GPSNR Working Groups Update: October 2020

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In our last issue, we explored the road ahead for GPSNR’s Working Groups following the outcome of the second General Assembly. In this update, we check in on each Working Group to see where they are in their respective journeys.

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group has already started working on a proposal for increased Working Group alignment within the Platform. The Working Group is also finalizing the Request for Proposal (RFP) for a study on environmental impacts, and risks, in the natural rubber value chain. With its intended focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, this study will complement the previously commissioned social risks study (conducted by independent consultants James Griffiths & Associates Sàrl). 

The Living Income Gap studies for Indonesia and Thailand, initiated by the Equity sub-Group, are expected to be delivered to the sub-Group in November. 

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

The Policy Toolbox Working Group has drafted revised Terms of Reference (ToR) that will cater to the work they now have to develop following the approval of the Policy Components at the General Assembly on 23 September 2020. The next phase of work will see the Policy Toolbox Working Group developing implementation guidance for each stakeholder group, as well as future reporting requirements that will build on the baseline reporting requirements and align with the policy implementation guidance. The revised ToR will be discussed further at the Executive Committee level before being approved. 

The Policy Components were approved as part of a resolution for the endorsement of a GPSNR policy framework for natural rubber production and sourcing for ordinary member companies. A booklet containing the Policy Components can be found here.

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

The Working Group’s latest discussion was centered around its restructuring, and touched on considerations for a revised ToR to accommodate the shift in focus from developing strategies to operationalizing them. The Working Group has also kickstarted discussions around the initiation process for one of the capacity building strategies, namely the identification and gathering of Good Agricultural Practices.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

The Working Group will soon be reviewing Traceability and Transparency Tools Comparison study to develop next steps as well as recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Download the October 2020 Working Groups Update Slide Deck for more details on the progress of each Working Group.

More To Explore


Launching the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber

Sustainable natural rubber, a Tire Industry Project priority

This, of course, means looking after the people, communities and natural resources touched by natural rubber production and supply – which all stand to benefit from the creation and adoption of sustainable practices and businesses.

TIP leading change

The tire industry consumes around 70 percent of natural rubber in the world and demand for natural rubber is growing, which throws into sharp relief the various social, economic and environmental opportunities associated with the production of this important commodity.

Together with other stakeholders, TIP members are working to transform the natural rubber supply chain for the better in developing the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) – an independent platform to lead improvements in the socio-economic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain.

An ambitious and wide-reaching set of priorities

Twelve months of stakeholder collaboration have resulted in development of an ambitious, wide-reaching, common set of priorities for the natural rubber supply chain. The GPSNR will work to harmonize standards to improve respect for human rights, prevent land-grabbing, protect biodiversity and water resources, improve yields, and increase supply chain transparency and traceability.

Mainstreaming for meaningful change

A review of comparable supply chain sustainability initiatives revealed that the mainstreaming of good practices is linked to the delivery of meaningful change at the global level. This is something that requires actionable commitment from the entire supply chain, and numerous different stakeholder groups have important roles to play. In the case of natural rubber, this includes tire manufacturers and other natural rubber-using industries (such as those producing rubber gloves, condoms and other engineered products), natural rubber suppliers and processors, representatives of individual smallholder producers, vehicle manufacturers, and non-governmental organizations.

Binding commitments

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link; it is in the interest of the entire supply chain to ensure sustainable standards are met and maintained. The GPSNR will have clear membership criteria and supply chain standards that members must commit to maintain effective involvement. Members of the GPSNR will undertake binding commitments, and the GPSNR will constructively address failures to honor those commitments and act decisively in the event of noncompliance with remedial measures.

Industry backed, collaboratively driven

TIP has spearheaded development of the GPSNR and will provide initial support for the platform during its first two years of start-up and operation. This necessary level of support ensures basic operations during the establishment of a paying membership base. From launch, the platform will be independently managed with governance and decision making overseen by a representative group of stakeholders.

TIP has employed a truly collaborative effort to ready the GPSNR for launch, and that spirit of collaboration will define the actions of the platform going forward. TIP is confident that the diverse interests, experiences, areas of expertise, and motivations represented within the GPSNR will combine to deliver a successful, sustainable natural rubber supply chain.

Join the platform

If you are a natural rubber stakeholder and would like to learn more about the GPSNR and membership opportunities, please contact


Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – September 2019

Strategy 1 “Policy Toolbox” working group will work on:

Establishing a Policy Toolbox that defines the environmental, social and economic criteria that members should be required to include in their policies along with a Policy Implementation Template, and Policy Checklist for those with existing policies to ensure they incorporate all appropriate aspects of a natural rubber sustainability policy;

Making a recommendation on the required timeline for members of GPSNR to establish their sustainability policies, the implementation plan for their policies, and what the reporting requirements should be for policy implementation;

Identifying the appropriate Assurance Model for GPSNR to implement to monitor progress of members and the industry to achieving the mission of GPSNR.

Strategy 3 “Enhancing Transparency and Traceability” working group will work on recommending tools to trace, assess the risk, and achieve transparency of any given natural rubber product buyer’s supply chain.

Strategy 1 and Strategy 3 working group members recruitment is open now until end of September.  Ideally we expect to have a combination of at least 1 car maker, 2 tyre makers, 2 producers and 2 CSOs per working group.  The participation of the core working group is limited to the ordinary members only but the experts and/or affiliate members will be invited upon the topic.  

Please feel free to drop us an e-mail on the topic you would like to contribute, the expertise you would like to share with the working group members. For more information, please contact

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