Month: September 2023

GPSNR Working Groups Update: September 2023

Strategy and Objectives Working Group:
The Traceability Pilot Field Trials consortiums Agridence and Koltiva have presented the final reports, which have been distributed within the Risk Subgroup. 

The Risk Subgroup has extended an invitation to ASI to share the formula behind the Risk Assessment Framework. This ensures that the framework is malleable to fit the dynamics of the Natural Rubber Industry. 

Furthermore, the Risk Subgroup has solidified plans for an initial pilot trial in collaboration with ASI, focusing on the establishment of Indonesia’s national risk assessment.

The resolution for the Assurance Model has been finalised and is currently in circulation among the wider membership for voting. The Member’s Journey Model and Assurance Model Timeline are slated for voting at GA 2023. The following items have been included in the Resolution as a strong basis for future consultations and discussions following GA 2023: Shared Investment Mechanism, Assurance Model Framework, and KPIs.

The Risk Subgroup is awaiting proposals from the Basel Institute in addressing corruption within Rubber Supply Chains from the ASI Risk Tool, Reporting Requirements and doing a qualitative corruption data analysis. 

Furthermore, the Risk Subgroup anticipates developments in the Assurance Model in December 2023, before proceeding with the expansion of the Risk Tool and the pre-setting of national risk levels. This ensures that the Risk Tool is not developed in silo and is in alignment with the other components of the Assurance Model.

Lastly, the Risk Subgroup intends to conduct an analysis of the Risk Tool with the Policy Framework to further understand how granular should Risk Assessment reach. For example, is Risk Assessment sufficient on a theme level or would it be necessary to deep dive into the Policy Component level.  

Smallholders Representation and Capacity Building (SCB) Working Group:
The Thailand Agroforestry subgroup conducted a KPI workshop before the Agroforestry training in October 2023. The subgroup is gearing up to conduct the inaugural set of Agroforestry training sessions, benefiting 100 farmers in Songkhla in October 2023.

Additionally, a productive knowledge exchange session took place involving the Agroforestry-Income Diversification task force, Pak Febrius, and the Thailand Agroforestry Subgroups.

Meanwhile, the Thailand GAP subgroup successfully finalised a contractual agreement with Koltiva and will hold its kick-off meeting, marking the first meeting since the start of the project.

The HCSA-HCVN Field Trials task force presented its final report to the SCB WG for endorsement.

The Digital Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) task force has conducted two pre-pilot development meetings and the Rubber Wiki app was officially launched on the Google Play Store. The task force is planning a training session tailored for task force and secretariat members, focusing on the effective management of Rubber Wiki. Following the app’s official launch, the KSP contractor will organise group socialising events in Indonesia and Thailand, aimed at introducing the app and gathering valuable user feedback.

Lastly, the SCB WG is gearing up for both national and international calls with smallholder members, an essential part of the preparations leading up to GA2023.

Policy Toolbox Working Group:
During the Year 1 Reporting Review process, input on the reporting process was gathered from members through a survey and stakeholder-specific meetings. This feedback will be used to inform revisions to the Reporting Matrix and disclosure requirements for reporting Years 2 and 3, aligning with the Transparent Reporting Roadmap (TRR).

The WG selected consultant Petra Westerlaan to propose a quantitative orientation for the reporting matrix and conducting a crosswalk with other established reporting frameworks such as CDP Forest, GRI, and ZSL-SPOTT. This quantification approach is expected to facilitate data aggregation and will make evaluating annual progress easier.

The Resolution for the Disclosure Requirements for Reporting Requirements has been finalised and is will be presented to the membership for voting. 

Lastly, quantification from Petra Westerlaan has been completed and the Working Group will embark on further consultations with the Working Group to prepare the updated Reporting Requirements to be approved at an extraordinary GA.

Shared Responsibility Working Group: The Shared Investment Mechanism (SIM) Resolution has been subsumed under the Assurance Model Resolution for approval in the 2023 GA, as a strong basis for further consultation and discussion after the GA. This is due to the integral role of the KPIs, which has not been finalised, in the implementation of the SIM. 

