General Assembly 2020 Information for Members

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With less than a month to go to GPSNR’s General Assembly (GA) 2020, the Secretariat has published an Information Booklet for all GPSNR members, containing key details around the event, including proposed resolutions and a list of candidates running for the Executive Committee Elections. 

This year’s GA will be convened virtually on 23 September 2020. GPSNR Ordinary Members will go to the polls two weeks before the event, to cast their votes on proposed resolutions which include, amongst others, the formation of a new membership category for natural rubber smallholders, and a policy framework for natural rubber production and sourcing for GPSNR member companies. Each membership category will also elect representatives to fill upcoming vacancies in the Executive Committee.

Members may access the GA Info Booklet via the mailer that was sent out on Friday, 21 August 2020. Any members encountering issues with the mailer and links may reach out to the Secretariat ( for assistance.

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Presentation on the High Conservation Value Approach

In discussing the proposed member requirements and reporting requirements, the Policy Toolbox Working Group has touched frequently upon the topics of High Conservation Value (HCV), no deforestation, no conversion of non-forested ecosystem, and other issues around developments on post-disturbance vegetation/ land cover. 

To establish a common understanding about HCVs, the High Conservation Value Resource Network (HCVRN) Secretariat took the initiative to organize a video presentation to the Working Group members on the HCV Approach. The presentation touched on governance and historical aspects of the HCV Approach, and its implementation in forest and non-forest ecosystems in the landscape, concession and smallholder contexts.

(GPSNR Members may view the presentation and download the slide deck by logging in to the website and accessing the Members Version of this article.) 


GPSNR unveils first ever collective grievance mechanism in the natural rubber industry

Singapore, 15 June 2021: The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) has unveiled the natural rubber industry’s first ever grievance mechanism. The process provides a platform to address complaints against its members. It also creates a space for collaboration, improved relations and amicable and meaningful solutions amongst stakeholders in the natural rubber value chain. In situations where this is not possible, the Grievance Mechanism offers recourse and seeks to ensure remedy is provided to impacted parties.  

Members and non-members can now use this process to address existing concerns regarding a member’s violation of membership requirements or other guiding principles of the Platform. The mechanism seeks to provide transparency and predictability in the process and requires resolutions to be reached in a timely manner. It asserts particular emphasis on finding expedient and impartial resolution for high risk cases involving impact on communities or the environment, through the creation of a Complaints Panel. This panel will be made up of volunteer members, an external expert, and will judge whether and what kind of corrective actions need to be taken. 

The process is comprehensive and risk-based, and is designed with the aim  to bring parties to viable solutions and concrete remedy through a transparent process. ‘’The mechanism makes it possible for third parties to address issues with GPSNR members through an unbiased yet amicable process. The focus of the process will always be on finding solutions that work for everyone and provide both Complainants and Respondents with a transparent platform for resolution and accountability’’ said GPSNR Platform Director Stefano Savi.  

In slightly over two years, GPSNR has established itself as a platform working towards systemic change in the natural rubber supply chain. The existence of a strong redressal process like this grievance mechanism showcases its commitment to a culture of fairness and transparency.  


About GPSNR:  

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. GPSNR member companies account for almost 50% of the global natural rubber volume.  

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For more information, please contact: 

Bani Bains 

Communications Manager 


Ph: +65 97268165 

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