(CLOSED) Request for Proposal – Study on Environmental impacts, and risks, in the global Natural Rubber value chains

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Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international Multi-Stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Development of the GPSNR was initiated by the CEOs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in November 2018. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs.  Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define GPSNR strategy and objectives.

Through a participatory process the Platform has developed stated goals with a strong focus on developing a framework that supports and sustains responsible supply chains. To fully inform decision making the Platform needs to collate, consider, and agree, information on social, environmental and economic risks, and their causes, in the Natural Rubber Value chain, in order to be able to minimise and manage those risks. The Platform has already commissioned a social risk assessment; this call for proposals is for the provision of a parallel process covering environmental impacts and risks, with a particular focus on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Each country has its own natural systems, as well as its own governance and social structures which contributes to different environmental impacts and risks from country to country.  Whilst there are many impawcts on natural systems in these countries some are directly associated with the specifics of tropical forest commodity production, especially in countries where development planning and control, and law enforcement, are weak.

The study should identify potential areas of environmental impact in the natural rubber value chain, particularly at the production end of the value chain, and consider the effectiveness of how these potential impacts are managed through regulation, policies and practices, what impacts actually occur, and then consider the risks that these impacts pose. The areas of study should also be consistent with the relevant GPSNR Policy Components (i.e. HCS areas, HCV areas, peat etc; see attached Policy Components document for reference). Based on the analysis of how well current processes deliver the “Desired State” for rubber landscapes, the study should develop recommendations as to how GPSNR could most effectively support the avoidance and mitigation of potential environmental impacts and risks. This should include identifying the possibility of metrication for such risks, which will then be used to inform the development of GPSNR’s Risk Matrix.

The consultant is expected to develop generic impact and risk profiles at a global level, and specific risk profile at a regional and/or national level.  Areas of interest for GPSNR are Southeast Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Papua New Guinea, India and Sri Lanka), West Africa (Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia and Nigeria), and South America (Brazil and Guatemala).

The consultant will collect the information via desktop study, interviews with, inter alia, GPSNR members, research and other academic institutes, NGOs, and governmental organizations.  A primary list of stakeholders will be provided by the Secretariat together with the Strategy and Objectives Working Group members.  A complementary list will be developed by the consultant.  Regular contact and updating to the Strategy and Objective Working Group together with the Secretariat will be required. 

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well.
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed methodology as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 page. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as daily rates and an estimated total number of days.
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  6. Proposals must be received prior to 27th November 2020 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org and aidan@gpsnr.org for consideration.
  7. GPSNR anticipates shortlisting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with, and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.

Project Timelines

The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:

Request for Proposal Issuance9/11/2020
Proposal submitted by consultant to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org or aidan@gpsnr.org27/11/2020
Selection of Top Bidders / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders4/12/2020
Contract Award9/12/2020
Specific work-plan, including geographic focus, methodology and indicative contents, agreed with Strategy & Objective Working Group17/12/2020
Work to commence no later than    21/12/2020
The first draft report submitted to the Strategy and Objective Working Group for comments22/01/2021
Meeting with Strategy & Objectives WG by29/01/2021
The final draft report submitted to the Strategy and Objective Working Group19/02/2021


The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 30,000 Euros be allocated to this engagement.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan
  • 50% on delivery of the final report

Proposals should be submitted to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org and aidan@gpsnr.org for consideration

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Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-A02-030-Risk Taskforce Traceability Pilot Field Trial – Indonesia

Introduction & Background


The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs.

The Risk Subgroup of GPSNR is seeking a consultant/field team to identify, test, evaluate and report on what effort may be required for a rubber processor to map their supply shed (i.e., all the farms that they are sourcing from) in complex supply chains such as in Indonesia and Thailand. 



The goal of the pilot is to investigate what effort (i.e., time, effort, cost, labour) may be required for a rubber processor to map their supply chain in complex supply chains such as Indonesia and Thailand.

The goal of this pilot is to map at least 300 small holder farmers supplying one processing mill each in Indonesia. The subgroup is open to negotiation on the total number of small holder farms mapped based on the service provider’s experience and estimation.

The service provider should work with the GPSNR Risk Subgroup and the participating processors from Indonesia and their dealers to:

  1. Keep track of time and costs of all mapping related activities throughout the study, calculate time and cost of mapping each farm, and provide them to their GPSNR Point of Contact at the end of the survey.
  2. Register and map farmers using field-based mapping or in combination with remote sensing that is crossed checked with field-based mapping samples. The service provider is welcomed to use their own method.
    1. Collect and provide the shapefiles from the mapping at the end of the project to the point of contact and the participating processor.
  3. Ask farmers to answer the RubberWay questionnaire.
  4. Ask farmers to answer the HCVRN Nature Positive Farming questionnaire.
  5. Unless automatically uploaded, submit farmers’ responses to the respective databases and the GPSNR point of contact at the end of each day for compilation.
  6. Record the effort required to convince 300 farmers per processing mill to complete all 3 tools.
    1. Number of dealers and farmers contacted to identify 300 farmers willing to participate in study.
    2. Total person hours required to identify 300 willing suppliers.
    3. Details of incidental (not staff time) expenses required to identify 300 willing farmers.
  7. Record the effort required/difficulty to convince the super dealers/suppliers to participate in the study, based on the supplier tiers & on the pilot sample goal.
    1. Skip Tier 1 farms
    2. Not more than 100 responses from Tier 2
    3. 200 responses from Tier 3 and 4 suppliers

