Embracing our Shared Responsibility: GPSNR’s newest Working Group (Members Version)

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: April 2024

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: Feedback on the Assurance model resolution has closed, and the finalised version of the resolution will be released shortly, along with other voting materials. The agenda for the in-person meetings has been released, and discussions will focus on further developing the assurance model. Members will now vote on the assurance model resolution at the Extraordinary General Assembly. Members are encouraged to participate in the in-person meetings and provide input on the assurance model content.


Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: A consultation call was held with smallholder members to discuss resolutions for the upcoming Extraordinary General Assembly. Instructional videos have been developed to aid smallholders in effectively using Zoom. All projects are progressing as planned, and we continue to oversee all ongoing projects.

Currently, the Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry Taskforce is actively preparing for a rubber agroforestry workshop in Liberia, planned for May 2024. Additionally, the project proposal template has been finalised, and we will soon issue a call for proposals to both members and the public. Once submitted, these proposals will be added to our project library for member review and potential funding.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Value Transfer Group has held subsequent meetings to discuss the value transfer proposal. The group continues to meet to refine this proposal, which will be presented at the in-person meetings in June. After the in-person meeting, the group hopes to run a pilot to test the proposal in the field.

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