Value and benefits per category to be defined.

The Secretariat is looking into the development of guidance for the operation of the SIM.

Additionally, there is a co-chair seat open, and we are calling for interested volunteers.

Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-C03-036-Review and support the development of a Central Repository

Introduction & Background
The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include rubber products manufacturers, natural rubber suppliers and processors (PPTs), end users, smallholders, and civil society organisations. 

The Manufacturer’s Subgroup (SG) consists of GPSNR members who are rubber product manufacturers only.  Traditionally tracing each companies supply chain takes on an individualistic approach due to the sensitive nature of the data. However, to expedite the enhancement of traceability in view of EUDR, the SG has decided on a collaborative approach by developing a Central Repository. 

The Central Repository functions as a database for storing polygons and supply chain information contributed by individual members. It will also link the smallholders, PPTs and manufacturers on a single platform while reducing duplicated mapping efforts between different manufacturers. The Repository should allow for easy extraction of information for GPSNR’s Due Diligence System and be integrated with the EU information system. Moreover, the repository should either integrate different Risk, Traceability and Deforestation mapping tools or have the data formatted in a way that allows for seamless input into the tools. 

In addition, considering the sensitive nature of individual companies’ supply chain information, the platform must implement various layers of access control. This will ensure that each manufacturer can only access information pertaining to their own supply chain. Furthermore, the repository should have distinct tiers of users, including end users, manufacturers, PPTs, and smallholders, with each tier granted access privileges relevant to their role.

Objectives and Scope of Work/ Deliverables
GPSNR expects the consultant to deliver the following:

  1. Craft a database that stores polygon and supply chain information to the plantation level and allows for the upload of geo-mapping information. 
    1. The database should also have an online dashboard view of mapped / Mapping-in-progress farmlands, contract/seller invoice information – outstanding and shipped)

  2. The Central Repository should allow data to flow to and from or store data in a way that is compatible for the uses below:
    1. Traceability tool providers (Eg – Koltiva, TRST01, Harmuni (Agridence etc))
    2. Deforestation mapping tools (Eg – LiveEO, Satelligence, Starling etc)
    3. Risk assessment systems/tools (Eg – ASI Tool or Others as available etc)

  3. Create levels of access authorizations for different accounts within the platform – 
    1. User accounts for uploading geo mapped data
    2. Access to viewing the geo-mapped data linked to user accounts for the PPTs and Manufacturers
      1. Users should only have access to information from within their own supply chains or information that they input to the repository
      2. Users should be able to form links across different tiers. For example, users should be able to form links between smallholders and PPTs, PPTs and manufacturers. 
      3. When there are several members which require access to geo mapped data from one user, the platform should have the ability to extend access authorization to multiple users.
    3. Extracting information from Due Diligence Systems and integrating it with the EU Information System (this should be limited to manufacturers only)

  4. The platform should be compliant with applicable data privacy norms and regulations which include but are not limited to the GDPR and PDPA.

  5. A fee structure including management of shared cost arising from overlapping access to geo mapped data.

  6. Data protection and cyber security policies

  7. Service Level Agreements including downtime, maintenance, customer support and service, updates.

  8. Data Backup

  9. Server location – Singapore (Preferred)

  10. A timeline for development of the Central Repository (milestones with details)

  11. Optional – Deforestation monitoring tool integrated with central repository and the applicable fee structures

Proposal Format and Contents
The proposal should include the following:

  1. A workplan that outlines all key activities of the deliverables (as outlined in Expected Deliverables above)
  2. Timeline and key stages of operations (based on Project Timeline below) 
  3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs 
  4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP
  5. A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements 
The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal: 

  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project. 
  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided as well. 
  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable. 
  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project, a cost breakdown, and daily rates and an estimated total number of days. 
  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company. 
  6. Proposals should be submitted to and for consideration. 
  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic. 

Project Timelines 

RFP Published

4 Sep 2023

Proposal Submission Deadline

25 Sep 2023

Contract Awarded

9 Oct 2023

First consultation with Manufacturer’s Subgroup 

23 Oct 2023

Bi-weekly progress updates

23 Oct – 18 Dec

Final Report + Deliverable submission

19 Dec 2023

The Platform will review budget proposals from service providers and the budget will comprise an important part of awarding the contract.

Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract
  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan
  • 40% on go-live 
  • Balance 10% – 1 month after go-live

Evaluation Factors
GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal
  2. Relevant past performance/ experience
  3. Samples of work
  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership
  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff

GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

View RFP Document here

Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-C03-035-Polygon Mapping Thailand

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. 


The Manufacturer’s Subgroup (SG) consists of GPSNR members who are rubber product manufacturers only.  The SG is seeking a consultant/field to map their supply shed (i.e., all the farms that they are sourcing from) focusing on polygon mapping techniques in complex supply chains such as in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand – each with a separate RFP, and report on the price and time required for each polygon mapped.


The goal of the project is to investigate what effort (i.e., time and cost) may be required for a rubber processor to map their supply chain in complex supply chains in Thailand. 

The consultant is to map small holder farmers in selected regions within Thailand. Manufacturers will specify the regions to be mapped at a later date. 

The service provider should work with the Manufacturer’s Subgroup and the participating processors from Thailand and their dealers to:


  1. Keep track of the time and costs of all mapping related activities throughout the study, calculate time and cost of mapping each polygon, and provide them to their GPSNR Point of Contact at the end of the survey.

  2. Register farmers using a provided data logger application. The service provider is welcomed to use their own data logger application. 


Scope of Work/Expected Deliverables

Specifically, GPSNR expects the consultant to:

  1. Map regions of rubber producers supplying to the participating processor in Thailand via polygon mapping. 

    1. Single GPS coordinates should not be utilised irrespective of the size of the plantation. 

    2. Geo mapping to include coordinates up to 6 decimal places in geoJSON format 

    1. Store/transfer geo location polygons mapped, to a 3rd party database as designated. 

    2. Bi-weekly progress reports 

    3. Ensure compliance to applicable local and global data privacy norms and regulations such as but not limited to GDPR, PDPA, etc.

  1. We would like a detailed account of the resources: 

    1. Price per polygon mapped – Cost per unit (per Farmer/Plot/Polygon) 

    2. Timeline to map Polygons per day (eg 18 months to map X polygons)

  1. A recommendation of the scalability of this pilot

    1. Can the same estimated cost/time/labour be replicated in other regions/jurisdictions within the same country?

    2. E.g., $X/farm is calculated but is not scalable due to what reason(s).

  2. Interested parties should submit the quote for the following – 

    1. For mapping polygons (cost per Ha)

    2. For mapping polygons + completing set of questionnaires as a part of risk assessment

  3. Comply with applicable data privacy norms and regulations (including but not limited to GDPR and PDPA).

  4. An optional activity that service providers could provide is the ability to integrate a transactional traceability function (own or 3rd party as designated)

Proposal Format and Contents

The proposal should include the following:


  1. A workplan that outlines the key activities towards the deliverables outlined in Expected Deliverables above

  2. The timeline and key stages of operations based on Project Timeline below 

  3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs as mentioned above

  4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP

A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements 

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal: 


  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project. 

  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided. 

  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable. 

  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days. 

  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company. 

  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 25th of September to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to and for consideration. 

  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic. 

Project Timelines


RFP Published

4 Sep 2023

Proposal Submission Deadline

25 Sep 2023

Contract Awarded

9 Oct 2023

Initial methodology presentation and Q&A with subgroup

23 Oct 2023

Bi-weekly progress updates

23 Oct till project conclusion

Other milestones to be agreed upon during initial Q&A




The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 20USD/ha be allocated to this engagement and more competitive quotations will be favoured. 


Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract

  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan

  • 50% to be agreed based on mutually agreed milestones

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel expenses, if deemed necessary by both the consultant and Secretariat, are incurred and documented.

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal

  2. Relevant past performance/ experience

  3. Samples of work

  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership

  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff


GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

View RFP Document here

Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-C03-034-Polygon Mapping Malaysia

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. 


