GPSNR Grievance Mechanism: Call for Comments (Members Version)

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The GPSNR Website Has A New Look!

We’ve refreshed our website and added some exciting features especially for GPSNR members.

Introducing the Members Portal

The Members Portal brings together all the resources available to GPSNR members, and provides easy and quick access to ongoing member activities. Members can access this feature by logging in with the username and password provided by the Secretariat. The account details will be sent to the primary contact of each organization in early January 2021. Members who would like to request for additional accounts may contact Nigel for assistance.

Besides the Members Portal, the website features a revamped navigation menu with new pages featuring our Working Groups, Executive Committee and the Secretariat. GPSNR Articles, tenders and other documents can be accessed under the Resources heading of the new navigation menu.

Have thoughts or feedback about the new look? We want to hear from you! Write in to the Secretariat with your comments.


Smallholders Representation Working Group Update – February 2020

These documents have now been translated into several languages to cater to the geographical diversity of the group. Ensuring that the smallholders have a good foundational understanding of GPSNR’s aims, structure and bodies of the Platform and the roles of those bodies, is key to inclusion and participation. 

A sub-Working Group has been specially established to focus on preparations for the General Assembly and related sessions. The sub-Working Group will have its first session in early March, and will discuss matters such as agenda, potential facilitators, translation services, as well as plans to hold two half-day orientation sessions with the smallholders prior to the General Assembly. 

Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, the Working Group will revise its timeline for continuing its plans to organize smallholder workshops in additional countries like India and Malaysia. Up for consideration is a partnership with the Capacity Building Working Group on possible short-term projects that can be implemented in the meantime.

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