A State of Becoming

An annual report highlighting 2024 as a year of growth at the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR).


A Year of Big Shifts

Developing an Effective Assurance System for Sustainable Natural Rubber

In 2024, GPSNR launched its Assurance System structure, the culmination of two years of stakeholder discussions, document reviews, and pilot testing across all levels of the supply chain and various regions.

This Assurance System helps GPSNR members commit to, implement, and verify robust sustainability and equity principles. It is supported by GPSNR’s Assurance Ecosystem, which provides members with a mandatory framework alongside optional tools to assist in their sustainability journey.

GPSNR’s Assurance Ecosystem supports the member’s journey through a mandatory framework and supplementary tools

GPSNR's Shared Investment Mechanism

Recognizing that sustainability costs are often unevenly distributed, GPSNR’s manufacturer members launched the Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) in 2024. This initiative pools industry contributions into a collective fund, ensuring fairer financial support for sustainability projects across the natural rubber supply chain.

This initiative is not just about funding projects – it is a fundamental restructuring of how costs and benefits are distributed across the supply chain, ensuring sustainability is a shared commitment.

How the Shared Investment Mechanism Works

GPSNR's first year as an independent entity

2024 was GPSNR’s first year as an independently registered entity. It was hosted by WBCSD Asia Pacific for the first few years. This meant that an expansion plan charted out in 2023 was set in motion this year, which meant a bigger secretariat team and increasing responsibilities for existing staff, particularly around capacity building, reporting and assurance.

Increased Policy Engagement

The European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) led us to act collectively to engage with policymakers. GPSNR also developed industry wide tools like an Operational Manual for PPT members, Legality Studies and Risk Assessments to support members in regulatory compliance. 


A Year of Deep Listening

GPSNR’s strength has always been its collaborative, trust-based and values driven multistakeholder process. In 2024, GPSNR members came together at multiple occasions to listen, share and find common ground in their shared goal of a sustainable supply chain.

Key Milestones

Executive Committee meetings in Paris and London that built trust and furthered essential decision making

In-person members meeting Singapore that brought forth the Assurance Model & Shared Investment Mechanism

Extraordinary General Assemblies that passed key decisions

One on one meetings between member companies and the Secretariat

Multiple discussions: Manufacturers and PPTs (on EUDR operational guidance), PPTs and Civil Society (on value transfer), and Civil Society with Smallholders.


A Year of Learning Lessons on the Ground

The Assurance System was piloted by five member companies across different parts of the world to understand and fix gaps.

Without these pilots, the Assurance System could not have taken into account on-ground realities. While we will continue to gain more insights once the system is implemented in entirety, the pilots gave us the space and the confidence to test out many ideas. 

We conducted three capacity building projects this year in 2 countries, impacting more than 7,000 smallholders. As the Shared Investment Mechanism comes further into force, GPSNR continues to run its existing capacity building projects, which have impacted almost 13,000 smallholders as of today. Take a look here.


A Year of Building Further on a Solid Foundation

The results we saw in 2024 are a result of the last few years of building a strong foundation based on sustainability, equity and fairness.

Key Milestones

New members, six of which are from India and China

New smallholders became GPSNR members

A new members portal for easy information access

A digital platform to simplify and report data on GPSNR’s reporting requirements

A global digital knowledge sharing mobile app called Rubber Wiki for smallholders available in 10 countries, 11 languages


Statement of Financials

All amounts are in SGD (Singapore Dollar)

SourceIncome (2024)Expenses


Capacity building261483.36161375.94100107.42

*The surplus is designated exclusively for capacity-building projects in 2025

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