The Manufacturer’s Subgroup (SG) consists of GPSNR members who are rubber product manufacturers only.  The SG is seeking a consultant/field to map their supply shed (i.e., all the farms that they are sourcing from) focusing on polygon mapping techniques in complex supply chains such as in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand – each with a separate RFP, and report on the price and time required for each polygon mapped.


The goal of the project is to investigate what effort (i.e., time and cost) may be required for a rubber processor to map their supply chain in complex supply chains in Malaysia. 

The consultant is to map small holder farmers in selected regions within Malaysia. Manufacturers will specify the regions to be mapped at a later date. 

The service provider should work with the Manufacturer’s Subgroup and the participating processors from Malaysia and their dealers to:


  1. Keep track of the time and costs of all mapping related activities throughout the study, calculate time and cost of mapping each polygon, and provide them to their GPSNR Point of Contact at the end of the survey.

  2. Register farmers using a provided data logger application. The service provider is welcomed to use their own data logger application. 


Scope of Work/Expected Deliverables

Specifically, GPSNR expects the consultant to:

  1. Map regions of rubber producers supplying to the participating processor in Malaysia via polygon mapping. 

    1. Single GPS coordinates should not be utilised irrespective of the size of the plantation. 

    2. Geo mapping to include coordinates up to 6 decimal places in geoJSON format 

    1. Store/transfer geo location polygons mapped, to a 3rd party database as designated. 

    2. Bi-weekly progress reports 

    3. Ensure compliance to applicable local and global data privacy norms and regulations such as but not limited to GDPR, PDPA, etc.

  1. We would like a detailed account of the resources: 

    1. Price per polygon mapped – Cost per unit (per Farmer/Plot/Polygon) 

    2. Timeline to map Polygons per day (eg 18 months to map X polygons)

  1. A recommendation of the scalability of this pilot

    1. Can the same estimated cost/time/labour be replicated in other regions/jurisdictions within the same country?

    2. E.g., $X/farm is calculated but is not scalable due to what reason(s).

  2. Interested parties should submit the quote for the following – 

    1. For mapping polygons (cost per Ha)

    2. For mapping polygons + completing set of questionnaires as a part of risk assessment

  3. Comply with applicable data privacy norms and regulations (including but not limited to GDPR and PDPA).

  4. An optional activity that service providers could provide is the ability to integrate a transactional traceability function (own or 3rd party as designated)

Proposal Format and Contents

The proposal should include the following:


  1. A workplan that outlines the key activities towards the deliverables outlined in Expected Deliverables above

  2. The timeline and key stages of operations based on Project Timeline below 

  3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs as mentioned above

  4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP

A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements 

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal: 


  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project. 

  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided. 

  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable. 

  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days. 

  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company. 

  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 25th of September to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to and for consideration. 

  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic. 

Project Timelines


RFP Published

4 Sep 2023

Proposal Submission Deadline

25 Sep 2023

Contract Awarded

9 Oct 2023

Initial methodology presentation and Q&A with subgroup

23 Oct 2023

Bi-weekly progress updates

23 Oct till project conclusion

Other milestones to be agreed upon during initial Q&A




The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 20USD/ha be allocated to this engagement and more competitive quotations will be favoured. 


Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract

  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan

  • 50% to be agreed based on mutually agreed milestones

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel expenses, if deemed necessary by both the consultant and Secretariat, are incurred and documented.

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal

  2. Relevant past performance/ experience

  3. Samples of work

  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership

  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff


GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

View RFP Document here

Request For Proposal – GPSNR-RFP-C03-033-Polygon Mapping Indonesia

Introduction & Background

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership initiative seeking to lead improvements in the socioeconomic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Members of the platform include tire manufacturers, rubber suppliers and processors, vehicle makers and NGOs. 


The Manufacturer’s Subgroup (SG) consists of GPSNR members who are rubber product manufacturers only.  The SG is seeking a consultant/field to map their supply shed (i.e., all the farms that they are sourcing from) focusing on polygon mapping techniques in complex supply chains such as in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand – each with a separate RFP, and report on the price and time required for each polygon mapped.


