GPSNR Working Groups Update: November 2022

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Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The risk subgroup, which sits under the umbrella of this working group, has studied the various definitions of polygons in the EU Deforestation Regulation through an extensive survey conducted for GPSNR PPT members.

The assurance model subgroup continues to work on the KPIs set during the last in-person meeting as they are to be finalised at the end of the year and presented during the next in-person and hybrid meetings in January 2023.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After completing two rounds of pilot agroforestry workshops for smallholder members in Indonesia, and Cambodia, the working group is working on concluding how GPSNR should approach agroforestry capacity building in the long term. This work stream aims to integrate priorities of smallholders with developing long-term income diversification strategies through the Capacity Building Working Group.

They are also busy holding focus group discussions towards the smallholder policy equivalent and evaluating proposals received for the GPSNR-HCSA Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

The group is working on finalizing the TORs for the Year 1 Reporting Review to be conducted in the first quarter of next year. They are also assessing if any changes to the reporting framework and its details (i.e. process, extensions, questions) are needed based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results.

Capacity Building Working Group

The group is currently evaluating proposals to appoint a software developer for the second phase of the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform. They have kicked off the Disease Fighting Project with SNV-IRRI in Indonesia, after having recently completed the first milestone of the SNV-Proforest GAP coaching in the country. They continue to seek members’ funding for capacity building projects in Indonesia (second stream of disease fighting) and Cote d’Ivoire (training centres). To know more, you can find the project details here.


Shared Responsibility Working Group

  The group has completed 40% progress on the agreed deliverable for each pillar, and is continuing to work towards completion ahead of the meetings in January. The WG is also working to align with the Assurance Model Task Force to advance the Shared Responsibility agenda. 

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: August 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group:

In recent developments within the Risk Subgroup, significant progress has been made. Consortiums Agridence and Koltiva have delivered their conclusive reports, which have been duly circulated among the members. The Risk Subgroup extended an invitation to ASI, requesting insights into the formulation of the Risk Assessment Framework. This move aims to ensure the adaptability of the framework to the many different risk tools that exist in the  Natural Rubber Industry. Collaborative efforts are also underway, as the Risk Subgroup and ASI work together on an inaugural pilot trial, focusing on setting Indonesia’s national risk parameters.

Meanwhile, significant strides have been taken in the realm of the Assurance Model Taskforce. Resolutions have been shared within the Strategy and Objectives Working Group, inviting constructive feedback. The completion of the Due Diligence System falls under the purview of ZSL, marking a substantial accomplishment.

The Risk Subgroup is engaging in early-stage discussions with the Basel Institution, exploring a potential collaboration concerning corruption risks within the supply chain.

Further negotiations between the Risk Subgroup and ASI encompass a range of key initiatives, including the preconfiguration of National Risk Levels, the refinement of the Risk Tool’s questionnaire, and harmonising National Risk levels with other established risk assessment tools used within the GPSNR community. ASI is entrusted with designing the GPSNR Assurance Model; and a draft Framework has been shared.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group:

In recent updates, several advancements have occurred. The Indonesia National Subgroup has reported quarterly progress to the SCB WG for the GAP Coaching and Disease Fighting projects.

Meanwhile, in Thailand, the National Subgroup has completed proposal evaluations, leading to the selection of Koltiva for the Thailand GAP Coaching project.

A notable achievement is the official endorsement from the SCB WG for the final recommendations report of the Smallholders Policy-Equivalent (SPE).

Concurrently, the Agroforestry-Income Diversification taskforce has successfully finalised contractual arrangements and is actively overseeing projects in Indonesia.

Preparations are underway in the Thailand Agroforestry subgroup for upcoming training discussions scheduled for October 2023. Similarly, the Thailand GAP subgroup is taking steps to initiate its project.

On the technological front, the Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) task force is making progress in developing features, anticipating the forthcoming piloting phase.

The HCSA-HCVN Field Trials task force is focused on refining the final report for subsequent submission to the SCB WG.

Looking ahead, the Agroforestry-Income Diversification Taskforce is gearing up for a series of agroforestry workshops planned for 2023-2024.

Cross-group collaboration is evident as the Thailand Agroforestry subgroup plans a knowledge exchange session with the Agroforestry-Income Diversification taskforce and Indonesian smallholder, Pak Febrius SW, with a focus on Rubber Agroforestry.

Lastly, the SCB WG is proactively organising calls with smallholders from diverse countries as part of their preparations for the upcoming October 2023 General Assembly.

Policy Toolbox Working Group:

A resolution along with its corresponding Annex was drafted, aiming for Year 2 Disclosure Requirements. These were slated for submission to the 5th General Assembly (GA).

