Platform Updates for August

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Baseline Reporting Requirements Pilot Testing

The Baseline Reporting Requirements, developed by the Policy Toolbox Working Group, is a document that indicates certain qualitative and quantitative sustainability data to be reported to the Secretariat. Back in June, we invited GPSNR members to volunteer to be part of a pilot testing for these Baseline Reporting Requirements. Since then, we have had 12 member companies coming forward to contribute their time and efforts to the exercise. These member companies consist of processors, tire makers and one car maker. As part of the pilot testing, each company was given access to a secure reporting platform where they could input the necessary reporting data.  

The Secretariat has conducted in-depth interviews with ten of the volunteer members so far. Following this, all feedback and data received will be reviewed, with the view to refine the Baseline Reporting Requirements in preparation for the formal launch in the near future.

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The Working Group has commenced an extension of the study on Human Rights and Labour Rights’ Risk Mapping in the Global Natural Rubber Value Chains conducted by independent consultants James Griffiths & Associates Sàrl. This extension will see the consultant preparing an Annex to the main report that focuses on “equity issues” in the global natural rubber value chain. The objective of this extension is to understand current levels of equity (or inequity) along the natural rubber supply chain and identify where these could pose a threat to ecological, social and economic sustainability.

The report will also touch on how GPSNR’s current definition of “equity” compares to definitions used by others in related sectors or related risk assessments, providing suggested revisions to GPSNR’s definition where appropriate.

The Equity sub-Group published four Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in mid August, for studies on the Living Income Gap in the global natural rubber value chain. These initial studies will focus on collecting information and metrics from four countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. The deadline for submission of proposals is over. The Secretariat has received several proposals and will be evaluating them before presenting them to the sub-Working Group for consideration.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

The two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) that the Working Group has been developing were also published in mid August. The deadline for submission of proposals was last week.

The first RFP is for a study that will assess the methodologies of existing traceability and transparency tools and how they match up against the traceability and transparency requirements of GPSNR members. 

The second RFP is for a study that will compare existing and currently under-development GIS databases and mapping tools along with their mapping approaches through research and interviews.

The Secretariat has received several proposals and is in the process of evaluating them. The Working Group will make the final decision thereafter.

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Press Release: GPSNR General Assembly 2022


Global Rubber Industry kickstarts a plan for equitable distribution of costs and benefits of sustainability in their supply chain


Singapore, 14 July 2022: Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), who represent 55% of the rubber value chain, convened their annual General Assembly yesterday, where they defined and charted out a path for a concept they call shared responsibility. This concept acknowledges the lack of equity in the natural rubber supply chain and charts out a mechanism where the costs and benefits of the platform’s sustainability initiatives will be equitably distributed across all actors within the supply chain.

To this end, GPSNR members passed a resolution that binds them to a shared responsibility framework with 3 pillars – Shared Investments, Value Transfer & Target setting, and Knowledge & Data sharing – which will help share the costs and benefits across all actors in the value chain. Each stakeholder group has a different role to play to contribute to a sustainable natural rubber sector and within the three pillars. By the third quarter of 2023, each of the three pillars will be in the testing, implementation or pilot stage of their specific goals.

According to GPSNR director Stefano Savi, “Systemic change does not happen overnight. While we have been putting together pillars on the sustainability side of our vision, this is our first pillar that also requires commitment to an equitable supply chain. With this shared responsibility framework, parties from across the natural rubber value chain are agreeing to take accountability for sustainability in an equitable and fair manner. As we work to translate this to actionable outcomes, I hope more stakeholders will join us, and existing ones will be inspired to accelerate the process of changing our supply chain.’’

In addition to voting on resolutions like the shared responsibility framework, GPSNR members also voted in a guidance for implementation of the policy framework that they all abide by, which includes some stringent commitments on deforestation and human rights. They also voted on some procedural resolutions on their statutes and elected representatives to the 2022-2023 Executive Committee, which comprises representatives from each of the membership categories.

Access the Shared Responsibility Framework here.


About GPSNR: 

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. More on

For more information, please contact:

Bani Bains

Communications Manager


Ph: +65 97268165



GPSNR Working Groups Update: March 2021

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The S&O Working Group has received inputs to the platform Theory of Change from the Smallholders Representation, Capacity Building, and Traceability and Transparency Working Groups. A task team from the S&O Working Group will now work to synthesize these different contributions into a single document. This compiled Theory of Change template will then be developed into the platform Theory of Change through a workshop which will involve representatives from all the working groups.

The Equity Sub-Working Group completed a summary of the Living Income studies that the platform commissioned in 2021 and presented the summary through a webinar. The Equity Sub-Working Group will now work to develop recommendations on how GPSNR can address priority risks and boost equity in the value chain.

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

The Policy Toolbox Working Group has selected a combined consultant team of Proforest and Are We There Yet to lead the development of the Implementation Guidance for GPSNR. The development is expected to be a consultative process that concludes with a set of draft guidance that will be ready by July 2021.

To facilitate consultation on the Implementation Guidance, the Working Group will set up category-specific focus groups that members are encouraged to join. The focus groups will meet twice to review the draft guidance and provide feedback and inputs to improve the document. Each focus group is only expected to meet twice and members are only required to spend a few hours before each meeting reviewing the draft documents. The focus groups will be set up in the following manner:

Focus Group 1
Traders of Raw Materials

Focus Group 2
Traders of Processed material

Focus Group 3
Tire makers and other manufacturers

Focus Group 4
End users (incl. car makers and other downstream stakeholders).

In line with the assessment of policy documents against the policy framework, the Secretariat has collated company policy documents that were submitted and will proceed to review the policy documents submitted for review. The Secretariat has received responses from all 29 ordinary member companies that were required to submit documents and will spend the next month assessing the submissions.

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

The Capacity Building Working Group has created three separate task forces that will work on working group tasks. The first task force will focus on developing mechanisms to measure impacts of capacity building activities, the second task force will develop a strategy to attract and recognize GPSNR members’ funding of capacity building activities, and the final task force will develop systems to ensure that the national sub-groups tasked with implementing capacity building activities in each country remain aligned with the broader working group. In addition to the Good Agricultural Practices Task Force, the Working Group now has four Task Forces that will work to deliver on their tasks in the coming months.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

The Traceability and Transparency Working Group will continue to meet in its sub-groups to develop recommendations on minimum benchmarks for traceability tools and data sharing in the platform. With the submission of the Working Group’s input to the Theory of Change, the Working Group is pleased to announce that its first sub-group has completed the assigned tasking and will no longer meet.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

The Smallholder Representation Working Group has now onboarded smallholders from Indonesia and Vietnam into the Working Group. The Working Group has also divided into two groups within the working group. The first sub-working group will work to develop a strategy to onboard smallholders from countries that are not represented in GPSNR yet. The second group will work to deepen engagement with smallholders who are already members of the platform and also develop strategies to improve representation among minority groups in countries that are already represented in GPSNR

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