Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-A02-032-Thailand GAP Coaching

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Introduction & Background

 The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain.
Development of GPSNR was initiated by the CEOS of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in 2018. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define strategy and objectives.


Thailand is the largest producer of natural rubber (NR) worldwide, contributing 36% to
total global production. Majority of the NR production in Thailand is conducted
by smallholder farmers owning land of 2-4 hectares. 
The NR value chain in Thailand has historically been supported by various governmental bodies, now functioning under the umbrella of the Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT). This has led to exceptional performance by rubber farms, with an average yield exceeding 1.6 tons per hectare in 2019. However, the NR value chain in Thailand remains highly labour-intensive and currently
faces oversupply and low prices.

Thailand rubber has some specific particularities. It is grown in 4 main regions with different growing conditions: Traditional areas are in the South (the historical planting) and the East (Rayong and Chanthaburi provinces) while more recent developments were established in less climatically favourable areas: North and North-East (Esan). It has the particularity to be produced almost exclusively by smallholders, using higher tapping frequencies than other countries even in the neighbourhood, and to exploit rather low size farms (1.5ha or less). Share cropping among farmers and tappers is a common practice, beside family farming. Consequence of this is that although a good land productivity (kg/ha), labour productivity remains very low to date.

GPSNR, through the Smallholders Representative and Capacity Building Working Group (SCB WG) – Thailand National Subgroup, is currently inviting proposals for the dissemination of coaching materials and implementation of coaching on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) for smallholders in two regions (North and North-East) of Thailand, with a focus on one province per region.


The proposed coaching programs should be implemented in accordance with the
GPSNR’s environmental and social commitments and values, as outlined in the GPSNR
Policy Framework[1], and in compliance with the relevant Thai Agricultural Standard: Good Agricultural Practices issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
of Thailand




The overall objectives of the GAP coaching programmes are to ensure the long-term sustainability of rubber livelihoods and ecosystems by increasing smallholders’ productivity, yields, and socio-economic resilience, whilst safeguarding nature and the environment. 


Expected Deliverables


Brief Justifications

The objective of the project is to update and disseminate the best Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) recommendations to farmers in Thailand. This aims to ensure that planters have access to relevant knowledge and resources to enhance their productivity,
motivation, and income, leading to an improved livelihood.

The proposal should implement GPSNR’s proposed strategy for capacity building in
Thailand and provide brief justifications on the most suitable approach to
conduct coaching for smallholders in two regions (North and North-East) of
Thailand, with a focus on one province per region.

The GPSNR SCB WG – Thailand National Subgroup may prioritize funding for coaching in
regions based on relative productivity, coverage of existing coaching services,
socio-economic needs, recommendations of RAOT, or other considerations.

Proposed Coaching Approach

Possible approaches for consideration include (non-exhaustive): mobile coaching at local
community centres; building physical training centres; on-farm coaching; hybrid
coaching approaches. The proposal should consider which approach represents the
best fit for community needs and dynamics.

The proposed coaching approach should consider, but is not limited to, the
following priorities:

a.    Coaching based on the train-the-trainers (ToT) model

b.   Female and other minority inclusion and representation

c.    Field coaching (or other approach) implementation plans

d.   Integration of technology for data capture and ongoing engagement, and progress tracking (i.e. immediate and longer-term monitoring and evaluation)

e.   Others (i.e. nuanced approaches to meet geographic/other needs; ongoing farmer community connectivity and interactions; engagement with local or regional officials

Service providers are to adapt the provided GPSNR GAP coaching approaches. The GPSNR GAPs are created to serve as general best practices and principles for global usage and are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect the sector’s latest understandings.

The service provider is expected to work with GPSNR to adapt the general GAPs to align with local situations in Thailand and comply with the relevant Thai Agricultural Standard: Good Agricultural Practices issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand. This will build trust with smallholders and optimize the coaching outcomes, particularly in terms of language, technical specificities, and local needs.

Service providers should also translate the relevant Thai Agricultural Standard: Good Agricultural Practices issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand from Thai to English.

