(Closed) Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-A02-027-GPSNR Annual Report

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Introduction & Background

At GPSNR, we bring together companies, smallholders, academia and civil society to transform the natural rubber supply chain into a sustainable, equitable and fair one.

Even though it was launched just in 2018, more than 50% of the world’s natural rubber demand already finds membership in GPSNR. This is only a small reflection of the amount of work that has taken place over the last three years.

We are seeking a web design consultancy to design, code and publish a webpage style annual report for 2022, which can be easily downloaded as a PDF version. The content for the webpage will be provided by the GPSNR secretariat.

Key Requirements 


Working closely with the GPSNR secretariat, the consultant will:

  • Create and finalise three web-page mockup (wireframes, prototypes, and corresponding user interface components like templates, stylesheets, scripts, images, etc) for the team to choose from.
  • Once the mock up has been chosen by the team, the consultant will include four rounds of feedback from the GPSNR secretariat and key stakeholders in the development of the final page.
  • Integrate components in the CMS to allow review and testing, and make corresponding adjustments based on feedback received.
    Liaise with GPSNR’s Communications Manager to ensure that the mockups are feasible for the GPSNR website.


The engagement will take place for a period of four weeks from 4 November to 9 November. Interim dates for wireframes and approvals will be mutually agreed upon after confirmation.

Necessary Competencies:

  • Solid understanding of the concepts of user experience, user interface design principles and conceptual design.
  • Expert knowledge in WordPress CMS and Elementor
    Knowledge of Bootstrap, jQuery and AngularJS, HTML, and Elementor Shortcodes
    Knowledge of industry-standard design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver.
  • Knowledge of WordPress Content Management System, particularly with respect to page template design, will be considered an asset.
  • Eye for design and attention to detail are essential.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  • Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  • Submissions must include 1) a portfolio of previous work 2) a paragraph describing how the consultant would approach such a project 3) a financial proposal with a breakdown of how much each competent of the work would cost.
  • Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit to the bidder’s company.
  • Proposals must be received by 31 October 2022 to be considered.
  • Proposals should be submitted to bani.bains@gpsnr.org for consideration.

Project Timelines

Request for Proposal Issuance 20 October 2022
Proposal submitted by consultant to bani.bains@gpsnr.org 31 October 2022
Selection of consultant / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders 2 November 2022
Completion of Phase 1: Preparatory Recommendations 4 November 2022


The Platform is anticipating a total budget of up to 4000 SGD for this project. 

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% upon midpoint as mutually agreed
  • 50% at the completion of the project

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors:

  • Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals
  • Relevant past performance / experience and / or any samples of past work
  • Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership
  • Technical expertise/experience of bidder and the bidder’s staff

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

More To Explore


(CLOSED) Request for Proposal – Study on Living Income Gap in Global Natural Rubber Value Chains – Indonesia

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), is an international Multi-Stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Development of the GPSNR was initiated by the CEOs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in November 2017. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs.  Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define GPSNR strategy and objectives.

Through a process led by the Equity Working Group, the Platform has begun an investigation into how value can be equitably distributed across the entire natural rubber value chain. To achieve this aim, it is important for the Platform to gather information about the following metrics in different countries:

i) the prevailing net household income of rubber smallholders;

ii) the detailed cost of production for rubber (input costs, labor etc);

iii) the living income for rubber smallholders;

iv) the living income gap and v) the living income reference price for rubber (the price at which the living income benchmark can be reached).

The Platform has decided to limit the focus of this initial study to Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar and the consultant is expected to collect information on the aforementioned metrics in Indonesia for this study.

Given that living income data is not readily available for each country, alternative benchmarks should be used where relevant and applicable. A list of potential benchmarks and preliminary data are illustrated in the attached document. To facilitate cross-country comparisons of income data and living income levels, the consultant is expected to use consistent units of measurement (per household / per workforce / per person) throughout this study.

The consultant will collect the information via desktop study, interviewing of GPSNR members, research institutes, social NGOs, governmental organizations, etc.  A primary list of stakeholders will be provided by the Secretariat together with the Equity Working Group members.  A complementary list will be developed by the consultant.  Regular contact and updating to the Equity Working Group together with the Secretariat will be required. Travel plans shall be made by the consultant where possible and necessary.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well.
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days.
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  6. Proposals must be received prior to 19th August 2020 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org for consideration.
  7. GPSNR anticipates shortlisting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with, and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.


