Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – July 2019

The Strategy and Objectives Working Group, which has the main responsibility of determining the strategies needed to address social, economic and environmental impacts to achieve the desired state of the platform, has been extensively working on defining the desired state which identifies what GPSNR members would want being achieved when natural rubber is sustainably produced and utilized.

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The first draft of the “desired state” document has been shared with the Executive Committee in their monthly meeting in June for further consultation. To avoid overlooking any important steps and details necessary for the development of strategies and objectives, a terms of reference was also created by the Working Group and approved by the Executive Committee, defining the scope, objectives, and outcomes which will be enabled by the process. 

The completion of the “Theory of Change Workshop” in March, where the group met in Singapore to collaborate on building out “What Good Looks Like” when it comes to sustainable natural rubber, contributed to the start of the work on the “Theory of Change” for natural rubber, a process aimed at identifying the root causes for the current state of the natural rubber industry as well as identify the Key Strategies that the Working Group believes the platform should start working on. 

Currently, the Working Group is in the process of finalizing the recommendations for launching these strategies, including  timelines for implementation in 2019/2020. The focus for the next 6 months will be on launching and pursuing three main strategies: 1) Sustainability Policy Tool Box and Best Practices; 2) Capacity Building for Smallholders and Rubber Plantations to support the incorporation of more sustainable practices; 3) Improving Transparency and Traceability within the Natural Rubber Supply Chain. 

We would like to thank the members who participated and encourage all others to actively  participate in the Working Group’s undertakings. In order to meet the high expectations set for GPSNR, we need members to attend the meetings frequently, participate consistently, and contribute in a timely manner.

More To Explore


Public feedback is currently closed and under review 

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber has prepared three guidance documents to support GPSNR members in their efforts to comply with the upcoming European Union Deforestation Regulation. 

The Platform is now conducting a 30-day public consultation on these documents. After the consultation, a multi-stakeholder task force within the Platform will review the comments, make the necessary changes, and send these documents for endorsement by the Executive Committee.

Any feedback on the documents should be added by 15th May 2024.

The final version will be publicly available once all the feedback has been incorporated. 

Add your feedback here before 15 May 2024


Smallholders Representation Working Group Update – August 2019

Smallholders account for 85% of world rubber production. To come up with sustainable rubber production solutions, it is crucial for GPSNR to include the voice of rubber smallholders into our governance model. Realizing the challenges in language and cultural differences, the power game between different players in the rubber value chain, the perception of and by smallholders, the working group has decided to organize regional workshops. The 5 workshops to be held in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Africa (TBC) and Latin America (TBC) will be tailor made to ensure that smallholders can play a meaningful role within GPSNR.  A combination of smallholders, smallholder organizations, smallholder representation working group members (reflecting the mix of the group members) and, where possible, a representative of the GPSNR Strategy & Objectives Working Group will come together to join those regional workshops. Main aim of the workshop is to be a 2-way communication platform for conducting research, with the farmer’s needs at the center.

The primary objectives of the workshops will be to:

  • Understand the local needs and motivations of the smallholder farmers;
  • Understand and recommend solutions to the barriers for smallholders and their representative organizations to join and actively participate in the GPSNR;
  • Observe and explain the interaction and chemistry between farmers and representative organizations.

Translation and moderation will be available to ensure a smooth communication.

Those first 5 workshops are to be held between October and November 2019 and possibly extended to other regions in a second step.  

If you are a rubber smallholder or an organization that represents rubber smallholders, promoting the interests of rubber smallholders, having a mission/vision that aligns with GPSNR’s 12 principles, believing in a bottom-up approach as a solution to solve the issues, please feel free to contact the GPSNR Secretariat.  For more information, contact

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