GPSNR Working Groups Update: February 2021 (Members Version)

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SAVE THE DATE – GPSNR General Assembly 2021

Dear Members,

We would like to invite you to block your diaries for the GPSNR General Assembly 2021, which we are planning for the week of the 11th to 15th October 2021.

Should the situation allow, we aim to have a hybrid General Assembly this year, with stakeholders joining both physically in Singapore and virtually across the globe.

While the team at the secretariat prepares for the assembly in the next few months, please do reach out if you have any questions. In the meantime, save the date in your calendars.

Speak soon,



From Strategy to Implementation: Next Steps for Capacity Building (Members Version)

One of the key strategies identified by GPSNR to achieve our vision of a fair, equitable and environmentally sound natural rubber value chain is to ensure that there is capacity amongst smallholders and industrial plantations to adopt best practices in natural rubber production.

In 2020, the Capacity Building Working Group, through various stakeholder interviews and Working Group discussions, proposed a set of country-specific capacity building activities for four countries as a start: Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. In developing these strategies, the Working Group sought to first identify threats to the sustainable production of natural rubber within the different local contexts, as well as the underlying causes for these threats. From this initial research, the working group developed proposed capacity building actions, along with main objectives and rationales for each chosen action. The approach adopted by the Working Group in designing these actions is to allow for immediate engagement and implementation on the ground.

Following the Executive Committee’s endorsement of the Working Group’s capacity building proposals, the Working Group will be conducting a sharing session for all GPSNR members, during which more details about each national capacity building strategy will be presented.

Recruiting Members to Capacity Building National Sub-Groups

Now that the capacity building strategies are in place, the Working Group is inviting interested GPSNR members to join the soon-to-be-created National Sub-Groups that will be mandated to oversee, guide and implement the national capacity building strategies and to promote GPSNR policies and initiatives. 

The development of the National Sub-Groups recognizes existing local capacity building initiatives in the rubber sector and their independence of GPSNR and aims to cooperate with local efforts and stakeholders to achieve mutually agreed outcomes.

To learn more about the Working Group’s strategies and about how to participate in their operationalization, please register for the webinar which will be held on Wednesday, 17 February at 8:00pm (GMT+8).

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