GPSNR Working Groups Update: March 2023

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The strategy and objectives working group

Both the sub working groups under the umbrella of the Strategy and Objectives WG are occupied with some critical milestones. The Risk Subgroup has received the final draft for the risk assessment framework by ASI, and will be working on piloting the framework and the next steps. The Risk Subgroup would also be looking at guidance on traceability enhancement based on pilot field trials and other data from members, and they have started a series of traceability tools webinar sessions with tool providers and member companies and planning on the second session. The next webinar is on 26th April, and you can register for it here

On the other hand, the Assurance Model taskforce is streamlining the category specific KPIs along with the members journey/assurance model blueprint that was finalised during the latest hybrid meetings. You can find more context in the minutes here or reach out for questions on

The smallholder representation working group: 

Along with the work on the smallholder policy equivalent for which the WG has already sent out an all-member survey and initiating the HCSA-HCVN NR Smallholder Toolkit Field Trials, they are preparing for the decided merger with the capacity building working group. More details on how this will play out can be found here

The policy toolbox working group: 

The group is working on a tender to Crosswalk RR framework with CDP Forest and GRI Reporting, while aligning with the Assurance Model taskforce on the KPI on due diligence. 

The smallholders representation & capacity building working group: 

As a newly merged working group, they continue to perform the duties of the two old working groups, including overseeing the on-ground projects in Indonesia and Thailand. At the same time, they are focussing on finalising their new TOR and agroforestry/income diversification strategies. Members who wish to continue in the SCB WG and any National Subgroup or Task Force should write to the Secretariat, indicating their organisation, name, email and the national subgroup or taskforce they are interested in participating in.

The shared responsibility working group: 

As per the decisions taken on the next steps during the hybrid meetings in January-February, the group is working with the Tiremaker category on streamlining a proposal on shared investment while also completing the deliverables on the other pillars. They are also aligning with the Assurance Model taskforce on how the KPIs will integrate into the Shared Investment mechanism. They have completed 40% of the progress they committed to on all three pillars during the in-person meetings so far.

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Press Release: GPSNR General Assembly 2022


Global Rubber Industry kickstarts a plan for equitable distribution of costs and benefits of sustainability in their supply chain


Singapore, 14 July 2022: Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), who represent 55% of the rubber value chain, convened their annual General Assembly yesterday, where they defined and charted out a path for a concept they call shared responsibility. This concept acknowledges the lack of equity in the natural rubber supply chain and charts out a mechanism where the costs and benefits of the platform’s sustainability initiatives will be equitably distributed across all actors within the supply chain.

To this end, GPSNR members passed a resolution that binds them to a shared responsibility framework with 3 pillars – Shared Investments, Value Transfer & Target setting, and Knowledge & Data sharing – which will help share the costs and benefits across all actors in the value chain. Each stakeholder group has a different role to play to contribute to a sustainable natural rubber sector and within the three pillars. By the third quarter of 2023, each of the three pillars will be in the testing, implementation or pilot stage of their specific goals.

According to GPSNR director Stefano Savi, “Systemic change does not happen overnight. While we have been putting together pillars on the sustainability side of our vision, this is our first pillar that also requires commitment to an equitable supply chain. With this shared responsibility framework, parties from across the natural rubber value chain are agreeing to take accountability for sustainability in an equitable and fair manner. As we work to translate this to actionable outcomes, I hope more stakeholders will join us, and existing ones will be inspired to accelerate the process of changing our supply chain.’’

In addition to voting on resolutions like the shared responsibility framework, GPSNR members also voted in a guidance for implementation of the policy framework that they all abide by, which includes some stringent commitments on deforestation and human rights. They also voted on some procedural resolutions on their statutes and elected representatives to the 2022-2023 Executive Committee, which comprises representatives from each of the membership categories.

Access the Shared Responsibility Framework here.


About GPSNR: 

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. More on

For more information, please contact:

Bani Bains

Communications Manager


Ph: +65 97268165



GPSNR Working Groups Update: December 2022

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The risk subgroup, which sits under the umbrella of this working group, is working on a series of Traceability tools webinars for GPSNR members to present on some tools available that would help members map their supply chain. The subgroup is also working on a pilot traceability study to investigate what it takes (costs, time, labour) for a company to map its supply shed. The subgroup is also working with a consortium to develop a risk assessment matrix.

The assurance model subgroup continues to work on the KPIs set during the last in-person meeting as they are to be finalised at the end of the year and presented during the next in-person and hybrid meetings in January 2023.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After completing two rounds of pilot agroforestry workshops for smallholder members in Indonesia, and Cambodia, the working group is working on concluding how GPSNR should approach agroforestry capacity building in the long term through an agroforestry strategy. This work stream aims to integrate priorities of smallholders with developing long-term income diversification strategies through the Capacity Building Working Group.

They are also busy holding focus group discussions towards the smallholder policy equivalent, kickstarting HCSA-HCVN programme field trials for natural rubber smallholders, and on enhancing integration with the capacity building working group.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

The group is working on finalizing the TORs for the Year 1 Reporting Review to be conducted in the first quarter of next year. They are also assessing if any changes to the reporting framework and its details (i.e. process, extensions, questions) are needed based on the Year 1 Reporting Review results. They have already kicked off the crosswalk of the reporting requirements against other reporting frameworks to better improve the questions. The group would also be sending out a survey for members to provide feedback on their reporting (reporting process, reporting requirements questions, guidances, etc.). They would also be working on the Transparency Reporting Roadmap for years 2 and 3 of reporting that would be voted at the GA 2023.

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The group is currently evaluating proposals to appoint a software developer for the second phase of the GPSNR Knowledge Sharing Platform based on a reworked tender. In 2022, they have also kicked off the Disease Fighting Project with SNV-IRRI in Indonesia, after having recently completed the first milestones of the Koltiva and SNV-Proforest GAP coaching projects in the country. They continue to seek members’ funding for capacity building projects in Indonesia (second stream of disease fighting) and Cote d’Ivoire (training centres). To know more, you can find the project details here

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