Scope of Work

  • Field data collection has to be completed by the second month from the starting date of the project.
    • Ideally, field teams are experienced in 2 or more of the above tools (RubberWay questionnaire, HCVRN Nature Positive Farming questionnaire and field-based or remote sensing-based mapping), else training will be provided. Please indicate which tools your team is experienced in using we will provide the necessary training.
      • If remote-sensing based is preferred by the service provider, please respond with the process and note that the data has to be cross-checked with field-based samples.
    • Field teams have to be able to speak the local language at each survey location(i.e., Bahasa Indonesia).
  • GPSNR estimates the necessary activities per farm and the time required to conduct them to be as follows:
  1. Explain purpose of visit (~15 mins)
  2. Get permission for personal data collection to ensure data protection (~5mins)
  3. Map farm via mapping based on the mapping method chosen by the service provider (e.g., field-based mapping or remote sensing cross-checked with field samples) (~90mins).
    1. Mapping for farms <4 hectares:
      1. Polygon mapping or GPS mapping is up to the discretion of the service provider.
    2. Polygon mapping for farms above 4 hectares:
      1. This is based on the EU regulation (see Annex A) that a polygon would be required for farmers over 4 hectares.
      2. At least 10% (~30 of the 300 farms must be polygon mapped)
    3. Fill in RubberWay questionnaire (~30mins)
    4. Fill in HCVRN Nature Positive Farming questionnaire (~30mins – 1 hour)
    5. Verify data before departure (~10mins)
  • GPSNR assumes:
    • Total time required: ~approximately 180 mins/3 hours per farm per field assistant.
    • Farms likely to be covered per day: 2 farms.
    • Total number of field assistant days required assuming 2 farms per day: 450 days
    • Total weeks required for 1 field assistant assuming 5 work days per week: 90 weeks
    • Total weeks required for two processors assuming 10 field assistants working simultaneously in one country: 9 weeks
    • This is an estimation of the time taken, we look forward to a comparison with the final recorded timings.
  • If you have other ideas on how to achieve the above objectives, please provide details about how you would design the study

Expected Deliverables

Specifically, GPSNR expects the consultant to:

 1. Map at least 300 farmers supplying to the participating processor in Indonesia and provide the shapefiles to the processor and the GPSNR point of contact.

a.      There should at least be 10% (~30 farms out of 300 farms) that are polygon mapped, based on the requirements mentioned above and in Annex A.

 2. We would like a detailed account of the time and resources spent on 1. travelling to the farm, 2. On the farm and 3. Data analysis

a.      We would like to see a breakdown of the total time spent in each component. E.g., Total reported time spent on 1 farm + 1 analysis = 8hours, within that 2 hour (time taken to travel to farm), 0.5 hours (convincing the farmer), 0.5 hours (communicating to farmer about the tool), 20 mins (Mapping the farms), 30 mins (HCVN questionnaire), 30 mins (Rubberway questionnaire)

 3. An evaluation of the merits and limitations of each tool

a.      E.g., 3/11 farmers surveyed were more apprehensive about the mapping tool due to fear of exposing their location.

 4. A recommendation of the scalability of this pilot

a.      Can the same estimated cost/time/labour be replicated in other regions/jurisdictions within the same country?

b.     E.g., $X/farm is calculated but is not scalable due to what reason(s).

Proposal Format and Contents

The proposal should include the following:

1. A workplan that outlines the key activities towards the deliverables outlined in Expected Deliverables above

2. The timeline and key stages of operations based on Project Timeline below

3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs based on Budget below

4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP

A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.


Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided.
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days.
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 10 March 2023 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org and cheryl@gpsnr.org for consideration.
  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic.

Project Timelines


Proposals submitted by consultant to stefano.savi@gpsnr.org

10 March 2023

Selection of consultant /
Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders

16 March 2023

Contract Award / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders

17 March 2023

Initial methodology presentation and Q&A with subgroup

23 March 2023

Training sessions for tools 

Late March – Early April 2023

Update session with subgroup 

April 2023

Final Draft report and conclusion of project 

July 2023



The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than €25,000 be allocated to this engagement.

Payment terms shall be:

·        20% at the signing of the contract

·        30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan.

·        50% on delivery of the final report

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel
expenses, if deemed necessary by both the consultant and Secretariat, are
incurred and documented.


Evaluation Factors

 GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

1.        Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal

2.      Relevant past performance/ experience

3.      Samples of work

4.     Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership.

5.      Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.



Annex A: EU Deforestation Regulation

‘geolocation’ means the geographical location of a plot of land described by means of latitude and longitude coordinates corresponding to at least one latitude and longitude point and using at least six decimal digits. For relevant commodities other than cattle, for plots of land of more than 4 hectares, the geographical location shall be provided using polygons, meaning sufficient latitude and longitude points to describe the perimeter of each plot of land.

