PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Feedback on National Risk Assessments

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As part of the ongoing development of the assurance model, the Secretariat has commissioned national risk assessments that will support members in the implementation of GPSNR’s assurance system. We are now opening a public consultation to solicit feedback on these risk assessments.

Please note that the risk assessments provided through this consultation are initial drafts prepared by an external consultant and their contents do not reflect the view of GPSNR or symbolize an endorsement by any of its members. This public consultation will gather feedback to improve the drafts for subsequent review within GPSNR.

The risk assessments are available for review here. Please note that the validation sheets contain identical content to the risk assessment forms.

We invite members and stakeholders to provide their feedback on the relevant countries using the feedback sheets available here. Kindly ensure that all feedback is submitted by the 28th of August.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at We appreciate your input.

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Secretariat Update – February 2020

On Friday 7 February, Singapore announced that it was stepping up its risk assessment level. Previously at ‘Yellow’ on the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) scale, the country is now at ‘Orange’. This change triggered additional precautionary measures such as an advice to cancel or defer all non-essential large-scale events. More countries are also putting in place such measures, from enforced quarantine for certain travelers to outright travel restrictions.

The safety and comfort of all members remains our utmost priority. The Secretariat will continue to monitor the situation closely, with the intention to hold the General Assembly once it becomes more stable. The new date for the General Assembly will be in 2020, and will be communicated with due notice to all members. 

During this time, all Working Groups will continue to advance their work in establishing a policy toolbox, shaping capacity building initiatives, achieving transparency and traceability, and solidifying smallholder inclusivity in GPSNR. 

The GPSNR Executive Committee has agreed to extend the deadline for submission of General Assembly resolutions and Executive Committee nominations to Tuesday, 31 March 2020.

For the latest updates on the progress of our Working Groups, please refer to the News and Publications section of our website.


GPSNR Working Groups Update: May 2022

Here are all their updates from the last month:

Strategy and Objectives Working Group

The working group has made some significant progress this month on its work around risk simply by bringing so many members together in a room! Apart from this, their priorities for the next phase have been finalised and include the assurance model, a strategy for government engagement and a risk assessment framework.

Smallholder Representation Working Group

After successful workshops in Ghana and Liberia earlier this month, the group is now focusing on reviewing the structure of smallholder membership on the Platform, and developing plans for the pilot agroforestry workshops for smallholders.

Policy Toolbox Working Group

This group is inviting members feedback on the transparent reporting roadmap, which you can take a look at here. Once feedback is incorporated into the roadmap, it will be presented to the Executive Committee as a resolution ahead of the 2022 General Assembly. They are also finalising the reporting guidance for all member categories, and developed implementation guidance for manufacturers and end user categories. Currently, their long yet important to-do also includes finalising the compliance panel operational guidance.

Capacity Building Working Group

The group has kicked off GPSNRs first capacity building project on the ground in Indonesia with Koltiva (funded by Pirelli and Goodyear), for which you can expect updates soon! As a continuation of their work from last month, they remain busy with the development of the Knowledge Sharing Platform and technical analysis of other IT platforms, and will release updates on more capacity building projects in June!

Shared Responsibility Working Group

The Shared Responsibility working group has received EC approval for the resolution on the Shared Responsibility framework! They will soon be submitting the finalised resolution, and operationalising next steps based on the framework.

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