From Scrubs to Sustainability

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As I stood in the rubber processing factory of Halcyon Agri, the burnt smell of rubber and the deafening thumping of the machines assuaging my senses, I couldn’t help but reflect on the remarkable turn my life had taken in the past two years. 


In 2023, I traded my scrubs, the fast-paced emergency cases and the quintessential chaos of veterinary clinics to join the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) as a Communications and Membership Outreach Associate. As the smell, heat, and sheer scale of operations of Halcyon’s processing plant continued to burn an imprint on my mind, it made me realise the transition to GPSNR has been grounding me in a reality far removed from any veterinary clinic.


A worker performs quality control, carefully removing foreign pieces from compacted rubber before it gets packaged

In the veterinary field, where precision and care are everything, from diagnosing a complex case or suturing a wound, every action demands meticulousness. At the plant, while the scale and context were vastly different, the underlying principle remained unchanged. Every stage of rubber processing, from chopping the raw material into finer pieces to washing, drying, and packaging, played a critical role in meeting the exacting standards of tyre manufacturers. 


As I observed the Halcyon team navigating the plant with practised ease, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between my two worlds. Just as a misstep in surgery could mean life or death, inefficiencies in the supply chain could have far-reaching consequences for sustainability and livelihoods.


The factory floor reminded me that the path to sustainability is not linear. It’s a series of interconnected actions, each requiring deliberate effort and foresight. From supporting smallholder farmers to refining processing methods, every step in the rubber supply chain offers an opportunity to make an impact.


Water treatment facility located in Halcyon Agri


This interconnectedness is also reflected in how Halcyon manages its most essential resource: water. Any water used to wash the rubber is filtered, treated, and reused, creating a closed-loop system that minimises waste. This approach exemplifies the idea that sustainability is not about isolated actions but about fostering a system where resources flow and regenerate, much like nature itself. It’s a reminder that every step, no matter how small, contributes to a larger ecosystem of care and responsibility.


Chopped rubber before drying

This experience reinforced an essential truth for me: no matter the industry, meaningful change requires collaboration, innovation, and a willingness to learn. It also reminded me that stepping out of my comfort zone was not just a career move but a personal growth journey.


The journey from scrubs to sustainability has been anything but straightforward, yet it’s filled with lessons that resonate deeply. Whether it’s the precision of factory operations or the broader mission of creating a sustainable future, the experience at Halcyon’s processing plant reminded me why I chose this path.


The smell of processed rubber may fade from my memory, but the lessons learned here will stay with me. Sustainability, much like veterinary care, is about ensuring a thriving future, one step at a time.


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Highlights from General Assembly 2020

GPSNR’s second General Assembly was opened by Director Stefano Savi, who wished everyone a warm welcome to the virtual event. 

Next on the agenda was a message from Dr Gerd Müller, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development. The message was delivered via video by Sebastian Lesch, Head of Unit – International Agricultural Policy, Agriculture, Innovation, from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In his message, Dr Müller underscored BMZ’s support for GPSNR as a member and donor. He also urged all links in the natural rubber supply chain to continue to work towards comprehensive sustainability. 

Stefano also took the opportunity to acknowledge and thank BMZ and other donor partners such as Partnerships for Forests (P4F), a UK aid funded program, for their continued support, as well as WBCSD and the Tire Industry Project for their support in the Platform’s launch phase.

The opening remarks were delivered by Segsarn Trai-Ukos, Chair of the GPSNR Executive Committee. In his remarks, Segsarn summarized the achievements of the Platform over the past 18 months, recognising the dedication and effort put in by members of the Working Groups and the Executive Committee despite the global pandemic. “We have accomplished much in our first 18 months, and I’m excited to see our continued progress as we move forward.” he concluded.

After the opening remarks, Stefano gave a Secretariat Update, showing how GPSNR has grown since the first General Assembly. Membership has almost tripled, and engagement remains high. On the Communications front, GPSNR maintains a global outreach with its website, and has seen an increase in social media followers, along with mentions and features by numerous media outlets. Stefano also touched upon GPSNR’s financial status, which he described as healthy. 

The various Co-Chairs of the respective Working Groups then proceeded to give a brief update on what they have achieved so far, as well as the next steps. For a more detailed look at what comes next for our Working Groups, check out the article ‘The Road Ahead for GPSNR’s Working Groups’.

And finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for – the results of the voting. 

The verdict for each resolution was revealed one at a time, with the number of votes for, against and abstained, displayed for each resolution. All proposed resolutions were passed with overwhelming majorities.

Up next to be revealed were the results of the Executive Committee elections. These were announced by category, with the elected representatives giving a short speech after being introduced. For a look at GPSNR’s second Executive Committee, check out our article ‘A First Look at GPSNR’s second Executive Committee’.

Lastly, Co-Chair of the GPSNR Executive Committee, Amy Smith, delivered some heartfelt words as part of her closing remarks. “We all have the responsibility to drive sustainability in the global marketplace because our forests, wildlife, climate, communities and businesses depend on it,” she said. “And GPSNR has the ability to effect that transformational change.”


Presentation on the High Conservation Value Approach (Members Version)

In discussing the proposed member requirements and reporting requirements, the Policy Toolbox Working Group has touched frequently upon the topics of High Conservation Value (HCV), no deforestation, no conversion of non-forested ecosystem, and other issues around developments on post-disturbance vegetation/ land cover. 

To establish a common understanding about HCVs, the High Conservation Value Resource Network (HCVRN) Secretariat took the initiative to organize a video presentation to the Working Group members on the HCV Approach. The presentation touched on governance and historical aspects of the HCV Approach, and its implementation in forest and non-forest ecosystems in the landscape, concession and smallholder contexts.

Watch the presentation here.

Download the slide deck here.

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