Text obtained from Article 2: Definitions, point (29) of the Deforestation Regulation consolidated text dated 20/12/22Deforestation Regulation consolidated text 20-12-22

View RFP Document here

Request For Proposal – RFP-A03-039 – National Risk Assessments Request for Proposals

Introduction & Background


The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define strategy and objectives.

In 2023, the GPSNR’s Risk assessment subgroup commissioned Assurance Services International (ASI) to create a risk tool that would allow GPSNR to classify risk across different geographies and scales. ASI has completed the tool and it is available at this link (not for wider distribution, only provided as a reference for this RFP). The role of this consultancy will be to fill in this tool using the most relevant and up-to-date information.

The risks that are assessed by the tool are Child Labour, Forced Labour, Freedom of Association, Health and Safety, Working Hours, Wages, Land and Community Rights, Deforestation, HCV, Fire, and Peat. The tool also includes the different risk criteria to be assessed and sources of information.


The Engagement


The GPSNR Secretariat is seeking a consultant to utilize the risk tool and complete risk assessments for 20 countries across all 11 risks. The consultant will be expected to complete the tool template at the country level for each of the 20 countries. Assessments at the regional or farm level are not required. The risk assessment scope should be limited to the natural rubber supply chain. The consultant is not required to propose mitigation measures for this exercise and risks should be assessed as-is (without factoring in any mitigating actions).

The consultant should list any additional sources of evidence and also include justification for each risk’s classification. The consultant should reference existing studies where possible and is strongly encouraged to consider previously commissioned GPSNR studies (such as the Environmental Risk Study and Social Risk Study both of which provide risk information pertaining to the Natural Rubber Supply Chain).

We require risk assessments to be conducted for:

  1. Brazil
  2. Cambodia
  3. Cameroon
  4. China
  5. Colombia
  6. Ghana
  7. Guinea
  8. Guatemala
  9. India
  10. Indonesia
  11. Ivory Coast
  12. Liberia
  13. Malaysia
  14. Mexico
  15. Myanmar
  16. Nigeria
  17. Philippines
  18. Sri Lanka
  19. Thailand
  20. Vietnam

While this is intended to be a desk-based exercise, consultants who are able to consider the perspectives of indigenous peoples and local communities will be looked upon favourably for this tender.

Consultants may propose focusing on a subset of countries from this list for risk assessment. In this scenario, consultants should specify which countries they would be covering. 

After the first drafts are available, the platform will conduct a 30-day consultation with members. This consultation with members will be facilitated by the Secretariat. Consultants should factor in the need to review and respond to members feedback after the consultation period and provide the Secretariat with a complete list of feedback, together with the consultant’s response to each piece of feedback received.  At the same time, the consultants should also review the first draft based on the feedback review.

The second version of risk assessment will be considered final, and acceptance of this version will mark the conclusion of this engagement.


Proposal Format and Contents


The proposal should include the following:

  1. Workplan that outlines a timeline and key stages of work, with a focus on the amount of time needed for the initial drafting phase and for the review of and response to members’ feedback. Consultants should ensure that there is sufficient time allocated for reviewing and responding to feedback.
  2. Budget with a breakdown of costs
  3. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP
  4. List of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications and expertise.
  5. (If applicable) A list of IPLC groups that the consultant is familiar with and would engage for this project if selected.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements


The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well.
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project and may include a breakdown of costs if consultants consider it relevant.
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 9th of May to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to aidan@gpsnr.org for consideration.
  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic.
  8. Bidders must ensure that all external personnel involved in preparing and executing this proposal are under exclusive agreements specific to this RFP. These agreements must obligate the external personnel to exclusively dedicate their services to the bidder’s proposal, prohibiting their engagement in any other proposals for the same RFP. This measure is to maintain the integrity of the bidding process and prevent conflicts of interest.
  9. Award of this project is subject to confirmation of financing from GPSNR members.


Project Timelines


Proposals submitted by consultant to aidan@gpsnr.org

9th May 2024

Contract Award

6th June 2024

Drafting and delivery of first draft of risk assessments

Timeline to be proposed by consultants

Members consultation

30 day period starting from delivery of first draft

Review of risk assessments, compilation of responses to feedback, and delivery of final risk assessments.

Timeline to be proposed by consultants




The Platform invites consultants to submit a competitive price proposal, the proposed budget will be factored into selection of the consultant.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% at the delivery and acceptance by the Secretariat of the first risk assessment
  • 50% on delivery and acceptance by the Secretariat of the finalized risk assessment and compiled responses to members’ feedback.


Evaluation Factors


GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, in no particular order:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal
  2. Relevant experience with risk assessment, including samples of work
  3. Relevant experience with the natural rubber supply chain including the countries relevant to this RFP
  4. Cost
  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff
  6. The proposed timeline of work completion

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.


Note: The award of this contract will only be considered complete upon securing full funding and completion of the contract signing.

View RFP Document here

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