The goal of the project is to investigate what effort (i.e., time and cost) may be required for a rubber processor to map their supply chain in complex supply chains in Indonesia. 

The consultant is to map small holder farmers in selected regions within Indonesia. Manufacturers will specify the regions to be mapped at a later date. 

The service provider should work with the Manufacturer’s Subgroup and the participating processors from Indonesia and their dealers to:


  1. Keep track of the time and costs of all mapping related activities throughout the study, calculate time and cost of mapping each polygon, and provide them to their GPSNR Point of Contact at the end of the survey.

  2. Register farmers using a provided data logger application. The service provider is welcomed to use their own data logger application. 


Scope of Work/Expected Deliverables

Specifically, GPSNR expects the consultant to:

  1. Map regions of rubber producers supplying to the participating processor in Indonesia via polygon mapping. 

    1. Single GPS coordinates should not be utilised irrespective of the size of the plantation. 

    2. Geo mapping to include coordinates up to 6 decimal places in geoJSON format 

    1. Store/transfer geo location polygons mapped, to a 3rd party database as designated. 

    2. Bi-weekly progress reports 

    3. Ensure compliance to applicable local and global data privacy norms and regulations such as but not limited to GDPR, PDPA, etc.

  1. We would like a detailed account of the resources: 

    1. Price per polygon mapped – Cost per unit (per Farmer/Plot/Polygon) 

    2. Timeline to map Polygons per day (eg 18 months to map X polygons)

  1. A recommendation of the scalability of this pilot

    1. Can the same estimated cost/time/labour be replicated in other regions/jurisdictions within the same country?

    2. E.g., $X/farm is calculated but is not scalable due to what reason(s).

  2. Interested parties should submit the quote for the following – 

    1. For mapping polygons (cost per Ha)

    2. For mapping polygons + completing set of questionnaires as a part of risk assessment

  3. Comply with applicable data privacy norms and regulations (including but not limited to GDPR and PDPA).

  4. An optional activity that service providers could provide is the ability to integrate a transactional traceability function (own or 3rd party as designated)

Proposal Format and Contents

The proposal should include the following:


  1. A workplan that outlines the key activities towards the deliverables outlined in Expected Deliverables above

  2. The timeline and key stages of operations based on Project Timeline below 

  3. Budget, including detailed breakdown of expected manpower, logistics, and costs as mentioned above

  4. Description of past work and technical expertise that is relevant to this RFP

A list of project team members with their roles in the project and associated qualifications.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements 

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal: 


  1. Proposals will only be accepted from individuals or firms with experience relevant to this project. 

  2. Examples of previous relevant work should be provided. 

  3. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 4 pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable. 

  4. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of days. 

  5. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company. 

  6. Proposals must be received prior to the 25th of September to be considered. Proposals should be submitted to and for consideration. 

  7. GPSNR reserves the right to amend the scope and budget of this RFP in order to get the most suitable consultant for each topic. 

Project Timelines


RFP Published

4 Sep 2023

Proposal Submission Deadline

25 Sep 2023

Contract Awarded

9 Oct 2023

Initial methodology presentation and Q&A with subgroup

23 Oct 2023

Bi-weekly progress updates

23 Oct till project conclusion

Other milestones to be agreed upon during initial Q&A




The Platform is anticipating that a total budget of no more than 20USD/ha be allocated to this engagement and more competitive quotations will be favoured. 


Payment terms shall be:

  • 20% at the signing of the contract

  • 30% at the midpoint date to be agreed upon and memorialized in the contract based on the submitted work plan

  • 50% to be agreed based on mutually agreed milestones

The allocation of the payment shall be based on the net amount after travel expenses, if deemed necessary by both the consultant and Secretariat, are incurred and documented.

Evaluation Factors

GPSNR will rate proposals based on the following factors, with cost being the most important factor:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposal

  2. Relevant past performance/ experience

  3. Samples of work

  4. Cost, including an assessment of total cost of ownership

  5. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff


GPSNR reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to GPSNR as determined solely by GPSNR in its absolute discretion.

View RFP Document here

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