Smallholders Representation Working Group Update – January 2020

With the overarching awareness of the importance of smallholder inclusivity in GPSNR, the Smallholders Representation Working Group set out with an internal goal of 10 smallholder applicants for membership. To date, the number of applications received has more than doubled on that goal, and we are pleased to welcome a total of 22 smallholder farmers as new members thus far. 

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Of the 22 applicants, one is from Brazil, four from Côte d’Ivoire, two from Ghana, five are from Indonesia, four from Thailand and six are from Vietnam.

The 2nd General Assembly on 31 March 2020 will see the proposal of a new membership category, ‘Smallholder Producers’. Should the voting on this resolution pass, smallholders will officially find their voice in global efforts to ensure a socially, economically and environmentally sound natural rubber supply chain.

Thanks to sustained funding from Partnerships for Forests (P4F), we will be able to invite the geographically diverse group of smallholders to Singapore to attend their first General Assembly, with the view to onboard them and to have smallholder producers represented in the Executive Committee via the voting of nominated individuals.

As it is important for the smallholders to understand what is required of them at the General Assembly and as an Executive Committee member, the Working Group will be scheduling several sessions, both remote and on-site, to thoroughly brief the smallholders on GPSNR’s Statutes and Code of Conduct. The smallholders will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with one another in the two days prior to the General Assembly.

In preparation for this, the appointed Country Champions of the Working Group will be assisting the smallholders in travel logistics and other administrative matters. The Working Group is also looking into engaging professional translation services at the General Assembly to emphasize impartiality.

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Member Consultation on proposed GPSNR Policy Components and Baseline Reporting Requirements

Natural rubber faces a similar set of environmental, social and economic issues as other agricultural commodities such as palm oil, but the spotlight on sustainability has only been recently turned towards this key raw material, 70% of which goes into tire production. The launch of GPSNR marked a significant step towards developing sustainable standards for natural rubber, with member organizations making a commitment to 12 Sustainable Natural Rubber Principles. 

The Policy Toolbox Working Group was established to develop a guiding framework for GPSNR members to implement policies and practices that align with the 12 Principles. Two key documents, the Policy Components and Baseline Reporting Requirements, have emerged after a year of discussion and drafting. 

The Policy Components outline specific commitments that GPSNR company members should include in their sustainable natural rubber policies, while the  Baseline Reporting Requirements indicate qualitative and quantitative sustainability data to be reported to the Secretariat for the first year of reporting.

A members webinar was held on 16 June, where the Co-Chairs of the Policy Toolbox Working Group explained the purpose, process and next steps surrounding the two documents. 

Several members have volunteered to participate in an ongoing pilot testing of the Baseline Reporting Requirements. The goal of the pilot is to refine and finalize the Baseline Reporting Requirements based on company feedback.

The proposed Policy Components and Baseline Reporting Requirements are now open for member consultation until 3 July 2020.

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