panel’s functions shall include the review of whether a Member (in the period after its admission) meets the requirements for membership.
d. The Compliance Panel shall operate independently from the Executive Committee and General Assembly.
e. The Compliance Panel shall be composed of an independent body of three external experts that meet on a regular basis.
f. Experts shall be nominated by an Ordinary Member and elected by a decision of the General Assembly to serve a 3-year term.
g. A Member of the Compliance Panel may be removed by a consensus decision of the Executive Committee with a clear justification available to members upon request.
h. Members of the Compliance Panel shall be subject to a conflict of interest policy, as adopted by the Executive Committee.
i. The Compliance System shall ensure that Members are afforded an opportunity to be heard and an opportunity to cure any findings of non-compliance, alleged by either the Compliance System or Grievance Mechanism.
The consultant is expected to provide an outline of relevant existing compliance models, a comparison of options that GPSNR could consider, and justified recommendations based on:
Review of other existing membership and/or compliance panel models
Review of GPSNR Statutes and other relevant GPSNR documents
Interviews with GPSNR members and relevant external stakeholders
Other relevant expert advice and guidance
Scope of Work:
GPSNR is seeking a consultant to recommend operational procedures and guidance for the GPSNR Compliance Panel, to include:
Proposed roles and responsibilities of GPSNR Compliance Panel
Suggested scope of the CP’s activities
Recommended qualification requirements and selection protocols for Compliance Panel members; covering necessary relevant expertise, how to avoid conflict of interests, and procedures for the appointment and removal of Panel members
Options for the structure of decision-making within the panel
Proposed verification procedures by the panel to assess ongoing compliance of GPSNR members with membership requirements
Procedure for issuing appropriate recommendations to ensure compliance of GPSNR members, based on the submitted results of the verification process.
Options for GPSNR to deal with situations where members cannot demonstrate compliance with relevant membership requirements, including steps towards potential suspension or termination in cases of major or persistent noncompliance
Suggestions for appeal procedures related to the decisions/recommendations of the GPSNR CP
Procedure for recording and reporting of Compliance Panel decisions/recommendations
Description of past work that is relevant to this RFP.
A workplan that outlines all key activities of the pilot study, cost for each and timeline for completion.
A description of deliverables and indication of accessibility to GPSNR members and/or the public.
A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.
The work shall begin by 21 May 2021 and the various phases shall be completed in accordance with the dates outlined in the timeline below:
Due Date
Submission deadline for proposals
7 May 2021
Contract Award
14 May 2021
Work begins
By 21 May 2021
Presentation of first draft to GPSNR Policy Toolbox WG (WG1)
2 June 2021 (adjustable)
Review of draft based on WG1 feedback
3-10 June 2021
Submission of final recommendations
11 June 2021
The Platform is anticipating that the total budget of no more than 10,000 SGD be allocated to the engagement.
Payment terms shall be:
20% at the signing of the contract
30% at the presentation of the first draft
50% upon delivery of the final recommendations.
GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:
Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal;
Relevant past performance/experience;
Samples of work;
Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership;
Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff.
GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.
The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber producers and processors, vehicle makers, NGOs, and smallholder natural rubber producers.
GPSNR is seeking to hire a consultant to develop the GPSNR Policy Equivalent for Smallholders, which will put forth commitments for economic, environmental, and social sustainability for GPSNR smallholder members.
Relevant Background
GPSNR Policy Framework for Member Companies
In September 2020, the GPSNR General Assembly endorsed the GPSNR Policy Framework for natural rubber production and sourcing for GPSNR ordinary member companies.
The GPSNR Policy Framework provides a framework for GPSNR member companies to align their natural rubber purchasing policies on all aspects of sustainability: economic, environmental, and social. Modelled around the Platform’s 12 Principles of Sustainable Natural Rubber, the GPSNR policy framework sets out eight overarching themes that include commitments to legal compliance, community livelihoods, healthy, functioning ecosystems (including no deforestation), and respecting all human rights.
In line with the GPSNR Policy Framework, the GPSNR Secretariat has prepared guidance on the Policy Evaluation Procedure to support members in aligning their corporate policies with the GPSNR Policy Framework.