The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 10,500 Euros be allocated to this engagement.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 50% at the signing of the contract
  • 50% on delivery of the final report

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  • Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal;
  • Relevant past performance/experience;
  • Samples of work;
  • Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership;
  • Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff;
  • The ability to collect information at the global and local level.

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

Please submit your application to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org by 19 August 2020.


(Closed) Request for Proposal – GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform (GPSNR-RFP-A02-016)

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), is an international Multi-Stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Development of the GPSNR was initiated by the CEOs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in 2019. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs.  Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that define GPSNR strategy and objectives.

The GPSNR Secretariat and the GPSNR Capacity Building Working Group, through the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform Task Force, are jointly overseeing the development and eventual operations and maintenance of a digital GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform.

This digital platform is envisaged to be an easily accessible, multi-lingual and expandable knowledge platform for smallholders and other actors based on quality-controlled information. Besides providing technical information on the latest Good Agricultural Practices it will provide access to live market conditions on natural rubber such as prices on key exchanges, projected supply, and demand shifts, as well as overall global market developments. The digital platform will also incorporate communication functions such as live chat and forum with built-in translation tools to allow smallholders to share and communicate seamlessly across different countries. Another crucial aspect will be to safeguard data security and ownership.

Prior to embarking on the technical or IT development of the digital platform, GPSNR and the Capacity Building Working Group is seeking to conduct an Assessment of Status Quo and Evaluation

The consultant will collect the information via desktop study and information provided by the Working Group/Secretariat. The consultant would also be expected to conduct a number of stakeholder interviews (including but not limited to GPSNR member companies with relevant experience and digital tools, as well as smallholders within and beyond GPSNR) based on the criteria set out below. Regular contact and provision of updates to the Capacity Building Working Group and Knowledge Sharing Platform Task Force together with the Secretariat will be required.

It is estimated that there will be the need for at least one virtual meeting every two weeks over the course of the project.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with proven experience relevant to this project.
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well.
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days.
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  6. Proposals must be received prior to 7 January 2022 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to yeo.siyuan@gpsnr.org for consideration. You may also reach out to this contact for any questions or clarifications.
  7. GPSNR anticipates shortlisting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.

The submission should address, at minimum, the following:

Review of Existing Digital Applications

  • What are the existing apps/platforms on rubber (or other agricultural commodities) available and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  • Are there existing platforms that could be expanded to incorporate the necessary functions or solutions to be used as template? (This could be specified with the consultant)

Assessing Smallholders’ Capacities and Needs

  • What are the technological constraints and capacities of smallholders?
  • What technology is best suited to address smallholders’ needs (smartphone technology)?
  • What functions or content of the Platform would smallholders prioritise?
  • What technical platform is meaningful (concerning the digital literacy of smallholders, and global application in diverse developing countries)?
  • How can we reach smallholders who are not familiar with digital technologies?

This should be conducted through a needs review comprising a representative set of stakeholders (including but not limited to smallholders, considering countries, farm size, gender, etc.)

GPSNR will facilitate virtual access and engagement with GPSNR smallholder members where applicable and requested by the consultant.

This RFP is also not limited in scope to smallholders or stakeholders in any specific geographical region, given that the eventual Knowledge Sharing Platform is expected to be globally used.

Project Timelines

The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:

Activity Due Date
Release of RFP 10 Dec 2021
Submission Deadline for Proposals 7 Jan 2022
Contract Award 21 Jan 2022
Implementation to Begin 28 Jan 2022
First Review March 2022
Second Review May 2022

The work shall begin by January 2022 and the various phases shall be completed in accordance with the dates outlined in the timeline below:


The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of up to 18,000 EUR (subject to change) be allocated to this engagement with an additional amount available to support planned and approved travel.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan
  • 50% on delivery of the final report

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel expenses are incurred and documented.

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, incorporating the overall quality of the proposal and consultant:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this RFP;
  2. Relevant past performance and experience;
  3. Samples of work;
  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership;
  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff;
  6. The ability to collect information at the global and local level.

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

Download RFP here

Contact Person: Yeo Siyuan  – yeo.siyuan@gpsnr.org

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