In favour of disagreement

Image 1: GPSNR’s Executive Committee at the latest General Assembly

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Why conflict is crucial for meaningful sustainability initiatives

Aidan Mock, Impacts and Assurance Manager

Since joining the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber in July 2020, I have spent about 3,000 hours working for the organization. Malcolm Gladwell popularized the controversial idea that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something which means that I still have a long way to go. Reflecting on these two numbers at the end of last year, I started to wonder how much time it takes GPSNR as a whole to demonstrate progress. I was most curious about our brand new Reporting Requirements (RRs) which were approved at the General Assembly last year. The RRs will ensure that all GPSNR members have standardised sustainability data which can be tracked, monitored, and analysed to meet our goals on sustainability and equity. Needless to say, this is a crucial piece of work for the global rubber industry.

 In June 2021, ZSL conducted 1.5-hour long focus group calls with each stakeholder category within GPSNR on the RRs. On average a total of 72 work hours were spent on this segment alone, with 12 people attending each of the four calls (12 x 4 x 1.5). In July, the Working Group convened its first meeting to discuss the proposed RRs in detail,  resulting in another 43.5 work hours spent on the RRs. 

The truly difficult months were October and November, where members met almost daily. An average of 19 people joined each of the 22 calls, which lasted about 1 hour and 45 minutes each time. In these two months, members spent a staggering 750 work hours discussing and negotiating the questions. 

By the time Reporting Requirements were sent out for General Assembly vote, GPSNR members had spent more than a thousand hours discussing the RRs at the working group level. The actual number is likely higher as I didn’t include the time spent in category-specific meetings, executive committee discussions, and meetings that ran over their intended time limit. The time taken to complete the RRs eventually amounted to a third of the time that I’ve been working at GPSNR.

Image 2: A screenshot of the tabulation on hours spent discussing the RRs

With members all across the world, these meetings meant sacrificing hundreds of hours of family dinners, early morning sleep, and mid-afternoon siestas! Yet members made the choice to show up for meetings day-after-day, demonstrating remarkable commitment to the mission of GPSNR.

From an outside perspective, one thousand work hours of meetings were needed to create 100 questions, which means we had a progress rate of 10 work hours per question! Sceptics of GPSNR would be quick to point out this “slow progress”, and I will admit that there are faster ways to formulate a hundred questions. However, if you want to get more than 100 members across different stakeholder categories to agree on reporting questions for the entire industry, this is the fastest that it can go. I observed something similar at a grand scale at the COP 26 negotiations in Glasgow in October. Parties spent hours discussing the choice of wording in key phrases and some even used valuable time to simply express disagreement with the text. 

If we are to achieve multi-stakeholder progress, we must adopt the same philosophy and spend time listening to the concerns and disagreements of all parties before we collaboratively develop  solutions to address these concerns. This process of listening to each other and finding solutions will take time, maybe even a thousand hours, but this is the fastest and most thorough way to do it while still honouring the multi-stakeholder principles of the platform.

One of our greatest strengths at GPSNR is that members can disagree with each other openly. I believe that disagreement and healthy negotiation is a sign of a diverse membership that trusts each other to listen and address their concerns. Being able to work towards solutions across “category lines” is also a sign that GPSNR is maturing as we approach our 10,000 work hours of collective practice. I hope we can carry forward this momentum and growth into the new year. I hope we continue to treat the disagreements that will inevitably arise as opportunities to listen, demonstrate empathy, and build trust. I hope we come to see the multi-stakeholder enterprise as one that is conflicting by design and slow by default.

This year, we will work to define the Implementation Guidance and the Transparency Roadmap for the reporting requirements and I expect these topics to involve extensive discussions and quite possibly extensive disagreement. For members already part of this work, I look forward to speaking with you on our calls. If you are not yet part of these discussions but feel  excited by the idea , feel free to write to us and we will ensure that you are included in the meetings that are soon to follow.

See you on a Zoom call soon!

More To Explore


GPSNR Working Groups Update: May 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: The consortium of Agridence and Koltiva have initiated field trials for the Risk Subgroup Traceability Pilot. The Risk Subgroup is also planning the next steps for the deliverable from ASI regarding the Risk Assessment Framework, including internal piloting and cross-walking with GPSNR commissioned studies to identify any gaps. 

Additionally, the Risk Subgroup and Basel Institution are in preliminary discussions for a potential collaboration to investigate corruption risk in the supply chain. The Assurance Model Task force will convene to receive updates on KPI alignments, the due diligence system, and the progress model of its members.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The SCB WG has formally endorsed the Terms of Reference (TORs) on April 27, and the Smallholders Policy-Equivalent (SPE) Taskforce is currently working towards securing the SCB WG’s endorsement for the final recommendations presented in their report.

The Thailand National Subgroup recently announced a tender for GAP Coaching on May 4, with a proposal submission deadline of June 30, 2023. Meanwhile, the Agroforestry-Income Diversification Taskforce is working on finalising the workshop schedule for the years 2023-2024. Lastly, the SCB WG will continue to oversee all projects taking place in Indonesia and Thailand.

 Policy Toolbox Working Group: The working group has chosen consultant Petra Westerlaan to propose a quantitative approach for the reporting matrix, including a crosswalk with other reporting frameworks (CDP Forest, GRI, and ZSL-SPOTT), aiming to facilitate data aggregation and simplify the evaluation of annual progress. They will evaluate and decide on the consultant’s proposed revisions to the reporting framework, and make recommendations to improve the reporting process and timelines.

The Policy Toolbox WG has to agree on the TRR, update Reporting Guidance to reflect the proposed changes, and finalize the Compliance Panel TOR and operational guidance based on the Assurance Model. The WG is currently conducting meetings that will continue during the in-person meetings. 

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The face-to-face meeting included a presentation on governance and guiding principles, and manufacturers to submit a revised document. The WG is currently awaiting the outcomes of discussions on shared investment principles at the manufacturers’ category level before proceeding with their work. Once the proposal from the manufacturers is available, the WG will revamp the discussions on data sharing and value transfer.


Smallholders Representation Working Group Update – September 2019

In the August newsletter we have informed you that we will organize smallholders workshop in 5 different countries with the primary objectives of:

  1. Understanding the local needs and motivations of the smallholder farmers;
  2. Understanding and recommending solutions to the barriers for smallholders and their representative organizations to join and actively participate in the GPSNR;
  3. Observing and explaining the interaction and chemistry between farmers and representative organizations.

Now we are proud to tell you that we are ready to launch the first smallholders workshop in Jambi, Indonesia on October 7th – 9th. 20 smallholders and smallholder representative organizations that have been nominated by several local partners on the ground such as SNV, WWF Indonesia, Kirana Megatara, etc. will meet up in Jambi with various categories of GPSNR working group members to further explore the future of sustainable natural rubber production.  The participants from GPSNR side is limited to 6 persons to ensure the discussions are organically contributed by smallholders.

The 3 days workshop will start with self introduction, understanding each other, understanding the current and future trends of rubber market.  It will spread out to what the platform is and how the platform can work for and with smallholders to create a win-win solution.

Four more workshops to be organized this year after Indonesia will be held in Thailand, Vietnam, Cote d’Ivoire and Brazil.  After the 5 workshops are finished, we will recommend the smallholder representations to the Executive Committee during the General Assembly in March 2020.

Stay tuned for the dates and venues of the upcoming workshops. For more information please contact

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