Consultant Petra Westerlaan presented a proposal to the WG that outlined revisions to the GPSNR Reporting Framework. This proposal resulted from a comprehensive comparison with other reporting frameworks, including CDP Forest, GRI, and ZSL-SPOTT. The proposed revisions emphasised quantification, which would enhance data aggregation and simplify the assessment of annual progress.

Subsequent to the GA, the WG will scrutinise Petra’s proposed revisions and arrive at a consensus on changes to the Reporting Matrix.. Sufficient lead time is essential for companies to prepare their Year 3 data.

Once agreement is reached on revisions to the Reporting Matrix, the WG will proceed to define the disclosure requirements for Year 3 reporting. This sequential approach ensures a methodical and informed evolution of the GPSNR reporting process.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: 

During the face-to-face meeting, the Governance and guiding principles were introduced. Manufacturers are in the process of obtaining internal approval for the Governance Framework. They will subsequently furnish a final version for approval from the GPSNR Executive Committee (EC) and the General Assembly.

A draft resolution was shared with the Working Group (WG) and received approval for distribution to members for feedback.

Collaborating with the Capacity Building WG, the WG is developing a protocol to screen and assess proposals. This evaluation process will be based on the Equity definition and stakeholders as outlined by the EC.

One of the  co-chair seats in the Shared Responsibility WG is available, and a call for volunteers has been initiated.


Strategy and Objectives Working Group Update – March 2020

In driving forward the progress on the Theory of Change (ToC) and Desired State, the Chairs of the Strategy and Objectives Working Group are expected to lead discussions with the other Working Group Chairs. These discussions will focus on mapping the areas of work currently undertaken by the respective groups to the relevant sections of the ToC. Pulling together the detailed thinking within each group will enable the Working Group to flesh out the elements of each strategy and the linkage between each individual component. To package the ToC in a more user-friendly format, the Secretariat has developed a visual representation of the ToC, which gives a broad overview of the concept while allowing for a deeper dive into the details. The Working Group has reviewed the first draft of this document, and will be working with the Secretariat to finetune it. 

Following the initial survey that had gone out, consultant James Griffiths has started interviewing stakeholders on social risks priorities and mitigation solutions as part of the study on Human Rights and Labour Rights’ risk mapping in the global natural rubber value chain

The Equity sub-Group had their inaugural meeting this week. The members of the group agreed on the need to work with urgency and consider the approach of having a different work plan, one which would enable a move towards recommendations on a rapid basis. The importance of engaging governments was also highlighted in the discussion. The sub-Group will be meeting again next week to continue the conversation on equity.  

‘Policy Toolbox’ Working Group

The policy components and baseline reporting requirements are being circulated for comments among the various membership categories. The Producers, Processors and Traders had a teleconference organized by Socfin and Southland Global, and will also be collecting comments via email. The Tire Makers are submitting their inputs through an online survey and emails. The OEM members have also discussed the documents in a call and have consolidated their comments. Civil Society Organization members are engaged in discussions on these elements as well. The Working Group anticipates that it will be able to submit the deliverables to the Executive Committee for approval in May.

‘Capacity Building’ Working Group

In recognition of the need to prioritize an inclusive and pragmatic approach towards capacity building, the Working Group has decided to establish several regional sub-Working Groups, each of which will be responsible for developing country-specific capacity building objectives. The Working Group is exploring getting smallholders involved in some of these regional sub-Working Groups, which would be the first instance of smallholder participation at the working group level, and would be informative in the ongoing discussions on ways to integrate smallholders into the activities of GPSNR. The terms of reference for the regional sub-Working Groups are in the process of being finalised. 

The Working Group hopes to achieve greater alignment with the Theory of Change (ToC) developed by the Strategy and Objectives Working Group, through the establishment of ToCs at the working group and sub-working group level. This would allow each working group to contribute to the design of GPSNR’s ToC, with the aim to achieve the Desired State. Working groups can delve into more precise levels of identifying capacity building objectives and developing implementation plans to address the gaps in various target groups within a specific country.

‘Traceability and Transparency’ Working Group

After consulting with the Policy Toolbox Working Group on areas of risk, the finalized terms of reference for the two pilot proposals are being circulated for final feedback within the Traceability and Transparency Working Group.

The pilot study on satellite mapping and machine learning aims to make use of historical and current data and new technology to determine the risk of potential deforestation, along with other social and environmental risks that are the result of deforestation.

The traceability and transparency tool comparison study will assess, among others, the ability of the tool to identify risk and/or contribute to a risk assessment in the social, environmental and legal categories. 

The proposals will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval in April. Moving forward, the Traceability and Transparency and Policy Toolbox Working Groups will work closely together on understanding risks in the natural rubber supply chain..

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