GPSNR Smallholders Policy Equivalent for Smallholder Members
As of March 2022, GPSNR currently has 112 smallholder members across 10 countries: Brazil, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
While this represents a small percentage of the millions of smallholder producers globally, GPSNR is committed to developing the mechanisms, tools, and processes to support smallholders globally in adopting best practices for natural rubber production in terms of economic, environmental and social outcomes.
To advance this, the Platform is developing the GPSNR Smallholders Policy Equivalent. GPSNR is seeking to hire a consultant to make recommendations on the objectives, content, function, and roadmap of this new document, the Smallholders Policy (or similar equivalent), relative to the needs, interests, and capacities of the Platform’s smallholder members.
The consultant is expected to collect relevant information via desktop study and information provided by the GPSNR Secretariat and the GPSNR Smallholders Policy Task Force.
The consultant would also be expected to conduct a number of stakeholder engagement sessions (e.g., interviews, focus group discussion; including but not necessarily limited to GPSNR smallholder members, and GPSNR NGO and private company members with direct interactions with smallholder, such as natural rubber processers) based on the criteria set out below. The GPSNR Secretariat will provide a preliminary list of contacts and the consultant will be expected to propose additional contacts to interview, with a particular focus on external schemes / platforms that engage with smallholders.
Regular contact and provision of updates to the Task Force together with the Secretariat will be required.
Further Context
To become a Smallholder Member of GPSNR, the following criteria must be met:
The primary source of income for the smallholder is the farm (not only Natural Rubber)
The Natural Rubber production unit size is not more than 50ha (although the farm may be larger)
Profitsfrom the farm accrue primarily to the owner of the farm and their family
Objectives, Content and Function of the Smallholders Policy Equivalent
The consultant should put forth recommendations covering the objectives, substantive content, function, and roadmap (e.g., propose normative documents to be developed later on) of the Smallholders Policy Equivalent, considering the responses of key stakeholders to the following questions:
What are the objectives of the Policy Equivalent for GPSNR and GPSNR smallholder members?
What are the sustainability commitments and standards put forth in the Policy Equivalent?
How detailed should the commitments in the Policy Equivalent be?
How binding should the Policy Equivalent be for smallholder members (e.g., level of adoption requirements)?
What would the Policy Equivalent entail or mean for smallholder members upon its completion and endorsement?
What are the expected costs and benefits of implementing the Policy Equivalent for member and non-member smallholders?
How would the content, form or function of the Policy Equivalent compare to existing equivalents (e.g., participatory guarantee systems) in other commodities (e.g., coffee, cocoa, palm oil etc.), if any?
Follow-up Questions: What mechanisms can GPSNR put in place to assist farmers in managing the costs of adhering to implementing sustainability best practices?
This should be conducted through a needs review comprising a representative set of stakeholders (smallholders, NGOs, processers, and producers). GPSNR will facilitate virtual access and engagement with GPSNR smallholder and company members where applicable and requested by the consultant.
This RFP is also not limited in scope to smallholders or stakeholders in any specific geographical region, given that the output is expected to be globally applicable.
Submission Guidelines & Requirements
The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:
Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well.
A technical proposal must be provided that should be around 4 pages in length. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed methodology as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 page. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as daily rates and an estimated total number of days.
Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
Proposals must be received prior to 10 June 2022 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to yeo.siyuan@gpsnr.org for consideration. You may also reach out to this contact for any questions or clarifications.
Project Timelines
The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:
Request for Proposal Issuance
6 May 2022
Proposal submitted by consultant to yeo.siyuan@gpsnr.org
10 June 2022
Selection of Consultant / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders
24 June 2022
Contract Award
1 July 2022
Work to commence no later than
8 July 2022
First Review
August 2022
Second Review
September 2022
Delivery of Recommendations to GPSNR
End-September 2022
The above timeline is open to further adjustments based on discussions with the consultant and GPSNR’s ongoing key milestones.
The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 25,000 GBP. If the consultant deems that travel plans are required to execute this project, these should be included in the proposal (along with any additional budgetary requirements).
Payment terms shall be:
● 20% at the signing of the contract ● 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan ● 50% on delivery of the final report
Evaluation Factors
GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors:
Costs and expected timeline
Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this RFP
Methodology for developing the Policy Equivalent
Technical expertise/experience, including past performance/experience
GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.
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