The GPSNR GAPs consist of the following four modules:

1.     Rubber Plant Material

2. Establishment and Maintenance of Plantations

3.    Latex Harvesting

4.   Diseases and Pests

Service providers are also expected to operate in line with principles and values set forth in the GPSNR Policy Framework such as commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, zero deforestation, community engagement and FPIC etc.

The selected service provider may also be expected to work closely with the GPSNR SCB WG – Thailand National Subgroup to fine-tuned or further augment the provided coaching materials. 


Key Metrics

To prevent risk of false correlations, it is essential to collect baseline data on participating smallholders before the GAP coaching begins. The impact assessment should compare the participating smallholders’ data after the GAP coaching to accurately measure their improvement.

It is also important to collect control group date of smallholders who did not participate in the GAP coaching programmes to ensure any changes observed are due to the GAP coaching and not other factors. Additionally, being aware of external factors such as weather and market prices can help to better assess the results.

 The proposal should elaborate on how the following key metrics can be achieved and measured:

1.      Total number of smallholders coached

2.     Total number of trainers or coaches coached

3.     Year-by-year increase in smallholder productivity and smallholders engaged

4.    Inclusivity across gender, youth, geographic regions, and ethnicity (e.g., indigenous, or other minority communities)

5.     Monitoring and evaluation of coaching progress and outcomes

 The proposal should also identify other key metrics of importance not listed above and describe how they will be achieved and measured.


Submission Guidelines & Requirements


The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to
this Request for Proposal:

1.     Proposals will only be accepted
from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.

2.    A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide:

      A workplan that outlines all key activities of the deliverables
(refers to Expected Deliverables above)

      Timeline and key stages of operations (refers to Project

      Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower,
logistics, and costs expected to run coaching programmes for an initial three
years, beginning in 2023 (refers to Budget below)

      Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant
to this RFP

      A list of project team members with their roles in the project and
associated qualifications

      Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to
commit bidder’s company.

3.    Proposals must be received prior to the 30 June 2023 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to for consideration.

GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP to get the most suitable consultant for each topic.


Project Timelines


RFP Publication

4 May 2023

Submission deadline for proposals

30 June 2023

Evaluation of proposals and follow up

21 July 2023

Contract Award

July 2023

Preparations and Implementation for 1st year


August 2023 – July 2024

First Full Review

August 2024

Preparations and Implementation for 2nd year


August 2024 – July 2025

Second Full Review

August 2025

Preparations and Implementation for 3rd year


August 2025 – July 2026

Third Full Review

August 2026

Service provider will also provide fortnightly or monthly progress updates to the GPSNR SCB WG, or on an as-needed basis.



The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 216,000 USD be allocated to this engagement, depending on the proposed coaching approach.

Payment terms shall be:
• 20% at the signing of the contract
• 20% at the first round of coaching conducted
• 20% upon First Full Review (August 2024)
• 20% upon Second Full Review (August 2025)
• 20% upon Third Full Review (August 2026)

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors:

1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal
2. Relevant past performance/ experience
3. Samples of work
4. Cost per farmer, and other aspects of the proposed coaching approach of programme
5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff
6. Proposed timeline of operations

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

gulation consolidated text 20-12-22


More To Explore


(CLOSED) Request for Proposal – Traceability and Transparency Tools Comparison

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), is an international Multi-Stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Development of the GPSNR was initiated by the CEOs of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project (TIP) in November 2017. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs.  Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups have contributed to the development of the Singapore-based platform and the wide-reaching set of priorities that will define GPSNR strategy and objectives.

GPSNR has created three core working groups to help advance the platform’s mission to reduce social and environmental risks throughout the natural rubber supply chain.  Working Group 3 (WG3) is dedicated to Traceability and Transparency, with the objective to recommend tools to trace, assess the risk and achieve transparency of any given natural rubber product buyer’s supply chain.

To achieve the WG3 objective, we are requesting proposals for projects that will assess supply chain risks, achieve supply chain traceability and achieve supply chain transparency. 

