Milestone 2019 Feb
The GPSNR model of work was finalised. This included a revolving executive committee voted in every year and working groups that reported progress to the executive committee.
The GPSNR model of work was finalised. This included a revolving executive committee voted in every year and working groups that reported progress to the executive committee.
The first GPSNR General Assembly is held, finalising the Code of Conduct and Membership Statutes. Everyone who joined before GA 2019 was then considered a founding member.
The Smallholders Representation Working Group (SWG) was created and assigned to coordinate actions to identify and secure adequate smallholder representation within GPSNR.
The GPSNR executive committee starts working on an Assurance model for GPSNR’s work.
The recruitment of the Policy Toolbox working group and the Traceability and Transparency Working Group was completed.
The Policy Toolbox working group starts working on the GPSNR Policy Framework with the goal of having all member companies abide by it.
2 smallholder workshops in Thailand and Indonesia attended by over 125 participants reaffirm the need for smallholder representation within the platform from the beginning. [Ivory Coast (Ghana) + Vietnam + Brazil]
The first GPSNR smallholder member application is submitted after the finalisation of the smallholder statutes and definitions.