Preparing Smallholders for their Role in GPSNR

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Following the announcement that the GPSNR General Assembly (GA) will take place in September, the Smallholders Representation Group has quickly adapted its plans around onboarding smallholder members prior to the GA. With restrictions around COVID-19 necessitating a virtual format for the GA, likewise the sessions involving smallholders would follow suit.

The onboarding will be conducted via a series of national and international calls starting from late July until the end of September. There will be a total of 3 calls amongst smallholders at the national level, and another 3 calls at the international level. 

The first national calls have already been conducted for all seven countries: Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. During this first call, the smallholders were introduced to the video conference platform with a quick tutorial on its functions. Next, they were given an update on developments and projects within GPSNR before learning more about the upcoming GA, including the onboarding schedule, the process for Executive Committee elections and an overview of the resolutions. 

The Country Champions are providing immense support through coordination of the calls, conducting the calls in the local language and in some cases reaching out to the smallholders individually to help them overcome the barriers of using new technology.

The Working Group will be engaging an experienced facilitator who will be able to foster relationships as well as trigger and encourage discussion amongst the smallholders  in an international and multilingual setting. A Request for Proposal was posted on the GPSNR website and social media channels, and the Secretariat is supporting the Working Group in finalizing the selection of proposals.  

The next national call will see smallholders sharing about themselves and their work in natural rubber production, an activity designed to assist them each in articulating their thoughts and vision as potential election candidates for the Executive Committee.

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Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – August 2019

We have already had the chance to discuss some updates on the work of the GPSNR Strategy and Objectives working group in our first newsletter in July 2019, available here.

Since then, the Strategy and Objectives Working Group has continued to build out the scope and desired deliverables for the first 3 strategies that GPSNR should implement, namely: 1) Natural Rubber Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance; 2) Capacity Building for Smallholders and Rubber Plantations supplying Natural Rubber; 3) Improving Transparency and Traceability within the Natural Rubber Supply Chain.

Strategy 1, “Sustainability Policy Toolbox and Best Practices Guidance”, has now been finalized within the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. The estimated timeline for the completion of this work has been laid out to ensure that the final approval by the Executive Committee is granted in time, and the deliverables of this strategy can be put forward for consideration by the General Assembly in March 2020. In order to achieve this, the first step will be for the strategy document to be submitted to the GPSNR Executive Committee for approval in August, so that the recruitment to form the sub-working group for Strategy 1 can start as soon as possible.

While the Working Group is still in the initial stages of clarifying the scope for Strategy 2, “Capacity Building”, Strategy 3, “Improving Transparency and Traceability” is under the final revision process by the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members. Once this document is agreed internally, it will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. The work on Strategy 3 will also be informed by a study GPSNR plans to commission in the next weeks, to better compare and understand transparency and assurance tools that are currently available, that can be applied to the Natural Rubber supply chain.

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group members are holding bi-weekly catch-up calls to progress the work on these strategies, and ensure that GPSNR has a system that benefits smallholders and and all stakeholders in the natural rubber value chain, adding a credible assurance model which enhances transparency. Every voice is crucial to accomplish this mission, so we welcome you to hop on board and help GPSNR being a better, more inclusive platform. For more information on how to join GPSNR or the Working Groups, contact


Embracing our Shared Responsibility: GPSNR’s newest Working Group

Before the second General Assembly on 23 September 2020, the GPSNR Executive Committee had approved the creation of a Shared Responsibility Working Group that would be tasked to define the principles of shared responsibility for GPSNR.

The term ‘shared responsibility’ is relatively new to the sustainability scene, and as such, there is currently no commonly accepted definition for it. In general, shared responsibility is a value-driven concept which recognizes that supply chains are structurally imbalanced in terms of value and benefit, risk, burden of compliance, climate change impacts, power of negotiation, and access to information and resources. A shared responsibility approach strives for value, benefits, risks and improvement investments to be equitably distributed across all actors within the supply chain.​

In order to establish the foundational work that would enable the creation of the Shared Responsibility Working Group, the Executive Committee formed a Task Force comprising several of its members. Over a series of weekly calls, the Task Force has developed a Terms of Reference (ToR) and a set of Guiding Principles to inform the work of the new Shared Responsibility Working Group.

It is envisioned that the Shared Responsibility Working Group will draw from the Guiding Principles for Shared Responsibility (currently being developed by the Executive Committee’s Shared Responsibility Task Force), as well as the GPSNR Equity Definition and the studies launched by the Equity Working Group, to develop an implementation framework for the platform with respect to shared responsibility.

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