Scope of Work and Objective

1: Take stock of the traceability and transparency requirements

Understand the requirements of the traceability and transparency tools through discussions and interviews with various members and EC of GPSNR. This includes

  • What level of traceability and transparency (T&T) different stakeholders desire while meeting the criteria and policy?
  • What level of T&T is needed in high risk areas and in low risk areas?
  • How they define high risk and low risk areas?
  • How they plan to identify high and low risk areas?
  • What data in the supply chain (based on the draft GPSNR sustainability criteria) are different stakeholders (particularly downstream rubber industry) agreeable to sharing and with what entities (such as GPSNR, NGOs, competitors, and suppliers), and on what conditions?
  • What data is absolutely confidential that can’t be shared (even with an entity like GPSNR on a strictly confidential basis)?
  • What costs they are willing to pay/ton for T&T in different risk profile areas?

2: Assess Methodologies and Effectiveness of Traceability and Transparency Tools

The following request for proposal asks for a study of the functionalities of traceability/transparency tools being used by the natural rubber and other similar industry sectors: 

  1. Supply chain and product tracking
  2. Supply chain mapping
  3. Satellite and remote sensing (incl. Artificial Intelligence opportunities)

The study should look at each tool’s methodology for identifying origin and collecting information and make recommendations for which tools work best (and which do not) regarding the following key areas:

  • The process of data collection and types of data that can be collected
  •  The ability of the tool to identify risk and/or contribute to a risk assessment in the following categories[1]:
  • Social: Protecting internationally recognized human rights and labor rights (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and ILO Core Conventions), securing Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Recognizing rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, provision of community livelihoods, etc.
  • Environmental: Deforestation, protection of High Conservation Values (HCVs) and rare, threatened and endangered species, water quantity and quality, soil protection, protecting peat lands, etc.
  • Legality: Applicable local, national and international laws on human rights, labour, land use and the environment.
  • Analyze the usability of results delivered – functionality (is it user friendly – pragmatic – “ready to go”)
  • Analyze the types of data that are accessible by each tool for:
  • Social: Protecting internationally recognized human rights and labor rights (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and ILO Core Conventions), securing Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Recognizing rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, provision of community livelihoods, etc.
  • Environmental: Deforestation, protection of High Conservation Values (HCVs) and rare, threatened and endangered species, water quantity and quality, soil protection, protecting peat lands, etc.
  • Legality: Applicable local, national and international laws on human rights, labour, land use and the environment.
  • Explore challenges with data sharing considering confidentiality and data ownership (within each tool), but also consider feasibility and the possibility of sharing information between tools.
  • Understand the reliability of data and the auditability of data (verify).  Consider each tools ability to be audited to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party methods.  Consider the differences between tools that collect data via voluntary declaration of the suppliers vs onsite data collection by a 2nd or 3rd party.
  • Understand cost– what are other costs that need to be considered:
    • Set-up/prerequisite
    • Maintenance
    • Deployment
  • Understand the scalability of each tool.  At what geographic level can each tool perform and within what timeframes.
  • Adaptability of tool for use by GPSNR members to meet commitments and reporting requirements.

[1] Note: this bullet point is not asking the assessor to conduct a risk assessment themselves.  It is asking the assessor to identify which tools provide valuable data to evaluate and identify risk regarding specific environmental, social and legality factors.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project.
  2. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed tools for analysis as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a description of previous relevant work, and a proposed schedule.
  3. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days.
  4. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  5. Proposals must be received prior to 19th August 2020 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to for consideration.
  6. GPSNR anticipates shortlisting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with, and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.


The Platform is anticipating a total budget of no more than 30,000 Euros for the study. 

Payment terms shall be:

  • 50% at the signing of the contract
  • 50% on delivery of the final report

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  • Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal;
  • Relevant past performance/experience;
  • Samples of work;
  • Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership;
  • Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff;

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR  as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

Please submit your application to by 19 August 2020.

Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-A02-025-Review and support the development of a risk analysis document and to assess and define appropriate risk thresholds for the GPSNR use case (In a natural rubber supply chain context)

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include rubber products manufacturers, natural rubber suppliers and processors, end users and NGOs. 

