Press Release: GPSNR General Assembly 2021

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In new industry agreement, Global Natural Rubber companies will report annually on their sustainability progress


Singapore, 15 December 2021: Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) convened their annual General Assembly, which saw the approval of a set of detailed sustainability reporting parameters that all members will be required to complete annually from 2022 onwards. This will standardize sustainability reporting in the natural rubber industry, as many GPSNR member companies have already included strong sustainability commitments  in their natural rubber production and procurement policies.  

As GPSNR member companies account for about 50% of global natural rubber volume, their ability to transparently report on the same sustainability standards will aid a structural change in the industry to ensure harmonised sustainability reporting becomes the norm. 

“This is a tremendous milestone for the Platform and for the natural rubber industry. In our third annual General Assembly, we have moved further towards developing a model that helps our members ensure that their products and services are delivered in alignment with GPSNR’s principles, and can be monitored for continuous improvement. The reporting requirements have been agreed upon by upstream and downstream industry stakeholders as well as civil society players to ensure accountability. This serves as a testament to our model of driving sustainability, equity and fairness through multi stakeholder collaborations.’’ said GPSNR Director Stefano Savi. 

GPSNR’s third virtual General Assembly drew more than 120 attendees, including members of the Platform, partners and invited guests. In addition to voting on resolutions like the reporting requirements, GPSNR members also elected representatives to the 2021-2022 Executive Committee, which comprises representatives from each of the membership categories. 

Access the reporting requirements here


About GPSNR: 

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. More on

For more information, please contact:

Bani Bains

Communications Manager


Ph: +65 97268165


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GPSNR Working Groups Update: February 2022

All GPSNR working groups have a large chunk of work ahead of them. Here are all their updates: 

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

After completing the intensive task of publishing the Theory of Change, the strategy and objectives group is working on developing its own next steps based on this Theory of Change. In the same spirit, the group has also updated its own Terms of Reference and membership. It is now focused on developing the RFP for the Economic Risk Study, which will be published soon. Currently, they are developing GPSNR’s approach to managing and evaluating risk (commonly known as the risk-based approach in meetings!). 

Smallholder Representation Working Group

Apart from initiating outreach to smallholders with a view to organise onboarding workshops in countries such as Liberia, Ghana, Malaysia and Colombia, the group is focussed on its newly formed task force to develop the GPSNR Smallholders Policy Framework. The first meeting of this task force will be in March 2022. The group is also preparing for the first Smallholders International Call of the year in March 2022.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

This group has already recruited new members for three of its subgroups: Transparent reporting roadmap, Implementation Guidance and RR Guidance & Tools. In the coming months, they will be developing guidance for the reporting requirements and a transparency reporting roadmap before the reporting cycle begins in the middle of 2022. 

At the same time, the group continues to refine a major part of the assurance model: the Implementation Guidance, which it aims to have ready before the General Assembly of 2022. Additionally, this group is busy finalising the compliance panel’s operational guidance.

Capacity Building Working Group

As we begin a year of implementation in Thailand, this group is working on reviewing and finalising strategy and approach for Capacity Building in Thailand, including the integration with Agroforestry Task Force workstream based on discussions with the Rubber Authority of Thailand on 24 February 2022.

The working group is also continuing to develop and implement capacity building plans for Indonesia and Ivory Coast, and will soon appoint service providers for GAP Coaching in Indonesia

Traceability and Transparency Working Group

Having received members’ input on the traceability guidance, representatives from the working group are now finalizing the benchmark based on the feedback.

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The Shared Responsibility working group has completed the first draft of the Shared Responsibility (SR) framework, and has presented the same to the Executive Committee. The consultant is now working on incorporating feedback from the Executive Committee into this draft.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: October 2022

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The assurance model taskforce, which sits under the umbrella of this working group, worked on establishing KPIs, GPSNR and Company targets, and tasking the KPIs to other working groups, categories and members. Its other subgroup on risk is currently working on a proposal for the definition of polygons in the EU Deforestation Regulation based on a request from GPSNR member ETRMA. Th subgroup also has two new co-chairs – Maggie Fitzherbert from ZSL and Ayako Itoh from Bridgestone.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After completing its first round of pilot agroforestry workshops in Indonesia, the working group has its next round planned in Cambodia starting this month. Subsequently, they are preparing for country-based focus group discussions on the Smallholders Policy Equivalent and for the GPSNR-HCSA Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials. They are also working on processing smallholder applications from Liberia and Cambodia.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

The group is working on finalizing the TORs for the Year 1 Reporting Review to be conducted in the first quarter of next year. They are also assessing if any changes to reporting framework and its details (i.e. process, extensions, questions) are needed based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results.

Capacity Building Working Group

The group is currently evaluating proposals to appoint a software developer for the second phase of the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform. They have kicked off the Disease Fighting Project with SNV-IRRI in Indonesia, after having recently completed the first milestone of the SNV-Proforest GAP coaching in the country. They continue to seek members’ funding for capacity building projects in Indonesia (second stream of disease fighting) and Cote d’Ivoire (training centres). To know more, you can find the project details here.


Shared Responsibility Working Group

The group is working on the deliverables discussed for each of its sub working groups during the in-person meetings, and will present findings to the membership on 15th November 2022.

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