2023 Annual Report

GPSNR is an international membership driven platform set up to define sustainability for the natural rubber value chain. It brings together various stakeholders to a common ground based on fairness, equity and environmental sustainability. Membership is diverse, and is open to everyone in the natural rubber industry. 60% of the world’s natural rubber demand already finds membership in the GPSNR.

Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber © 2024 All rights reserved
GPSNR © 2024 All rights reserved

2023 Has Been a Year of Incremental Wins for GPSNR.

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* 8 PPTs, 2 manufacturers, 1 end user and 17 smallholders have joined the GPSNR fold from January – November 2023.

Assurance Model Timeline

The assurance model is a verification framework that helps members align to the GPSNR policy framework in practice. It will give the natural rubber supply chain a way to measure their sustainability commitments with high transparency and accountability standards.


GPSNR Member's Journey

Continuous improvement (iterative & cumulative process) towards sustainable natural rubber value chain



Enabling Smallholders for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

A path to building smallholder capacity for sustainability and economic growth

smallholders coached to fight diseases in Indonesia.
smallholders coached with good agricultural practices in Indonesia.
smallholders coached in agroforestry in Thailand.
smallholders coached in agroforestry in Indonesia & Cote d’Ivoire.

An Independent Entity

After four and a half years of being hosted by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Singapore, GPSNR is now an independently registered entity, also headquartered in Singapore

Our To-do List in 2024

Aligning on the assurance & financial model

Perhaps our greatest challenge in 2023 and beyond is to find industry alignment on the GPSNR assurance model, which remains our main solution framework for long term sustainability and equity. Given the state of deforestation and global warming currently, we need to act faster than we have before, especially because the model is ready in principle. 

Maintaining smallholder focus for a more equitable future

6 million smallholders produce all the world’s natural rubber. GPSNR works towards ensuring that they don’t bear the inequitable burden of sustainability while being well equipped with knowledge and capacity for more sustainable rubber farming practices.

Achieving greater transparency

While GPSNR’s reporting requirements were voted and approved by the 2021 General Assembly, we continue to work with members on public disclosures and greater transparency in reporting. 

Supporting industry collaboration in the EUDR transition

As the natural rubber supply chain works on what the implementation of the EUDR regulation will mean for their industry in the near future, GPSNR is working with all stakeholders to ensure smooth transitions with existing industry wide tools for due diligence and to protect smallholder interests. 

Our Capacity Building Donors

Statement of Financials

Source Income (2023) Income carried from 2022 Expenses Surplus
Institutional Donors 590, 788 NA 590, 788 -
Membership Capacity Building Pledges 98, 874 364, 322 180, 856 282, 610
Membership Fee 1, 424, 054 255, 979 1, 209, 477 470, 556
Total 2, 113, 716 620, 301 1, 980, 851 753, 166

*All amount in SGD

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