Through a process led by the Strategy and Objectives Working Group (Risk Subgroup), a risk analysis document has been developed for members to identify and manage risk. In its current iteration, the document contains identified social and environmental risks reflected in the GPSNR Policy Framework, information that is required to assess the tools, characteristics of high/low risk rubber production regions and potential mitigation measures. 

GPSNR is seeking a consultant to review and revise the risk analysis document and to work with the Risk Subgroup to suggest a guidance framework for members to identify risk thresholds with suggested mitigation measures. Members need to be able to invest in making rubber supplies sustainable and to make sourcing and engagement decisions based on preliminary risk assessments. Given members’ general lack of knowledge about the details of their supplies, risk assessments in many cases would have to be done at increasing levels of resolution, starting at country level, moving to districts, and finally to the actual plantation and farm level.


  1. Review and further complete the sourcing risks document (see below ‘Scope of Work’)
  2. Propose a methodology aiming to assess risks at different levels (country, district, and plantation/farm level), and the tools that
    1) are currently available to do so, or that
    2) would need to be developed, and where possible, an indication of the costs
  3. Suggest the risk thresholds at country, district, and plantation/farm level at which risks have a reasonable chance to be successfully mitigated through active interventions by members or GPSNR in general. 
  4. Suggest potential risk mitigation actions at the country, district, and plantation/farm level and provide a list of recommended existing tools (if any) to mitigate potential risks
  5. Suggest the risk thresholds at country, district, and plantation/farm level at which sourcing should not be considered (i.e., when risk mitigation cannot be implemented).
  6. Align the recommendations with the Accountability Framework Initiative (in particular, the Supply Chain Management guidance),  and link to source documents utilised
    -The review of tools, datasets and frameworks for risk assessment and mitigation is not limited to existing tools applied for the rubber industry,  the consultant can and is encouraged to draw on the experience of other commodities (palm oil / cocoa) if applicable.

  1. Work closely with the members of GPSNR’s Risk Task Force to guide the above analysis.
  2. Suggest members of other tropical commodities platforms who focus on risk assessment and mitigation and whom GPSNR’s Risk Task Force may consider contacting.

Scope of Work

For each of the five GPSNR Policy Framework components listed below, the consultant is expected to recommend methods for risk assessment and risk mitigation and the tools and baseline databases available to conduct them. 

Detailed guidance is provided in GPSNR’s Risk Analysis Working Document (available to bidding consultants upon request to the 

The consultant should reference and build on the following work

The consultant is to populate each of the listed components of the GPSNR Policy Framework detailed in the Risk Analysis Working Document. The policy subsets were developed based the following list of required information and the consultant is encouraged to use the list when doing so: 

  1. Risks most likely to be encountered
  2. Risk assessment methods at country level
  3. Risk assessment methods at district level
  4. Risk assessment methods at plantation/farm level
  5. Risk level before mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at country level 
  6. Risk level before mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at district level
  7. Risk level before mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at plantation/farm level
  8. Risk mitigation methods at country level
  9. Risk mitigation methods at district level
  10. Risk mitigation methods at plantation/farm level
  11. Risk level after mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at country level 
  12. Risk level after mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at district level
  13. Risk level after mitigation at which rubber should not be purchased at plantation/farm level

The consultant is to focus on this subset of GPSNR Policy Framework components. Detailed guidance for each component (i.e., gaps identified by the Risk Subgroup members) have been provided (See ‘Annex’). 

  1. Deforestation (see GPSNR Policy Framework component 2.1.2):

Background: Most natural rubber is produced by smallholders operating plantations in multiple use mosaic landscapes.

