GPSNR Reporting Requirements

The Reporting Requirements were approved at the 2021 General Assembly to provide ordinary member companies with a way to report on their progress in implementing GPSNR’s Policy Framework. With the approval of the reporting requirements, ordinary member companies shall report annually on the questions included in the Reporting Requirements for the member’s reporting category.

Members shall submit data for the previous year according to the following reporting timelines:


  • Producers or Processors and Traders of Raw Materials: on or before 30 June
  • Manufacturers and Traders of Processed Material: on or before 30 September
  • End Users: on or before 31 December.

All members that joined GPSNR before 31 December 2021 shall submit Year 1 data for 2021 in 2022 according to the schedule specified above for each reporting category. Any members that join GPSNR on or after 1 January 2022 shall submit their Year 1 data according to the schedule specified for each reporting category above in the year after they join the Platform (e.g., a member joining GSPNR after 1 January 2022 submitting reporting data for an Industrial Producer or Processor or Trader of Raw Materials would submit 2022 reporting data to GPSNR on or before 30 June 2023).


Year 1 data is considered baseline information and the reported information will not be evaluated against the GPSNR compliance system. Members’ reporting in subsequent years will be evaluated against the GPSNR compliance system once it is in place.


The finalized list of questions in the Reporting Requirements can be found in the links below. 

(To save a copy of the excel file, please click on the link above, navigate to the top left of your screen, File > Save As > Download a Copy)

GPSNR Reporting Requirements Submissions

Producers, Processors & Traders


End Users

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Step 1: Commitment and Reporting