Statement by the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber on Proposed new EU Deforestation Regulation

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The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) affirms the commitment of its membership toward deforestation-free natural rubber supply chains and acknowledges the importance of engaging with regulators to support its ambitions. In considering how to address the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market, we urge EU regulators to continue to engage with the rubber and tyre sector to ensure that the due diligence requirements ultimately deliver social and environmental benefits, including eliminating deforestation from rubber supply chains and improving smallholder livelihoods. Adopting a risk-based approach at jurisdictional or landscape level with mitigation and impact driven capacity building actions would promote inclusive and scalable progress in the smallholder context, whilst effectively addressing the goal of preventing products derived from deforestation caused by natural rubber from being placed on EU markets.

In this respect, GPSNR believes that any regulation addressing deforestation in the natural rubber supply chain, including the present proposal, must align with the following factors to be transformative:

• Sustainable natural rubber must promote equity for smallholders. Smallholders represent 85% of natural rubber production globally. The design of any regulation relating to natural rubber must consider and mitigate any potential negative impacts on smallholder farmers while aiming to improve the livelihoods of farmers who adopt sustainable practices.

• Considering the complexity of the natural rubber supply chain, a risk-based approach that has jurisdictional traceability as its foundation offers a practical and effective approach to addressing deforestation. While advances in traceability are being made in the natural rubber sector, it is currently infeasible to conduct farm-to-factory tracing in all cases. A risk-based approach would include requiring some farm-to-factory tracing where risk is non-negligible, but not in every natural rubber supply chain.

• Capacity building to promote sustainable practices, for smallholders and plantations alike, is an essential tool to curb deforestation in the natural rubber supply chain, so any regulation should prioritize funding to enhance capacity building.

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GPSNR Working Groups Update: August 2024

Strategy and Objectives Working Group: Hubert has completed his updates to the Assurance Model documents, which are now being consulted with the membership through the Assurance Model Task Force. Members should provide written feedback through the feedback form, and those who wish to be more actively involved in finalising these documents are encouraged to write to the Secretariat to join the Task Force. Additionally, a webinar will be conducted to share these updates and initiate further feedback from the membership. To register for the webinar, click here.

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group: The following projects have been endorsed by SCB WG members: the Indonesia GAP Coaching (Phase 1) by Koltiva, and the Income Diversification and Rubber Agroforestry Project by Dr. Eric (CIRAD) and Dr. Maria. Continued oversight of ongoing projects, including the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project (Phase 2), is being maintained. Koltiva has submitted a mid-term report, with SCB WG members requested to review and provide feedback by 26 August 2024.

Goodyear has expressed interest in extending the Indonesia GAP Coaching Project into Phase 3, with Koltiva’s proposal currently under review by the funder and the Secretariat planning to circulate it to SCB WG members for review once finalised. The Knowledge Sharing Platform is on track, with Koltiva scheduled to deliver the outcomes by 20 August 2024 and a presentation to the SCB WG on 22 August 2024. The Thailand Agroforestry Project is proceeding smoothly, with the contract for an additional project to develop a local marketing system being finalised with RAFS. Additionally, the resolution on the Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) was approved during the EGA in July 2024, and the Secretariat is facilitating the creation of a Project Management Sub-group within the SCB WG, which will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring projects under the SIM. The Terms of Reference (TORs) for this sub-group have been drafted and are pending approval from the GPSNR Executive Committee.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Mechanism has been approved by the General Assembly following the July Extraordinary General Assembly vote. The Secretariat will work on establishing the Shared Investment Mechanism and operationalising all aspects of the Shared Investment Framework. Additionally, the Secretariat will continue to develop the value transfer initiative through discussions with members.


Following the Conversation with GPSNR Topic Talks! (Members Version)

The GPSNR Topic Talks series is organised by the GPSNR Secretariat and presented by GPSNR members. The presentations cover several themes around sustainability and the global natural rubber supply chain.

The series kicked off on 27 October with a presentation by Philippe Thaler from CIRAD, on the implications of EU legislation on imported deforestation. View the webinar recording or download the slide deck from this webinar using the links provided. 

The second webinar’s theme was on smallholder solutions and featured two separate presentations. “A landscape-level approach to inclusion and capacity building for rubber smallholders” was presented by Rizki Permana from SNV, Widyantoko Sumarlin from Kirana Megatara, and Tony Hill from Proforest. Speaking from experience with the Kelola-Sendang project in South Sumatra, the presenters explained how SNV, with Proforest support, worked with rubber smallholder groups in the jurisdictional initiative, which helped to forge new links between the smallholders and a crumb rubber factory buyer in the Kirana group. 

Next, “Exploring Smallholder Solutions in the Rubber Sector – The Processing and Sale of Rubberwood to Support Smallholder Financing in Indonesia” was presented by Amy Smith from WWF, Gerald Tan from HeveaConnect, with Renée Corstens and Remco Geervliet from Financial Access. This presentation shared the findings of a study which analyzed the potential of rubberwood to serve as a mechanism to support smallholder financing in Indonesia. You can view the webinar recording or download the slide deck for this webinar using the links provided.

The next theme is Assurance and smallholders, and how we can learn from existing schemes. PEFC’s CEO Ben Gunneberg presented a webinar last night, elaborating on PEFC’s approach to standard-setting and certification. He also showcased PEFC’s current collaborative projects with their national members and companies to support smallholder producers, and how these will benefit GPSNR members and the work GPSNR is engaged in. You can view the webinar recording or download the slide deck for this webinar using the links provided.

Continuing with the same theme of Assurance and smallholders, FSC will be presenting on 8 December, an overview of smallholder certification solutions. Members may register for the webinar in the subsequent section of this article.

We are also pleased to announce an addition to the Topic Talks lineup: ‘REDD+, are carbon credits impacts overstated?’. This new presentation, jointly organized with GIZ and which will be held on 10 December, puts the spotlight on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) with an introduction to the REDD+ methodology, followed by a discussion with the authors of a recently published study, “Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon”. Members may register for this Topic Talk in the subsequent section of this article.

Assurance and Smallholders: Learning from Existing Schemes Part 2

“FSC Smallholder Certification Solutions”

8 December | 7PM (GMT+8)

Click here to register

Presented by: FSC

The presentation will cover FSC’s solutions for smallholders to become certified. First, an overview of the evaluation of certification solutions for smallholders will be given. FSC’s existing solutions will be covered, with a focus on the benefits for FSC Group Certification. Next, solutions in the pipeline will be covered, addressing the impact of pilot projects and highlighting success stories.

REDD+, are carbon credits impacts overstated?  

10 December | 3PM (GMT+8)

Click here to register

Jointly Organized by: GIZ 

Presented by: GIZ and authors of the study

Using REDD+ projects to offset carbon emissions through avoided deforestation and the financial support of local communities is popular but also highly debated. Especially, voluntary REDD+ projects are regularly criticized as inefficient or even greenwashing. This presentation will provide an introduction to the REDD+ methodology. The authors of a recent critical study, “Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon” will then present their findings and suggestions as a basis for discussion.

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