Task: Identify methods to assess the risk that current operations or future expansion of some of these plantations harm HCV/HCS, suggest potential approaches to mitigate that risk, and suggest quantitative thresholds when risk is high enough to conduct mitigation activities, and when buyers should refrain from sourcing because mitigation has failed. Consider the applicability of available maps for use in natural rubber supply chains, taking into account its specificities. (See ‘Annex A: Deforestation for details) 

  1. Supporting long term protection of natural forests, restoration of degraded rubber landscapes (see GPSNR Policy Framework component 2.2):

Task: In a rubber smallholder context, the consultant is expected to suggest ways how the downstream supply chain can help to protect remaining HCV/HCS areas and other natural ecosystems and help restore at least those crucial to re-establish connectivity between remaining blocks. (See ‘Annex B: Supporting long term protection of natural forests, restoration of degraded rubber landscape’ for details)

  1. Fire use + Land Prep, Fire use + Land Management (see GPSNR Policy Framework component 2.3)

Task: Assess and refine current characteristics of High/Low risk at a country or region level depending on available information and standards. The consultant is advised to focus on defining and quantifying thresholds for the density of alerts to characterize areas of high and low risk. An example could be X instances of fire reported in a specified area over a year would be considered a high-risk area. 

  1. Labour (see GPSNR Policy Framework Components 3.6)

Task: Identify methods to assess the risk of poor labour practices (e.g., poor working conditions and health and safety risks, child labour/forced labour) or practices and suggest potential approaches to mitigate that risk, and suggest quantitative thresholds when risk is high enough to conduct mitigation activities, and when buyers should refrain from sourcing because mitigation has failed. (See ‘Annex C: Labour’ for details)

A suggested focus on but non-exhaustive list:

Health and Safety
Working conditions (hours worked, rest days)
Child labour/Forced labour

  1. Human Rights (see GPSNR Policy Framework component 3.6)

Task: Identify methods to assess the risk of human rights infringement (e.g., low income/wages, IPLC rights), suggest potential approaches to mitigate that risk, and suggest quantitative thresholds when risk is high enough to conduct mitigation activities, and when buyers should refrain from sourcing because mitigation has failed. (See ‘Annex D: Human Rights’ for details)

A suggested focus on but non-exhaustive list:
Income (farm owners) and wages (farm workers)
IPLC Rights with appropriate context for Natural Rubber supply chain

Expected Deliverables

GPSNR expects the consultant to:

  1. Complete and finalize the risks assessment drafted in order to define a comprehensive set of questions to assess and mitigate risks based on the:
    1. Objectives listed above, (including the reviewing of tools in Objective 4, see ‘Objectives’) 
    2. Tasks for each policy component listed in the Scope of Work and their detailed guidance in the Annex
  2. Consultant to pitch their findings, recommendations and opinion on our risk assessment and approach.

Proposal Format and Contents

The proposal should include the following:

  1. A workplan that outlines all key activities of the deliverables (as outlined in Expected Deliverables above)
  2. Timeline and key stages of operations (based on Expected Timeline below)
  3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs (based on Budget below)
  4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP
  5. A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal: 

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project. 
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well. 
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable. 
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as daily rates and an estimated total number of days. 
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company. 
  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 7th of October 2022 to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to for consideration. 
  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic. 

Project Timelines

RFP Publication

Note: Consultants should email to share any indicative or prospective interest to submit a proposal. This would allow GPSNR to share updates to the tender (where any) directly with the consultant. 

26 August 2022
Proposals submitted by consultant to 7 October 2022
Selection of Top Bidders / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders 27 October 2022
Contract Award / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders 28 October 2022
Phase I – Review 1 of Deliverable 1: Complete and finalize the risks assessment drafted in order to define a comprehensive set of questions to assess and mitigate risks. November 2022 
Phase 2 – Review 2 (if needed)/Completion of Deliverable 1: Complete and finalize the risks assessment drafted in order to define a comprehensive set of questions to assess and mitigate risks. December 2022
Phase 3 – Completion of Deliverable 2: Consultant to pitch its findings, recommendations and opinion on our risks assessment and approach December 2022
Presentation to and discussion with GPSNR Executive Committee for feedback (via digital meeting) December 2022
Phase 4 – Delivery of Deliverable 1 and 2 to GPSNR Jan 2023


The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than €25,000 be allocated to this engagement.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan
  • 50% on delivery of the final report

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel expenses, if deemed necessary by both the consultant and Secretariat, are incurred, and documented.

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal
  2. Relevant past performance/ experience
  3. Samples of work
  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership
  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.


Annex A: Deforestation

Gaps that the group has identified in the Risk Analysis Working Document:

  • Is it possible, and if so how, to assess this risk at a coarse grain country or province / district level, or does such an assessment have to be done at the landscape / plantation level?  
    -Which tools (e.g., publicly or commercially available HCV/HCS maps exist for which rubber growing areas? 
    -How do these existing maps need to be queried and what answers can they provide to members?  
    -Should existing tools not be sufficient, what tools would need to be developed to assess risk at a satisfactory level, sufficient to protect HCVs and HCS forests?  

  • What is the likelihood of existing, known smallholders to expand into HCV/HCS?  
    -Is there a link to the distance between current plantations and blocks of HCV/HCS?  
    -Is there a link between the occurrence of fire hotspots, rubber plantations and blocks of HCV/HCS? 
    -If there is, what intensity of fire hotspots can indicate what levels of risk to HCV/HCS? 
    -What level of detail do maps have to have to identify such a link with reasonable accuracy? 
    -What is the likelihood of previously unknown smallholders to open forest for new plantations? 
    -What are the early warning signs for either? How can they be detected, analysed, and applied? 
    -At what time will it be necessary to conduct detailed plantation level surveys?  

  • At what risk threshold should downstream buyers engage in on-site surveys and risk mitigation activities? 
    -Can such threshold be quantified or at least categorized into no/low versus high risk, and if so, how? 
    -What tools exist for such on-site activities and who can apply them?  
    -How can the impact of such risk mitigation activities be evaluated?  
    -At what threshold should buyers refrain from buying supplies from the assessed area? 

For more details, please click this link

Annex B: Supporting long term protection of natural forests, restoration of degraded rubber landscapes 

Gaps that the group has identified in the Risk Analysis Working Document:

  • How to assess the capability of local government to exercise effective protection of legal protected areas (e.g., based on trajectory of forest loss in surrounding protected areas or based on gov budgets)? 
  • How to assess the presence of effective landscape or jurisdictional initiatives in the area? 
  • How can the remaining natural forests be protected and how can the restored blocks of degraded rubber landscapes be mapped and prioritized?  
  • How can smallholders be integrated in this process?  
  • How can the commercial supply chain join local private and government efforts?  
  • How can supply chain members best join hands to financially and/or practically support them? 

Annex C: Labour

Gaps that the group has identified in the Risk Analysis Working Document:

  • Is it possible, and if so how, to assess this risk at a province / district level (coarser than farm level)? 
    -Which tools (e.g., publicly, or commercially available) exist to assess these socio-economic data? 
    -How do these solutions query and (if possible) summarize data at a coarse-grained level and what answers can they provide to members?  

  • At what risk threshold should downstream buyers engage in on-site surveys and risk mitigation activities?  
    -Can such threshold be quantified or at least categorized into no/low versus high risk, and if so, how?
    -What tools exist for such on-site activities and who can apply them?  
    -How can the impact such risk mitigation activities be evaluated?  
    -At what threshold should buyers refrain from buying supplies from the assessed area?   

Annex D: Human Rights

Gaps that the group has identified in the Risk Analysis Working Document:

  • Is it possible, and if so how, to assess this risk at a province / district level (coarser than farm level)? 
    -Which tools (e.g., publicly, or commercially available) exist to assess these socio-economic data?  
    -How do these solutions query and (if possible) summarize data at a coarse-grained level and what answers can they provide to members

  • At what risk threshold should downstream buyers engage in on-site surveys and risk mitigation activities?  
    -Can such threshold be quantified or at least categorized into no/low versus high risk, and if so, how?  
    -What tools exist for such on-site activities and who can apply them?  
    -How can the impact such risk mitigation activities be evaluated?  
    -At what threshold should buyers refrain from buying supplies from the assessed area?  

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